Android Expert
It depends on which one you're running bro.
1st off, I had to use Philz Recovery to even get it to flash. The old version of TWRP just wasn't gonna work. I flashed Philz and off to the races I went!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the real deal too bro. Official CyanogenMod Nightlies..... I used the 12/15 build from here-
CyanogenMod Downloads
Then I chose to use the PA GAPPS FULL MODULAR PACKAGE from here-
[GAPPS][4.4.x/4.3.x] OFFICIAL 0-Day PA-GOOGLE APPS (All ROM's) [2013-12-15] - xda-developers
I then flashed the KToonsez 747 4.4 AOSP KittyKat kernel here-
[KERNEL][SPR][AOSP/TW][JB and KITKAT][12/03/2013] KT747 - MD4 - KTweaker - xda-developers
switching between data and wifi works w/o a hitch. Now this one is the REAL KICKER!!!!! I am set up on the Sprint apns but my mms is working. Das a right bruh. Don't ask me no questions so I ain't gotta tell ya no lies. I have no idea what's up with that but it is what it is.
DO you think I should flash the sprint apn ? Right now I'm on the boost xml. Has anyone flashed this on the boost xml? Also, I'm on twrps latest build, you don't think that would work? Should I flash this build you mentioned or the newest one, I see there is a newer build. I would love to be able to use this rom as my daily. Thanks for all the help.