Extreme Android User
Yeah I read that too I hope they can bring at least a few s5 features to our version because I watched a video of the s3 running 4.4 and the only noticeable changes are the white coloring in the status bar, the camera icon is now on the lockscreen, you get full lockscreen album art and emojis so that's pretty stale not to complain just saying for a 4.4 update I'm surprised that they even released 4.4 for the old s3 lol that's a plus
Yep. I think it's pretty cool we're getting the official update. I guess it goes to show just how popular the S3 really is and how many are out there.
I'm definitely looking forward to flashing a Kit Kat TouchWiz ROM on my phone and trying it out. I'm actually pretty stoked about it. I know Rompnit and Cnexus are going to work their magic with it and give us something that's awesome. I had read where a member posted that a MOAR update would be out in a few days. Personally, I think it'll take a little more time than a few days. They are gonna have to go completely through Kit Kat and if I'm not mistaken, that's pretty much means almost a total ROM rebuild of MOAR. I'm no Dev but I do know that is something that's gonna take time to be done properly.
I did read something I thought was interesting though. If the comment I read is true, Ting actually got the 1st OTA. I have to admit it. That surprised me.