I bought a new Samsung Galaxy Note20 ultra 5g through my phone provider 2 years ago. I recently downloaded the app 'Root Checker Pro' to check for security reasons. While the app's root verification process produced negative results. However, the app's secondary verification process produced a positive result for something called "Busybox" and showed a file path where it says it is installed on my device. I definitely didn't install Busybox as wasn't I even aware of its existence. I brought in my phone into a Asurion verified repair shop to get my screen replaced on 2 separate occasions in December of 2021 and April of this year. I can't remember when exactly when but I began noticing unusual behaviours on my device itself like apps and settings resetting on their own, multiple Note20 ultra name variations signed into various accounts of mine, receiving strange test messages, emails and phone calls. Also, I started to observe large atypical data amounts being used as well as charges on my phone bill that my provider can't even come up with coherent explanations for such as provider linked app and subscription payments. Fees for long distance, texts messages and call waiting both inbound and outbound that I didn't make. I went into my devices recovery mode and found a few suspicious log entries with one section stating that something along the lines of "if debug mode wasn't being used the device isn't intended be used for production use". I downloaded ZArchiver and gave access to "support file operations as the root user" in an attempt to veiw the Busybox file path location implicated by Root Checker Pro. Which only got me 2 file name deep before I was stopped by "access is denied". I'll attach some screenshots for reference. I have spent dozens of hours trying to understand what security weakness possibilities are out there that I should look up on and attempt through the process of elimination troubleshooting anything I found that was simular to what I was experiencing. I just don't have enough time to become technically proficient enough to understand the levels and layers involved with the analysis and protection of computer security systems. I've installed multiple antivirus apps but there worthless against social engineering type attacks. Or at least that I'm aware of. I assistance with this from minds more skilled then mine would be massively appreciated. If there's any additional information that would help I can make available if it would help. Thank you.
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