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Help Charges to 90% and stops sometimes


Android Enthusiast
Sometimes I wake up, check my phone and the light is green, but the lockscreen says 90%. So I have to reconnect the charger, anyone know why this happens / does it happen to you?

recalibrate the battery
Use the phone- Let it go to 0% drain it as much as possibile, untill it wont even turn on
then leave it on charge for a few hours, let it go all the way to 100%
that should fix it

I had done that on my first couple of charges but will try it today. I'll report on the outcoome. Thanks
I ran it down and charged, my alarm went off in the morning and it said 100%, I snoozed it and when it went off again it was down to 90% (with the charger still on).

I may try taking the battery out and putting it back in to see if that works. Anyone got any ideas?
mine does that aswell will charge over night ( 7 hours ) up to about 93% then it takes another 3 hours to charge to 100%

doesnt seem right to me.
Um, this is normal.....

My Nexus One (which is the same phone as the Desire, just with Vanilla Android OS) battery led goes from amber to green at 90% but it does not mean that the phone is yet fully charged [just charged enough if you want to remove it].

It gets charged overnight on the desk dock & I would recommend against charging via USB.
Um, this is normal.....

My Nexus One (which is the same phone as the Desire, just with Vanilla Android OS) battery led goes from amber to green at 90% but it does not mean that the phone is yet fully charged [just charged enough if you want to remove it].

It gets charged overnight on the desk dock & I would recommend against charging via USB.

It stops charging at 90%, I don't mind if the light goes green, but it appears to have stopped charging at 90%. Shouldn't it continue charging til 100%?
I have to remove the charger and put it back in, it then goes orange again and charges to 100%
I'm on and haven't noticed the problem you are having.
The battery is doing quite well so far as well actually, I've only had it a few days but the last charge has run the longest so far at 26 hours with the charge level currently at 26%.
I will drain to 0 and charge to full with phone switched off, and do a soft reset to see if that helps the issue and see if the issue is still there.
My battery life is fine, its just that it doesn't go to 100%
No issues on my Tmob desire.

What happens if you reboot?

I'll see how it goes from now on, did a soft reset (for the first time since getting the phone) so I'll wait and see if it is resolved. If not, t-mobile will be getting a call to have the battery replaced!
Today I took it off charge, it was at 100%, it then jumped straight down to 90% a while later (with no use)

Whats going on! Do you think its a battery problem or software problem?
Should I ask t-mobile to send a new battery?
Today I took it off charge, it was at 100%, it then jumped straight down to 90% a while later (with no use)

Whats going on! Do you think its a battery problem or software problem?
Should I ask t-mobile to send a new battery?

I've just posted in a separate thread about a battery and your problem sounds similar to what i'm facing with the battery.

charged mine overnight, unplugged and it dropped 15% in and hour and a half on standby. I'm on the orange network so it looks as if it's not a t-mobile rom problem
A while later is about 5mins, it will be down to 90% or sometimes I will wake up and it will be green and at 90% (after a full night of charging). The issue seems to be pointing towards that the phone does not go into trickle mode when fully charged?

If I reconnect the charger, it charges up to 100% within about 30mins and the battery holds up pretty well for the whole day though but its really annoying that it only charges up to 90%!
My fw update to .11 seems to have helped the issue.

I'd suggest removing apps and widgets and charge it whilst turned off to compare.

Update, last night I left my phone on whilst charging and this time stuck on 98% again.

Not sure what the issue here is now. But deffo something not right.
Ok, so last night I ran my phone down til it switched off, switched it on again and waited for it to turn off. I did this continuously til the power button no longer worked. I then took out the battery and replaced it. Then I put it on charge without having the phone switched on.

Turned the phone on today and it was at 99%. Its now 95% so the charge seems weak, but it seems to have improved since the 90%?

Maybe after a few more full calibrations it will be fine. I will try this for another couple of days and see if it helped.
I ran down the battery yesterday until it wouldn't turn on , charged it overnight took it off charge at 8.30 and it was still showin 100% at 12.00 sent 4 texts and recieved 3 and it dropped to 95%. It's 13.15pm as i type and it's still showing 95%. At 18.45 it was still at 90% after a few more txt's

Much much better than dropping the 15% in and hour on standby and more like i was expecting
Mine uses 1-2% an hour on average. This includes using it through theday, which obv will mean a sudden drop at one point, and hardly any in standby.
I ran down the battery yesterday until it wouldn't turn on , charged it overnight took it off charge at 8.30 and it was still showin 100% at 12.00 sent 4 texts and recieved 3 and it dropped to 95%. It's 13.15pm as i type and it's still showing 95%. At 18.45 it was still at 90% after a few more txt's

Much much better than dropping the 15% in and hour on standby and more like i was expecting

Exactly the same case here, a much improved battery life since doing that, I am going to run the battery down again today to 0 and see if the battery charges to 100% this time!

Also is it me, or did using a live wallpaper improve my battery life? 16 hours and over 30% here which I've never had before.
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