Android Enthusiast
mines stays at the loading screen with the android on the skate board. i did change the framework-res.apk. only thing i changed there was the strings fro roaming indicator which i had done with the first beta and it worked. maybe im doing something wrong. when recompiling the apk when it asks if its a system app i put y cuz i dont remember what i pressed last time. then when it asks if i want to copy any other files to get the least amount of error i put no. it then makes a unsignedframework-res.apk i rename it to say only framework-res and copy it to hroarks zip and flash it through cwm. i even tried using the framework-res.apk i made for the other one and it wont work. do i have to select no when it asks if its a system apk? i dont remember how i did it last time.