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Daily Carry Items...

Joe Dirt

Android Enthusiast
So what does every one lug around all day everyday?

Some times I feel like I am carrying too much stuff around but I need everything I carry so what are you gonna do.

Daily carry items:
The phone will be changed out in the next month or two and sometimes I carry my 1911 but that PT111 is just so light and compact.

So lets see it! or just tell about it.
For me it would be Money clip, Phone, Keys, sunglasses. I hate having stuff in my pockets... I used to carry a gun also, but not anymore.
Not to make this too complicated, but it all depends on what I am wearing and where I am going. If I am going to carry a purse or not makes a big difference too.

The things that I can't leave the house without are:

No purse: Small wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, sunscreen and Glock 26

Purse: Large wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, sunscreen, Glock 19, extra hair clip, brush, make-up, etc. :D
My forever yammering, safety-minded sister-in-law asked me (again) a few weeks ago when I was going to "get rid of that gun."

Usually I smile and tell her not to worry about it unless she plans on attempting to rob me. This time I turned to her and said, "The day you get rid of your fire extinguisher."

She fell silent this time. So, I proposed a toast to safety equipment in general. ;)
phone , keys,and wallet (the small one at that) is all for me... rest stays in the car. lol
I carry daily; wallet, phone, keys, a pen (sunglasses, weather permitting) a lifetime of guilt, a burden of doubt and some memories (a selection of vivid bad ones, and fast fading good, depending on mood)
Up until my current screwed up state (AKA back when I was a real person):

H&K P7

Spare magazine

Surefire Executive light


Treo 650

Credit card/CCW/Driver's license

A little cash

A tiny Spyderco knife

At the moment: Credit card, DL, a little cash, a Droid 1.
My EVO, wallet, and keys. If I'm going to school then I get to lug around my backpack too and its wonderful contents.
Here's the pic I took for another forum with the same topic. There have been a few changes but I'm too lazy to take another picture. I now carry a G19 instead of the G26 because I wanted a tac light on my primary. I use an NTAC IWB holster for it now. The LCP has a Crimson Trace laser on it. I also carry two spare batteries now and other than that... it's pretty accurate. I sometimes wear a pair of US Standard Issue desert tan Oakley Gascans (the ones with the American flag in the 'O') instead of the ti glasses in the picture.

What's with these people carrying two guns, three knives, and probably 12 throwing stars with them?? I can get keeping a gun.... but yeesh. I just have phone, wallet, keys.
If I have to go to the office: Wallet, keys, phone
If I do not have to go to the office: Wallet, keys, phone, Glock 19 or Sig 228.
Wow, it's weird to see how many people carry guns around on a day to day basis. I live in England I don't even know anyone who owns a gun (I'm pretty sure it's illegal here, or at least you need all sorts of licenses).

I just stick with keys, phone, wallet and maybe an MP3 player and headphones.
Wallet, keys, phone, pen, sharpie, pairing knife, rubber gloves. I work in a kitchen. I like that so many people carry guns day to day! I would, but I work in a federal building, so no firearms for me.
To the people carrying guns and knives. What's the reason? Do you frequent drug dealer hangouts? Work in Law Enforcement? Overly Paranoid? What's the deal? Do you all live shady parts of town?

I feel completely safe when I leave my home and even if I was packing heat, there would be no way I could take a life because someone was in the unfortunate position to have to rob me of a few bucks. I might get a beating, but at least I could live with myself. In a different life, perhaps I would have been that robber who was lucky not to get killed for taking $20.
I only carry around my Droid X and essential cards (driver's license, ATM card, and student ID card).
wallet, keys, phone :eek: Yeesh ;) and is that a G1? Do they still exist?? :)

The G1 has been a great piece of hardware, I got it on the day it was released average about 1000mins of talk, 350txt msgs and surf 1.5gbs of data a month, I kick it open anytime I have to type because I really dislike the on screen keyboard. All the buttons work, slides open with very little play, the only thing I have had to replace is the battery, the old one started to bulge and wouldn't hold a charge more than an hour.
To the people carrying guns and knives. What's the reason? Do you frequent drug dealer hangouts? Work in Law Enforcement? Overly Paranoid? What's the deal? Do you all live shady parts of town?

I feel completely safe when I leave my home and even if I was packing heat, there would be no way I could take a life because someone was in the unfortunate position to have to rob me of a few bucks. I might get a beating, but at least I could live with myself. In a different life, perhaps I would have been that robber who was lucky not to get killed for taking $20.
I used to live in a bad area.. Grew up with a "hood" mentality. Carried unregistered firearms the whole bit. Once I got out of that I got a gun legally and permit to conceal, just kinda stuck with me cause I know the things people are capable of. I don't carry it so much now because I travel a lot and it is a pain in the ass moving state to state with it.
To the people carrying guns and knives. What's the reason? Do you frequent drug dealer hangouts? Work in Law Enforcement? Overly Paranoid? What's the deal? Do you all live shady parts of town?

I feel completely safe when I leave my home and even if I was packing heat, there would be no way I could take a life because someone was in the unfortunate position to have to rob me of a few bucks. I might get a beating, but at least I could live with myself. In a different life, perhaps I would have been that robber who was lucky not to get killed for taking $20.

Unfortunate? We all make our decisions in life and someone who decides to rob someone else is a bad person. Period. I can value not only my life but that of anyone else who is innocently going about their life above that trash. You also are making a very dangerous assumption that the bad guy will let you live once he gets what he wants. It's just as easy to kill someone over $20 to not leave a witness and it happens every day. People are killed for the cash in their pocket because thugs don't value another human life above that $20CAD you have in your wallet. I hate how liberals put themselves in the shoes of bad people. Either you're a bad person or you're not. A good person doesn't rob people at knife-point. Period. I just hope you never have to find this out first hand because then it will be too late and I value my life WAY too much to trust some junkie who would just as soon gut me for the diamond wedding ring on my finger that means nothing more than another higher to him. I'll reserve my judgement of people who live life looking through rose colored-glasses and hoping that something bad never happens to them and their number is called if you agree not to judge me for taking responsibility for my own life, that of my loved ones and those innocent people around me who are unable to protect themselves for whatever reason... including you. Fair?

wow i never would have guessed this many people carry guns

That's why it's called concealed. ;)

The more people that get the required training and get a permit via proper channels the safer we all are. Just ask the residents of Chicago or Australia how safe banning firearms made them...
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