I don't know if there is a proper place to file bug reports anywhere, but since fex is active here, this will probably do
Samsung Galaxy S, Android 2.2 FroYo stock
Problem description:
When the phone lags significantly (finds new WiFi network, or something else that's outside this game's control), there are many glitches in gameplay. This includes (but is not limited to)
- the dillo rolling through diamonds without picking them up
- the dillo dropping through birds without bouncing
- the dillo suddenly flying at super-speeds when the last thing I saw was a hard crash into a hill
I think this is because the game mechanics is tied to each displayed frame. I'm guessing the game loop considers a time delta (now_timestamp - last_frame_timestamp) for every frame rendered, and calculates new positions from there, does collision detection etc. Now, this works fine as long as framerate is reasonably steady, but once you have a very big delta, stuff gets missed, and things like passing through solid objects happen.
Proposed solutions:
option 1)
Make sure that the game "catches up" on several internal "game mechanic" frames without rendering if the time delta is too large between frames.
option 2)
If the time delta between frames is too large, make sure to "readjust" the game accordingly. Basically forcing a "pause" in the game, and subtracting from the elapsed game timer
Other than that, I really enjoy the game
It's annoying to have to play on low details on my Galaxy S to avoid crashes, but I'm sure you'll be able to fix that.