Android Enthusiast
What's up guys?? I've been gone from the forums for a sec but I'm back with new delimas and questions!!! Lol and thanx to all who gave me links!!! But my very first question may be odd but my phone has not had service for at least a week now (because I didn't pay the bill). But I still get data!!! I used the network signal info app and it says its connected and its to a EvDo A network!!! It has better reception than if my phone actually had service!!! But here's the thing it shows the 3g symbol and the arrows moving and the app says it has upload and download but I can't use it??? It just runs in the background and let's me go to Google and that's it!!! Can anyone tell me why this is?? Or more importaintly how to use it!! If I try to go to any other website the boost mobile warning pops up saying my balance is not enough!! And my apps don't work with it except things like ip.config and lan droid. Help me exploit this please!! Lol Thanx guys!!!
Well pay your bill and you won't have the problem......