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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

I know it's like being a fan of Android and Apple

No, it's not near as bad because as we all know, Steve Jobs is the anti-Christ.

I like Star Wars a lot myself, I'm just not as obsessed with it as I am with Star Trek, since it came first and caught me as a child. I did however, wait in line for three days at Grauman's Chinese theater in Hollywood to see the first showing of the original Star Wars back in 77, does that count? :D

bwah hahahahahah! :rolleyes::p:D

It really is true, y'know! ;)
I think that I was one of the few people that ADORED Episode one, but then again that came out when I was like 12 and I wanted a REAL lightsaber.

Lol, I was around that age too. Hence I loved Episode One.

Dont mind the iPhone, thats the womans. This was taken with my LG dare before the INC days..

Anybody here read DM of the Rings? I read it a couple years back while at work and it was really hard to keep the laughter quiet. I'm sure people were wondering what I was up to. :D

His second webcomic, Chainmail Bikini, had some potential, but he and the artist had a hard time colaborating, so they just dropped it. His description of how it was going to end was really cool.
Anybody here read DM of the Rings? I read it a couple years back while at work and it was really hard to keep the laughter quiet. I'm sure people were wondering what I was up to. :D

His second webcomic, Chainmail Bikini, had some potential, but he and the artist had a hard time colaborating, so they just dropped it. His description of how it was going to end was really cool.
I haven't but I'll check it out.
Just a note to let everyone here in the lounge know if they don't already, that there is a nasty email virus going around today. DO NOT open any email, even ones from friends that has "Here you have" in the subject line. I have been running around all day working on customers infected systems.

Here you have virus
Thanks for the warning. That explains why my comcast account couldn't sync today.
Hi gang...question. I installed Google Chrome hoping to be able to import a route from Google Maps to my Incredible. It sends the start/end points, but not the modified route I spent hours on. It reverts back to optimal route, like I had typed in the destination. Opening it in internet on the phone shows my modified route, but I would like to turn-by-turn navigate my route, not the recommended route (I have multiple stops in a LARGE vehicle.) HELP???
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