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Any of yall know anything about this? One of my clients called and mentioned he was into it, and it looks rather interesting.

Geocaching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so apparently he uses his Android in the process, im assuming GPS location of boxes around the world? I dont know

I'm a fairly new geocacher, but it is pretty cool. I use a program called Backcountry Navigator for topo maps, and then download geocaches from Geocaching.com. It uses the GPS coordinates to create a waypoint on the map, and then there is a description usually and maybe some hints on how to find the cache. I've found a few, and searched for others without finding them. It can be quite challenging, but fun.
I'm a fairly new geocacher, but it is pretty cool. I use a program called Backcountry Navigator for topo maps, and then download geocaches from Geocaching.com. It uses the GPS coordinates to create a waypoint on the map, and then there is a description usually and maybe some hints on how to find the cache. I've found a few, and searched for others without finding them. It can be quite challenging, but fun.
I'm interested in trying Backcountry Navigator, but I can't seem to find it in the Market. Do you have a link to it?

Edit - NVM, I found it.

A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I am blind and can't read the menu. Just bring me a dirty fork from a previous customer. I'll smell it and order from there."

A little confused, the owner walks over to the dirty dish pile and picks up a greasy fork. He returns to the blind man's table and hands it to him. The blind man puts the fork to his nose and takes in a deep breath.

"Ah, yes, that's what I'll have - meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

Unbelievable, the owner thinks as he walks towards the kitchen. The cook happens to be the owner's wife. He tells her what had just happened.

The blind man eats his meal and leaves.

Several days later, the blind man returns and the owner mistakenly brings him a menu again.

"Sir, remember me? I'm the blind man."

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'll go get you a dirty fork."

The owner retrieves a dirty fork and brings it to the blind man. After another deep breath, the blind man says, "That smells great. I'll take the macaroni and cheese with broccoli."

Walking away in disbelief, the owner thinks the blind man is screwing around with him and tells his wife that the next time the blind man comes in he's going to test him.

The blind man eats and leaves.

He returns the following week, but this time the owner sees him coming and runs to the kitchen.

He tells his wife, "Mary, rub this fork on your panties before I take it to the blind man."

Mary complies and hands her husband the fork. As the blind man walks in and sits down, the owner is ready and waiting.

"Good afternoon, sir, this time I remembered you and I already have the fork ready for you."

The blind man puts the fork to his nose, takes a deep whiff, and says, "Hey I didn't know that Mary worked here ..."

Ok I opologize in advance to any women who get offended, this is just a joke i got in email!!

Women are clever, Men are...

A woman was out golfing one day when she hit her ball into the woods.

She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, "If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes."

The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, "Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes. Whatever you wish for, your husband will get ....... times ten!"

The woman said, "That's okay." For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

The frog warned her, "You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man that ever lived, an Adonis whom women will swoon over and flock to".

The woman replied, "That's okay, because I will be the most beautiful woman and he will have eyes only for me." So, KAZAM!!! - She's the most beautiful woman in the world!

For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world.

The frog said, "That will make your husband the richest man in the world by far. And he will be ten times richer than you."

The woman said, "That's okay, because what's mine is his and what's his is mine."

So, KAZAM!!! - She's the richest woman in the world!

The frog then inquired about her third wish, and after careful consideration she answered, "I'd like a mild heart attack"

Moral of the story: Women are clever. Don't mess with them.

ATTENTION female readers: This is the end of the joke for you. Stop here and continue feeling good.

Male readers: Please scroll down.

The man had a heart attack ten times milder than his wife!!!

Moral of the story: Women are really dumb but think they're really smart.
Let them continue to think that way and just enjoy the show.

PS: If you are a woman and are still reading this; it only goes to show that
women are nosey and never listen!!!

*gulp* oh god im gonna get it bad for posting this lol
Working until 9 tonight.. Can someone shoot me, please?

Get off your lazy ass and do it yourself!
You're my friend. I trust you. I'll PM you my web page. I'm a private singing teacher.

From Steve Martiin:

I knew a girl once who was taking private singing lessons, and her instructor, a 74 year old man, the last guy you'd expect to be weird, right? But He kept wanting her to sing... From her DIAPHRAGM! Well that would take YEARS to learn that, wouldn't that?
From Steve Martiin:

I knew a girl once who was taking private singing lessons, and her instructor, a 74 year old man, the last guy you'd expect to be weird, right? But He kept wanting her to sing... From her DIAPHRAGM! Well that would take YEARS to learn that, wouldn't that?

Ok... now thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's pretty sick!
Steve Martin is my all time fav:

“I’d like to share with you something the great Maharishi Guru taught me over fifteen years ago: … ‘Always…’ wait: ‘Never…’ no, ‘Always…take a litter bag along with you in your car. It doesn’t take up much room, then if it gets full, you can just toss it out the window’…”
I also like

"What if you died and went to Heaven, you know? With all the pearly gates? Wouldn't you feel stupid? OH NOOOOOOOOO. You mean this is my..AWWWWWWWW! In college they said this was all bullshit. Huh? You've been keeping records of me? Aw, I haven't been so bad. How many times have I taken the Lord's name in vein? Ew....million six? Jesus Chr..."
so my roomate knocked my laptop over yesterdy and broke my screen so im using a vga connector to have it through my 32 in lcd tv... talk about blinding haha
so my roomate knocked my laptop over yesterdy and broke my screen so im using a vga connector to have it through my 32 in lcd tv... talk about blinding haha

Make him buy you a new screen and replace it yourself. It's only a couple of screws and a few connectors. It's very easy.
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