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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

237 am bump

Possibly the worst day of work Ive ever had. Countless bitchy/whinny/rude people including one woman who threatened my job because we didnt have her dog food even though I did everything in my power to help her and calm her down. Plus a bag of fish exploded on me. Way to go PetSmart for changing to bargain priced bags to put fish in...:mad:
Morning all!

How did this page get so wide, or is it just my display? :confused:

Either way, can some energetic guide fix it for us? :)

EDIT: Oh, and BUMP!
Nah.. I saw the Yankees game (they lost three straight) and now I'm watching some disney cartoon about racing cars. It's cute. I have to help my wife who has to finish something down at work. She wants help moving some boxes around or something. Help help help. That's all I'm good for. ;)
Hello my fellow Incrediblites. This weekend has been HELL!!! Nothing but work and VERY short amount of time with the girlfriend...But hey its money and that goes toward my Inc...and her...
Slow night in the forums. At least the thread isn't dropping too low.

Much as I dislike the Cowboys, my fantasy team need them to pull their heads out of their @$$es and win tonight.
I was going around checking some of the threads I had put all over the Android Forums encouraging lurkers to sign up. I was in the Galaxy S section when a Galaxy S commercial came on TV. It was a bizarre moment.
I was going around checking some of the threads I had put all over the Android Forums encouraging lurkers to sign up. I was in the Galaxy S section when a Galaxy S commercial came on TV. It was a bizarre moment.

Deja vu all over again, huh? :D

See you tomorrow. Have a good night Steven and keep up the good work.
Morning all. ABout to head out to the bank and set up a savings account to start putting my money away for the Dinc and other various thing...and get COFFEE!!!
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