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Root [FAQ]ROOTING (Updated 7th April 2012)

erm, one question here, i used app2sd+ ROM, and i downloaded quick system info to check if my EXT partition is working.. well, the total space is 0.98 GB and the free space is 0.90 GB, does it mean it is working.. if it is, then how come whenever i install my app, it is my internal memory which goes down and nothing has changed on the free space on the EXT partition..?
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i have encountered some problems here again, i just can't get it...
firstly is that whenever i multitasked my phone, my phone will lag and go on restarting, i mentioned it before when i just finished my rooting process, and the phone keeps restarting, it is same as before, restarting for a few times (3-4) times, then only can boot into my normal andriod... Rastaman-FB mentioned about it is because of overheating... well, my phone is quite heat up when all these happen, so does it really means overheating problem, because i never encounter such problem before when i was using my unrooted stock sense ROM, or is it because of my ROM being an unstable one..?

another problem is, since i alpha rev S-off my phone, i cannot download app from market, it always says insufficient storage available for app and so cannot download... but i still have 150++ MB internal storage... i flashed Bravo Data++ partition by the way...

please help... >.<
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i have encountered some problems here again, i just can't get it...
firstly is that whenever i multitasked my phone, my phone will lag and go on restarting, i mentioned it before when i just finished my rooting process, and the phone keeps restarting, it is same as before, restarting for a few times (3-4) times, then only can boot into my normal andriod... Rastaman-FB mentioned about it is because of overheating... well, my phone is quite heat up when all these happen, so does it really means overheating problem, because i never encounter such problem before when i was using my unrooted stock sense ROM, or is it because of my ROM being an unstable one..?

another problem is, since i alpha rev S-off my phone, i cannot download app from market, it always says insufficient storage available for app and so cannot download... but i still have 150++ MB internal storage... i flashed Bravo Data++ partition by the way...

please help... >.<
if i were you i would make a back up of current rom
flash the hboot downgrader and RUU the device back to stock and see if it still does it when device is under load.
please create a new thread regarding your issues as you have a few and they need to be looked at properly rather than tagging onto the back of a thread

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I mean I have never managed to get a reboot using SetCPU stress test. Then I can do the simplest thing like loading a webpage and it would force my phone to reboot.

So Set CPU cant make my phone reboot but browser can = setCPU not worth taking seriously when talking about stress tests.

alright, that makes sense to me...
so.... how do i know whether my ROM is stable or not..?
well, the rebooting won't start in normal condition, just during me flashing my alphrev S-off, multitasking my phone while in plug with charger, where the phone's temperature got over 37 celcius... then it reboot for 3 times like that then back to normal... OMG.. sounds so scary now....
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