Leeeroy Jennnkinnns!
This is probably the type of site that SOPA was envisioned to stop, because the US was burned by this legal/illegal gray area and wanted an easy button to get around it.
In this case, we (or maybe IOWA) is assuming that since the site remains up, that it must be legal. I can think of many other sites that have been running for quite a while but remain up simply because the owners of those sites are very good at running and hiding from the law.
The existence of a site selling copyrighted works is in no way an indication of their legality (or illegality). The fact that you paid money for a piece of copyrighted work does not imply it was a legitimate transaction.
In this case, we (or maybe IOWA) is assuming that since the site remains up, that it must be legal. I can think of many other sites that have been running for quite a while but remain up simply because the owners of those sites are very good at running and hiding from the law.
The existence of a site selling copyrighted works is in no way an indication of their legality (or illegality). The fact that you paid money for a piece of copyrighted work does not imply it was a legitimate transaction.