Trouble Just Finds Me!
After flashing M2 reboot to home screen let everything settle for a minute, then reboot into recovery and flash your mods and kernel if you'd like. fwiw I've had weird things happen when I went flash happy and tried to flash several things at once. It just never worked for me so I've always done it incrementally in steps. That's just me though!
lol @ the hide.
This is tricky as everyone has their own method to their madness. What I posted for BB's to do is what has worked for me for the past 2 years so I stick to it. I really don't think there is a 100% correct way.
Matter of fact everything I post regarding wiping is only from personal experience. So please don't take it as "the way it should be done"
Is that a game on PS3/XBOX or just a DVD. I used to watch dance party USA in college with zach and screech idk why I just thought of that.....
I usually do reboot first. I've had the same experience you have. I'm still new enough to check on these things first.

Its a Wii game. The console is barely used and it deserves to be.