NFC - finally got my tags working SO well. I simply could not get NFC Launcher to load multiple apps the way I wanted them. I finally installed Tasker (I hadn't used it in quite a while.) It works VERY well with NFC Launcher! I pretty much now just do my programming of the tag in Tasker, and simply have the launcher run the Tasker task.
For example - I have a Tasker task called "car dock." It:
- sets my screen to never time out (can't do that with NFC Launcher)
- loads Pandora in the background (and starts it to streaming)
- sets my phone to "car dock mode." (I had no idea our Nexi even had that mode...I never ran across it in the settngs.) This is nice because when it's in that mode, and I presss the 'home' key, it goes to my car dock program. FYI - Car Home Ultra is a GREAT car dock app!
- Loads my navigation app, and that is on top, asking me for the destination.
- BT on
- Volumes all set
I also have a tag for when I work in my home office. It stops the keyguard, sets screen timeout for 90 seconds (you can't do this with NFC Launcher, Antimony), loads Pandora to start streaming, loads my phone app (exDialer), and finally, pops up a message to start working.