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Galaxy Note4

Thanks for suggesting the extended battery. If not for your suggestion , I would have never discovered this one. I bought 3 of them from Amazon. $7.99 each PowerBear
The one you have is $60? I can tell your happy with it, I know I hot the stallion external battery charging case for $20 but after 6 months they start to degrade realy fast.
Are they really yhat good? YEA!!!# LOL :) Not to bulky in the pocket?

Well so far is a wow think..but you never know what could happen down the rode..
But what ever it is I'm ok..I don't have to charge my phone during the day
If I were you I would stay away from power bear..I tried that in the past..I cannot say it was a good experience at all..I've tried plenty..and this fits my demands..I'm OCD..very very very compulsive..so i tend to be extreme in my demands..and I know when something ain't gonna work for me..and the one I have seems fine..it's just the way I am..that's why some people in here or in my real life don't like me..because I don't take sh**(i put the asterisks my self..lol)
So question..if I downgrade from mm..that xposed will work?

I dout you can downgrade to LP. Your firmware is a fused 3 (aboot) and Im pretty sure that the LP firmware for your device is a lower version (aboot). If you try and flash a lower bootloader with Odin, you'll get a "sw rev check" fail.

Minen firmware is N910PVPU5DQ15 and if you count five digits back from the end you'll notice a 5. Thats my aboot (bootloader version/fused 5). If you count back five digits from then end of your firmware youll notice a 3. Thats your bootloader version. You can downgrade bootloaders.
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In regards the OP, The Xposed "Resolver Active Tweaker" module has no effect on providing this feature with the Note 4 snapdragon 6.0.1 MM. I do know it has to do with the way the sofware was writen in the framework.jar.



The Mods-V2.zip includes the following mods

1.Advanced Power Menu

2.Remove Permanet Notifications

3.Once/Always Default App Selection
Hot Spot Mod include

Number 3 is what I find most concerning in regards to compatibility with your device.

I downloaded a separate HotSpot .zip from another developer and compareed it with the Mods-V2-.zip

The HotSpot.zip


The Mods-V2.zip


The service.jar is among other things will unlock the Sprint HotSpot for the n910p. Im not that familiar with service.jars but Im almost positive that is carrier specific.

The Mods-V2-.zip also has the service.jar and 100% not compatible with your device.
I hesitate to give you advice for fear of bricking your Note 4. You my friend and I wouldn't want that to happen to you. At this point, I haven't given up and I know of ways to provide the features you want but it involves the use of ApkTool to decompiling parts of the software followed by recompiling the framework.jar. file. Then porting that to your device.
Let me do some more research and see whatvelse I can come up with.
Pull out your SPen and youll see the Smart Select app icon. Tap it and check out the optiona. Then if you whant to try the Note 7 Smart Select with GIF just download it from the link I provided.The
Nice look to your eyes..look what I just created with the tool you shared..it's better than the one that comes in the Note4


  • SmartSelectGIF_2020-01-21-17-54-37.gif
    8.3 MB · Views: 136
Very nice tool..i believe also gives you the screen write option(didn't pay attention if that one was already in)..that actually takes the screen shot for you so you can write on it..good job Javi!!
Listen, this tool just brings back my memory that I tried to experiment a few weeks ago with some of the apps that come in my other phone..the Note5..and I sent them to my Note4 for the purpose of the "once or always"..but none of them work..but that was my strategy for a minute..but I do believe with the right app..I could accomplish that..because some of those apps were actually comparable to my Note4..like the glance thing..and others
Hey!, I just finished playing with one of your tweaks..the one to convert into system app..I converted Tasker & FX Manager..that was a great deal..damn boy!, you know just so much!
Guess what..don't know if is just my impression but..I've noticed right away that the memory of the phone is a lot better plus the temperature much cooler..about 4° less warm..using the phone same way as always.

Actually is not my impression..that's what's going on after that last tweak I just told you about..
So you are back to stock rom, brother?..or what are on now after all the inconveniences you had..

Its a deodexed rooted (SuperSu) stock rom with knox and ItsOn (exclusive to Sprint) removed. I modified the Beast mod r61-N7-hybrid kernel before I flashing it. I just went about it differently than before. Although, I did not get the overclocking of the r56 I did manage to add governers from r56 to the r61 kernel and proper working root acccess.
I have a few more ideas about modifying the kernel but thought it easyer to set this rom up and make a complete backup beforehand.

Starting over is nothing new to me (I think we have that in common) . Its part of the learning experience. The empirical method of experimentation and observation. However, its not fun starting from the beginning alover again, that for sure. :)
Listen, this tool just brings back my memory that I tried to experiment a few weeks ago with some of the apps that come in my other phone..the Note5..and I sent them to my Note4 for the purpose of the "once or always"..but none of them work..but that was my strategy for a minute..but I do believe with the right app..I could accomplish that..because some of those apps were actually comparable to my Note4..like the glance thing..and others

Yes you are correct, thats what porting means. I do it all the time. Just remember our N4's are 32 bit and N5 and abouve are 64 bit phones. If the app from the N5 or above was writen in 64 bit then its incompatible with a 32bit system.
Galaxy Store

Hey!, I just finished playing with one of your tweaks..the one to convert into system app..I converted Tasker & FX Manager..that was a great deal..damn boy!, you know just so much!

Thank you

I know some but Im still learning. The truth is I've learned things I didn't even want to know. LoL. JK hahahehe
What pushed me even further was not being able to downgrade my firmware. This limited the availability of compatible roms and thats when I decided to take it to another level (porting).
Guess what..don't know if is just my impression but..I've noticed right away that the memory of the phone is a lot better plus the temperature much cooler..about 4° less warm..using the phone same way as always.

Actually is not my impression..that's what's going on after that last tweak I just told you about..

Thas good to hear. :)
You know what, I just thought of something. Im going to download the T-Mobile deodexed stock rom from XDA, the one for your device. Once I do, I can copy the framework.jar to mr external sd and delete the rom. Afterwards, I can port the T-Mobile framework.jar to my device . If its compatible with mine then the other moded Sprint framework.jar sould also be compatible with your device. If so then once/always no defalts.
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