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Gas prices?

I was just at Home Depot and I saw battery powered snow blowers. Add to this the push for battery powered cars. This will start to affect Oil Company profits, and I have no doubt they will raise the price of gas.
My son informed me last night that the refinery where he leads a team of inspectors is in the process of changing one of their gas producing lines to jet fuel. Less gas will no doubt also raise its price.
I've switched most of my Gardening tools ( lawnmower, weed whacker, blower ) to either battery or plug in , the gas out here is way to high.
I enjoy battery powered tools. I have screwdrivers, skill saw, chain saw, little air compressor, and a string trimmer for my cabin that are battery powered. It's too bad that battery powered tools just won't make it through a commercial mowing day. Or, it's a shame that extra batteries are so darn expensive.

Local gas prices have finally fallen some here. I filled up my wife's Jeep yesterday with $3.29 gas.
I enjoy battery powered tools.
Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF
Yesterday in my travels I passed two same chain convenience stores three miles apart. One had gas at $3.29 and the other at $3.09. Gas prices have decreased lately so I hope the cheaper price is the trend and not the other.
Filled up the truck yesterday, I forgot my Sams' card again, their price was 2.43, I had to use Walmart next door for 2.56. Fookers, same owners and same gas next door to each other yet 10 cents difference.

It was nice to stop @ $75.00 instead of a hundred dollar bill, though !
I remember when gas took a sudden jump in price, clear up to 35¢ a gallon. It ate into my plans to drive home from college to see my high school sweetie on the weekends.
25¢ a gallon when I was in high school !
Same here and less. There was a gas war going on when I first started driving and gas prices dropped as outlets competed for business. It was still expensive to drive for a kid. I had three buddies that rode with me to high school that chipped in for gas or I'd have struggled to keep gas in the car. We won't talk about the shinny tires that were on my 57 Olds. :)
The worst gas war I remember was the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo caused by the U.S. resupplying the Israel military. Stations were running out of gas, stations were limiting people to 5 or 10 gallons and there were physical fights at practically gas station
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We didn't encounter the shortage of gas here. The treat caused quite a run on the stations and for a day or two there were lines to get gas. Supply kept up with demand here but it was a worrisome time.
I filled up my wife's Jeep before the snowy weather forecasted hits. It didn't go up in price here across the Thanksgiving weekend. Instead the prices have continued to fall. Today's fill up was $2.99 per gallon.
I drove the loaner van to Sams Club yesterday and got a few things. Filled it up while there @ $2.43 a gallon.

Sams is next to Walmart and Walmart gas is 10¢ more a gallon.
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