dautley Android Expert Jul 27, 2011 #51 it's just your brains oozing out, don't worry about it my feet stink
G.Armour You know you want to. Jul 31, 2011 #52 Build a fire and stick em in it till you smell burning flesh. My back hurts
weddle Android Enthusiast Aug 10, 2011 #53 Try sliding down five flights of stairs face-up. Helps me and I recommend it to everyone! There is a large squirrel gnawing on my face
Try sliding down five flights of stairs face-up. Helps me and I recommend it to everyone! There is a large squirrel gnawing on my face
D dmcduck Member Sep 8, 2011 #54 That's what you get for sticking your face in the peanut butter jar. I suggest therapy. I have liver spots.
That's what you get for sticking your face in the peanut butter jar. I suggest therapy. I have liver spots.
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 8, 2011 #56 Try snorting some crushed glass. That should ease your itching woes. I can't see my back
D dmcduck Member Sep 9, 2011 #58 Jab an ice pick in your ear canal. Just be careful not to go into your brain. I have the munchies.
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 9, 2011 #59 Stop smoking pot and move to cocaine lol your appetite will vanish. My feet are wet
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Sep 9, 2011 #62 Take your feet out of the toilet. I get headaches when I forget to drink.
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 9, 2011 #63 Go to the e.r. and ask them to hook up an intravenous alcohol drip Lol Feet are out of the toilet, I haven't peed on them for at least ten minutes, and THEYRE STILL WET!!
Go to the e.r. and ask them to hook up an intravenous alcohol drip Lol Feet are out of the toilet, I haven't peed on them for at least ten minutes, and THEYRE STILL WET!!
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 10, 2011 #67 That is not a storage space. Try a closet or a box I think my job is gonna cause me an aneurism
9to5cynic Android Expert Sep 10, 2011 #68 Punch your boss. Aneurism defeated with the boss. Case of curiosity.
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 10, 2011 #69 Well if you don't like cats then I'd suggest getting one. (Bad attempt at a joke) I can't stop leeching my neighbors wifi lol
Well if you don't like cats then I'd suggest getting one. (Bad attempt at a joke) I can't stop leeching my neighbors wifi lol
9to5cynic Android Expert Sep 10, 2011 #70 Invite yourself over. Then they'd be obligated to offer it to you. Weak memory, forgot to post my illness (case proven )
Invite yourself over. Then they'd be obligated to offer it to you. Weak memory, forgot to post my illness (case proven )
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 10, 2011 #71 Try compulsively buying anything you see in late night TV advertising. In a week you should have enough worthless stuff to not need memory. I can't stop licking fan blades
Try compulsively buying anything you see in late night TV advertising. In a week you should have enough worthless stuff to not need memory. I can't stop licking fan blades
D dmcduck Member Sep 12, 2011 #72 Treatment depends on whether they are android fans or apple fans. Further information is necessary. I'm stuck in the past.
Treatment depends on whether they are android fans or apple fans. Further information is necessary. I'm stuck in the past.
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Sep 12, 2011 #73 Take a good dose of speed Got my IV liquor drip, now I can't drive
weddle Android Enthusiast Sep 13, 2011 #74 Buy an airplane. Flying's just like in the video games right? I jammed a USB drive into my ear canal