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Have you ever looked at a random girl at the mall and just thought...

Parents should have more control over their kids. When my Lil girl gets older, you can be assured she will never wear something like that, I'm gonna try my best to keep her on a short leash.

You might hold her back in highschool (might) but boy is she going to rebel in college.
You might hold her back in highschool (might) but boy is she going to rebel in college.

I don't think she will. She's gonna be little miss sweet and innocent daddy's girl forever. Now if only I honestly believed that, I wouldn't be so worried about when she hits the teenage years. Ugh, I'm dreading it.
How do her parents let her go out with a skirt that allows me to literally see the bottom half of her ass cheeks when she is standing? And then she turns around and she has the bottom half of her tits hanging out on top of that?

I didn't take a picture because my wife and baby girl was with me, so, sorry. lol

I mean I am all for jail bait, but damn!

I personally blame MTV.
How is MTV at fault?

It's the parents' fault! Parents, or the lack thereof, are the reasoning behind 99.9% of the bad/slutty/criminal children that turn into loser adults in the world.

Parents just don't take responsibility for their kids like they used to.
How is MTV at fault?

It's the parents' fault! Parents, or the lack thereof, are the reasoning behind 99.9% of the bad/slutty/criminal children that turn into loser adults in the world.

Parents just don't take responsibility for their kids like they used to.

yea the parents should ban mtv
How is MTV at fault?

It's the parents' fault! Parents, or the lack thereof, are the reasoning behind 99.9% of the bad/slutty/criminal children that turn into loser adults in the world.

Parents just don't take responsibility for their kids like they used to.

Wow... so essentially... you're saying "Blame the parents for everything." You think parents can really complete control of their children? I've seen so many "kids" act differently in front of their parents than they do with their peers. Can a parent control what group of people he/she hangs out with in high school? Are they going to follow that child around everywhere he/she goes? Should they control every aspect of that child's life until they're 18?

Example: One of my brother's best friends was kicked out of college because of poor performance in school. He told me that she was partying all the time, did some drugs, and so forth. In high school, she graduated with a 4.4 GPA and was one of the valedictorians.

Blame the parents!

Don't assume that 99.9% of "bad" children are the result of "bad" parenting. That's just jumping to conclusions without even looking at the reasoning behind it. It's like those people that say: "Evolution is completely false." Even though there is an astronomical amount of evidence all around the world. I guess the whole world is trying to push this "evolution agenda".
Wow... so essentially... you're saying "Blame the parents for everything." You think parents can really complete control of their children? I've seen so many "kids" act differently in front of their parents than they do with their peers. Can a parent control what group of people he/she hangs out with in high school? Are they going to follow that child around everywhere he/she goes? Should they control every aspect of that child's life until they're 18?

Example: One of my brother's best friends was kicked out of college because of poor performance in school. He told me that she was partying all the time, did some drugs, and so forth. In high school, she graduated with a 4.4 GPA and was one of the valedictorians.

Blame the parents!

Don't assume that 99.9% of "bad" children are the result of "bad" parenting. That's just jumping to conclusions without even looking at the reasoning behind it. It's like those people that say: "Evolution is completely false." Even though there is an astronomical amount of evidence all around the world. I guess the whole world is trying to push this "evolution agenda".
I agree.

There are a lot of factors involved. Home, life, where you live, their friends, etc. You can try all you want to get them to act the way you want but in the end it is really up to them.
I think the parents can build the foundation, but it is up to the individual as to how they will turn out most of the time. Once they are out on their own in the world then they are going to make their own choices. It is still up to the parents to be observant as to what is going on in their kids lives. Just because they are old enough to walk down the street doesn't mean that you don't watch them anymore. Also, some kids are not right in the head or are just bad kids and there is nothing a parent can do.
While I am sure a few of them are, I don't think a lot of these girls are wearing those clothes when they leave the house. When I was a teen (17/18) I would change in the back seat of my friends car when we went out. I had a job and paid for the clothes myself and my folks never knew I had them. Now, keep in mind that I was just wearing skirts and/or Goth (we didn't have that word in the early 90's) type clothes. I wasn't walking around mostly naked showing off everything I had and I certainly wasn't at a mall. I was just wearing clothes my parents didn't approve of (they hated me wearing all black).

Personally, I blame Britney Spears and the like for this new line of prostiteens that we have walking around. While I doubt many have the....um.....courage to do it, I think that a few people should walk up to these girls and ask them, "How much?" just to see what they say. Maybe getting confused for an actual hooker a few times will change their minds about what they are wearing.

But you would end up in trouble for solicitation & probabbly on some list that you don't really wish to be on.
You can't just blame the parents for this type of behavior, even though a lot of times I see scantily clad teenage girls in the mall... with their mothers. lol

But think about when you were a teen, you spent waaaaaay more hours at school, the mall, hanging out at a friends house than you do with your parents. It depends on the temperment of the individual. Some remember and adhere to what their parents have taught them, so do the exact opposite.
@ PGP, just tell them you are wanting to hire them for a small role in an amateur film but they need to be 18, lmao. ;)
@ PGP, just tell them you are wanting to hire them for a small role in an amateur film but they need to be 18, lmao. ;)

lol If I was daring enough and saw that girl... I would ask her if she would like to join my strip club. If she gets offended... then I'll just say that I thought she'd be cool with it by the way she's dressed.
Wow... so essentially... you're saying "Blame the parents for everything." You think parents can really complete control of their children? I've seen so many "kids" act differently in front of their parents than they do with their peers. Can a parent control what group of people he/she hangs out with in high school? Are they going to follow that child around everywhere he/she goes? Should they control every aspect of that child's life until they're 18?

Example: One of my brother's best friends was kicked out of college because of poor performance in school. He told me that she was partying all the time, did some drugs, and so forth. In high school, she graduated with a 4.4 GPA and was one of the valedictorians.

Blame the parents!

Don't assume that 99.9% of "bad" children are the result of "bad" parenting. That's just jumping to conclusions without even looking at the reasoning behind it. It's like those people that say: "Evolution is completely false." Even though there is an astronomical amount of evidence all around the world. I guess the whole world is trying to push this "evolution agenda".
You're twisting my words. I never said blame ALL parents for EVERYTHING. But in most case bad parents are to blame for bad children. Look at the statistics. If you disagree you don't like reality.

Your brother's friend was a loser who grew up. So what? You never mentioned how her parents treated her.
You're twisting my words. I never said blame ALL parents for EVERYTHING. But in most case bad parents are to blame for bad children. Look at the statistics. If you disagree you don't like reality.

Your brother's friend was a loser who grew up. So what? You never mentioned how her parents treated her.

Parents, or the lack thereof, are the reasoning behind 99.9% of the bad/slutty/criminal children that turn into loser adults in the world.

Sorry. I must have misunderstood that percentage. Can you please show me some statistics? I've never seen them before. I'd really love to see the statistics. Until then... I guess I don't like reality.

It's so nice of you to say that my brother's friend was a loser who grew up. She was and still is one of the nicest and smartest people that I've ever met. She's brilliant at mathematics and physics. She grew up in a typical Indian home... so you can make your own assumptions from that. She just lost her way in college and made some bad decisions.
My university has a very good art school and still nothing. I believe it's much more of a "fad" in high school when trying to separate yourself from other groups... kind of like how there are "wolves" coming about in high schools now due to Twilight.

Links? I need a good LOL
Parents, or the lack thereof, are the reasoning behind 99.9% of the bad/slutty/criminal children that turn into loser adults in the world.

Sorry. I must have misunderstood that percentage. Can you please show me some statistics? I've never seen them before. I'd really love to see the statistics. Until then... I guess I don't like reality.

It's so nice of you to say that my brother's friend was a loser who grew up. She was and still is one of the nicest and smartest people that I've ever met. She's brilliant at mathematics and physics. She grew up in a typical Indian home... so you can make your own assumptions from that. She just lost her way in college and made some bad decisions.
I'll try to find stats later. I'm on lunch break at work right now. But 99.9% is not all! ;)

See if she's a good person and turned her life around she probably had good parents or some solid "base" of people in her life. But at one time, IMO, she was living the loser life if she got kicked out of school. You may or may not disagree with that - that's just my opinion. That doesn't mean she had bad parents. Teenage years are an exception. Almost all of us do stupid crap at that age. I think parents that are "too good" are just as bad as neglectful parents. Spoiled kids can turn out just as bad in my experience.
I think both you and vihzel are correct. There needs to be good parenting to allow the children a good fondation to grow up...but that doesn't mean that the kids WILL be 'good'. It also depends if the kid takes what their parents taught them and apply those things in life.

Teenage years are an exception. Almost all of us do stupid crap at that age. I think parents that are "too good" are just as bad as neglectful parents. Spoiled kids can turn out just as bad in my experience.

I think if parents are over protective...not 'too good' but try to shield the kids from the negative sides of society (drugs/sex/crimes)...which isn't really being 'good'. When those kids get older (teens) and start living on their own...they might become curious and do the things they were protected against as kids. Am I making any sense XD Anyways...that's just my thought.
I blame humans.. Look at the cows, you don't see them doing all this crazy shit (sex, drugs and rock and roll)
I blame humans.. Look at the cows, you don't see them doing all this crazy shit (sex, drugs and rock and roll)

Hey...you can't say that for sure though! I bet when they see you're not paying attention, they roll up some of the weeds and puff them ;) Where do you think calfs come from, lol and what makes you think they aren't 'rockin and rollin' when they Moooo'
I think most of the teenage girls that dress less than conservative are dressing that way to get the attention of fellow teenagers. I say most not all. If these girls knew that the older men were checking them out they might change their views on dressing like they do. I think a lot of them don't realize the old men see them sexually instead of just a teen.
I think most of the teenage girls that dress less than conservative are dressing that way to get the attention of fellow teenagers. I say most not all. If these girls knew that the older men were checking them out they might change their views on dressing like they do. I think a lot of them don't realize the old men see them sexually instead of just a teen.

I'm old. Probably about the oldest man in these forums (not completely sure of that of course).

I don't see teenagers as sexy no matter how they dress. I guess that's because they seem like none of my business, and I don't mean that in a negative way at all; it's just that my interests in any "attractiveness" department are confined to women a bit older than that. ;)

Sometimes I guess I see them as foolish in the way they dress, but certainly not sexy.

Sexy means (one kind of) attractiveness, and it has to go along with maturity to come across as attractive, in my opinion.

But kids are kids, they're going to dress for what they perceive as attractive, it's been going on for ages that way.
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