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Root Here goes nothing, trying to get to VZW

yeah granite how's the theming going?:toilet:

evomattnc!!!!! nice to see you again. finally off of sprint. took them awhile to catch on. still rocking your transformer? i just bought the prime and i love it. hope all is well.

they allege they sent me a letter in September warning me but I never received it.

I just sold the transformer last week. Loved it. Time to part ways. I needed cash and there are better tabs on the horizon I will grab in a few months. Sold it to the IT guy here at work. He is now in love with it. Every time I see him he is holding it actually lol.

I hear the prime is the best out, is that true?
Great to see you come around for a farewell tour! With Verizon I think you already hit the nail on the head. If you're not interested in the 500 droid variants you're kind of limited. It stinks that the GS2 didn't make it to VZW because I've heard extremely positive things about it. A buddy of mine got the Galaxy Nexus about a week ago and seems to really like it so far. I would probably go that route.
Great to see you come around for a farewell tour! With Verizon I think you already hit the nail on the head. If you're not interested in the 500 droid variants you're kind of limited. It stinks that the GS2 didn't make it to VZW because I've heard extremely positive things about it. A buddy of mine got the Galaxy Nexus about a week ago and seems to really like it so far. I would probably go that route.

Farewell tour, I like that, like I was an Evo rockstar lol. Its good to be back for just a little bit. I actually got so happy with Mik rom and got so busy at work I just didnt mess with my evo much anymore. Plus the tablet came along for a while and that was fun. Evo 4g forums will always be home :).

The only crappy part is new phones are probably being announced soon but I have to choose next week. Maybe I'll use burners for a while lol.

The SGSII is at us cellular and at&t here. I wanted it too. Maybe I'll look into their coverage in my area.
It goes well man. Seems like you were away for a while too. I still have a serious amount of posts. Just dropping in for the final update, me and sprint are parting ways after they canceled me with no warning last night. Kept me on hold for 2 hours today, seriously. You'll probably find me in the Nexus forum soon.

Still love my Evo, I will keep it forever. Sadly it is just a Wifi toy now. My gf got that E3d, its not bad actually. She likes it but then again her phone before that was a samsung intercept which is called a smart phone but its basically a feature phone.

Whats new with you? rocking any new tech I need to know about?

Thanks for the update. Nah, I'm not rockin anything new atm. In fact, my Evo was stolen a while back and it's time to upgrade so I never bothered to get another one or pay the deductible. I'm currently waiting for the EvoLTE 4g.
Thanks for the update. Nah, I'm not rockin anything new atm. In fact, my Evo was stolen a while back and it's time to upgrade so I never bothered to get another one or pay the deductible. I'm currently waiting for the EvoLTE 4g.

you know you wont have 4g lte up there in tawas for quite a while...
Thanks for the update. Nah, I'm not rockin anything new atm. In fact, my Evo was stolen a while back and it's time to upgrade so I never bothered to get another one or pay the deductible. I'm currently waiting for the EvoLTE 4g.

HTC locking down bootloaders has cooled me on their products. I don't want to mess with their dev unlock tool and would like full freedom. With using just their tool, my understanding is that you need to be tethered to flash anything. No thanks. I'm sure someone will crack the lte but when I got my evo replacement for my busted phone, I was without root access for about two months.
you know you wont have 4g lte up there in tawas for quite a while...

Good point.

HTC locking down bootloaders has cooled me on their products. I don't want to mess with their dev unlock tool and would like full freedom. With using just their tool, my understanding is that you need to be tethered to flash anything. No thanks. I'm sure someone will crack the lte but when I got my evo replacement for my busted phone, I was without root access for about two months.

I was considering the Nexus S 4g as well. What kind of feedback (if any) have you gotten on it?
Good point.

I was considering the Nexus S 4g as well. What kind of feedback (if any) have you gotten on it?

I dont know about feedback but its certainly the phone I am considering. I'll let you know if I get one, it will be within the week If i do. Probably go to verizon today actually and play around.
Good point.

I was considering the Nexus S 4g as well. What kind of feedback (if any) have you gotten on it?

Went to Verizon, got horrible feedback from every sales person there including the manager about the nexus. They sold me a razor which is cheaper so it wasn't motivated by money. I witnessed the salesman get two phone calls, neither of which he could even answer on his nexus, it froze both times. That was a brand new stock nexus he received yesterday as a replacement for his first that wouldn't work. They have all had multiple problems.

I'm currently using the razor. I'll update you after a few days of use.
Went to Verizon, got horrible feedback from every sales person there including the manager about the nexus. They sold me a razor which is cheaper so it wasn't motivated by money. I witnessed the salesman get two phone calls, neither of which he could even answer on his nexus, it froze both times. That was a brand new stock nexus he received yesterday as a replacement for his first that wouldn't work. They have all had multiple problems.

I'm currently using the razor. I'll update you after a few days of use.
Good to see ya! Just the other day I told someone to check out this thread.

The razor, hmm... that's the one that they were advertizing quite a lot a while back right? Super thin, edge to edge gorilla glass? Hope it works well for you.

(razormattnc) ;)
Good to see ya! Just the other day I told someone to check out this thread.

The razor, hmm... that's the one that they were advertizing quite a lot a while back right? Super thin, edge to edge gorilla glass? Hope it works well for you.

(razormattnc) ;)

Lol I'll always be evomatt, kept the evo, will play with it still. Maybe evomatt-razor. Anyhow yeah that's the one. It is ridiculously thin and light. Almost unnoticeable even in hand. Gorilla glass to the edge, super amo led, 1.2 gig dual core. Will root soon. supposed to get ics shortly. So far so good, in happy with it after one day.

Miss my sense message widget though.
Went to Verizon, got horrible feedback from every sales person there including the manager about the nexus. They sold me a razor which is cheaper so it wasn't motivated by money. I witnessed the salesman get two phone calls, neither of which he could even answer on his nexus, it froze both times. That was a brand new stock nexus he received yesterday as a replacement for his first that wouldn't work. They have all had multiple problems.

I'm currently using the razor. I'll update you after a few days of use.

A friend of mine has it and doesn't have any complaints. he's not a root guy though so I can't really speak to that
A friend of mine has it and doesn't have any complaints. he's not a root guy though so I can't really speak to that

I witnessed first hand a brand new one not be able to take a call, twice, what is a phone that won't take a call? 3 different sales people there got it and all three hated it. The manager of the store told me to avoid it.

they were all root guys but the phone I saw mess up was not rooted yet even.

Having said that I didn't play with it much and it has good specs, ymmv.
Definitely keep us posted w/ how the Razor's doing. It's a pretty slick looking phone and the specs aren't bad either.

Only one beef so far. Its top heavy. all the Ports are on the top including the mini USB. So when i'm one handing it it feels like its going to tip out of my hand. Doesn't sound like much but its a pain, worse when its plugged in. maybe I'll get used to it.

Not a huge blur fan but it can be rooted. There are roms out for it including ics. Runs great, 4glte is blazing, quad score is tops, Samsung screen is nicer but this one is pretty clear. Used to the evo, afraid i'm going to break this, feels more fragile compared to the brick that is the evo.
How is the themeing progressing granite?

yeah granite how's the theming going?:toilet:

evomattnc!!!!! nice to see you again. finally off of sprint. took them awhile to catch on. still rocking your transformer? i just bought the prime and i love it. hope all is well.

Yinz are killing me!!! :tomato:

It goes in fits and spurts, but no real progress. Once they made me a guide, I pretty much gave up. No time.:(

One day I'll resurrect it. I still distribute the battery mod, but the full blown themeing with smali and XML's is still a little beyond my level. Xtremedays has become a full blown themer, now he's good. He themes all the way down, text, .9pngs and everything.

I'll probably get enthusiastic when the LTEvo drops and I'm waiting for root. Might find some time then, or when real life stops pounding me in the .....you get the idea. ;):p
Yinz are killing me!!! :tomato:

It goes in fits and spurts, but no real progress. Once they made me a guide, I pretty much gave up. No time.:(

One day I'll resurrect it. I still distribute the battery mod, but the full blown themeing with smali and XML's is still a little beyond my level. Xtremedays has become a full blown themer, now he's good. He themes all the way down, text, .9pngs and everything.

I'll probably get enthusiastic when the LTEvo drops and I'm waiting for root. Might find some time then, or when real life stops pounding me in the .....you get the idea. ;):p

Yeah we get the idea, we all live it. Damn getting old and responsibility. I'm a toy's r us kid man this wasn't supposed to happen.

extreme! where are you man?!
Yeah we get the idea, we all live it. Damn getting old and responsibility. I'm a toy's r us kid man this wasn't supposed to happen.

extreme! where are you man?!

They made him a guide as well, LOL. He's floating around somewhere, and he's on themikmik with his themes. Drop him a pm, I'm sure he'll be around. ;)

It's good to see you around Brother. :)
They made him a guide as well, LOL. He's floating around somewhere, and he's on themikmik with his themes. Drop him a pm, I'm sure he'll be around. ;)

It's good to see you around Brother. :)

I'll keep an eye out for him. Think I'll go over to the razr forums and make my introduction...
Evom, it is pretty nuts seeing you back in here! But it just goes to show how strong the evo community here is. A thread not even actually evo related having such a heavy amount of user traffic in an evo forum is pretty strong evidence :) In any event, Im glad to see some of the folk here that gave me such knowledge over the past darn near 2 years!
Evom, it is pretty nuts seeing you back in here! But it just goes to show how strong the evo community here is. A thread not even actually evo related having such a heavy amount of user traffic in an evo forum is pretty strong evidence :) In any event, Im glad to see some of the folk here that gave me such knowledge over the past darn near 2 years!

Yeah I was checking out the razr forum and it's nothing like the Evo community. This group is hands down the best Android phone community on the net thanks to guys like akaza, Extreme, Frenchy, granite, doofus, mr. Ed, ocn, etc. shit i talk to some of you on Facebook and google plus. I'd still rather talk to you guys about my Evo, which I'm using to type this. My Evo will probably get more use than my razr honestly.

I create traffic, they just wanna talk to me :).
It's all good homie! :D

I do agree, I had a 3vo for about 2 weeks, the wife forced me to it back.
The community isn't as developed, and the traffic is a lot less. Even for a "new" phone. Still great people, DonB and Jerofld are top notch, plus the members are cool. Just not as much traffic as here.

Wait until the LTEvo drops, all of us will be over there. And remember no snobs will dis you there, we'll have the whole crew together! ;)
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