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How many were able to get their NE2 date moved up?


Android Enthusiast
I keep reading about people getting their NE2 date moved up, but I have called CS a few times and keep getting denied. Today I was told they can't change it and to go to a store and see if the manager will do it for me. What? How can a store manager do it if they can't? I did go to my local store today and was told they don't normally do that. Am I wasting my time going to other stores or calling CS yet again? (My NE2 date is Aug. 18)
my date is aug 1. i called earlier after reading the same thing. i didn't want to wait 18 more days.

she said that they would go ahead and move my ne2 date up to today.
Like I said, best bet would probably be a email and say you were frustrated by the Inc. backorder, and be really polite:D
Having worked at a Verizon store I can say, from my experience and what I was told, that Big Red will NOT move your NE2 date up. They will still allow you to upgrade to the DX though, you just don't get that extra $off. So its up to you to decide is losing that how-ever-many dollars worth getting the DX before your date. If you're afraid of the phone getting backordered I wouldn't be. A store rep told me he's expecting 8 a week in a relatively small store.
Mine got moved up from August 7th to July 7th. I didn't request it - the lady I talked to (on the phone) offered to move it up for me.
3 hours over 2 days of "discussing" with 4 different CSR's, I got mine moved from August 20th till the 15th...

its possible, just be persistant
Having worked at a Verizon store I can say, from my experience and what I was told, that Big Red will NOT move your NE2 date up. They will still allow you to upgrade to the DX though, you just don't get that extra $off. So its up to you to decide is losing that how-ever-many dollars worth getting the DX before your date. If you're afraid of the phone getting backordered I wouldn't be. A store rep told me he's expecting 8 a week in a relatively small store.

Well they obviously have:D
It took one e-mail for me
I think there are a few deciding factors in having your NE2 date moved up...

-Your current NE2 date is within a reasonable date from which you wanted it moved up (I'd say more than a month difference and you're pushing your luck)
-Are within good standing on your account (bills paid on time, long time customer, etc.)
-Persistence: Try, and try again. If one CSR denies you, just keep calling back. If there's one thing I've learned from the "X's shipping out early to folk" is that calling VZW is like playing roulette. There is no rhyme or reason to what CSRs might tell you.
-Stress the fact that you plan on upgrading to a new device, and will of course be committing to more of VZW's service.
Like I said, best bet would probably be a email and say you were frustrated by the Inc. backorder, and be really polite:D

I just sent them an email and expressed my frustration that others are getting their date moved up, but I keep getting told no. I also told them that we have been good customers for over 8 years and have never been late with a payment. I guess now I'll just have to wait and see...
I think there are a few deciding factors in having your NE2 date moved up...

-Your current NE2 date is within a reasonable date from which you wanted it moved up (I'd say more than a month difference and you're pushing your luck)
-Are within good standing on your account (bills paid on time, long time customer, etc.)
-Persistence: Try, and try again. If one CSR denies you, just keep calling back. If there's one thing I've learned from the "X's shipping out early to folk" is that calling VZW is like playing roulette. There is no rhyme or reason to what CSRs might tell you.
-Stress the fact that you plan on upgrading to a new device, and will of course be committing to more of VZW's service.

It would barely be over a month...a month and 3 days.

We have been with them at least 8 years and have never been late on a payment.

I have called to ask 3 times (maybe 4) so far.

Trust me, I keep telling them I want the X! I haven't mentioned services, because I'm already get unlimited data and texting and we have a ton more minutes than we use to get the friends and family.
Just make sure you are polite, but firm. I just kept reminding them that I was giving them money now, as opposed to money later...and that I would be very upset if I got stuck without my Droid X, especially after what happened with the Incredible...

And it is like roulette...give the wheel another spin...
It would barely be over a month...a month and 3 days.

We have been with them at least 8 years and have never been late on a payment.

I have called to ask 3 times (maybe 4) so far.

Trust me, I keep telling them I want the X! I haven't mentioned services, because I'm already get unlimited data and texting and we have a ton more minutes than we use to get the friends and family.

...I mean, depending on how much you are paying every month, and where other phones are in your contract, you can play the "I'm an important customer, and we can go somewhere else card"

I'm not promising any positive answer, but every company would appreciate a big paying customer...
I got moved up 3 months so that could be the limit, idk if anyone else has been moved up from farther out?
It would barely be over a month...a month and 3 days.

We have been with them at least 8 years and have never been late on a payment.

I have called to ask 3 times (maybe 4) so far.

Trust me, I keep telling them I want the X! I haven't mentioned services, because I'm already get unlimited data and texting and we have a ton more minutes than we use to get the friends and family.

Have you spoken to a Supervisor/Manager yet? If not, I strongly suggest that next time you call back, inform the CSR immediately that you would like to speak to a supervisor regarding your account and service.

Lay the facts out for the supervisor (long time customer, great standing regarding your bills, looking to upgrade and continue service with VZW, etc.).

I'd say it would be pretty hard to deny.
I was on the phone for an hour twenty with one rep, total of three minutes talking to him, hour seventeen on hold as he "tried" to do his things. Was just trying to cancel my Droid Incredible order so i could get an X when it dropped.

Finally got transferred to someone else, with no warning. She apologized profusely for the other guy, cancelled my order for me, gave me $50 off my bill, and then when i asked if she could move my wife's upgrade date up, [cause i heard they could. this was a month ago], she said sure. Did everything i wanted in 3 minutes or less. Was so thankful to her. Thanked her profusely. Wife was due for new phone in december; she used my early upgrade to get her Inc (her BB don't work well), and i wanted to use hers to get my X. Which i now can. Win

Just gotta get the right Rep, like others have said. First one told me 10 times he couldnt do it. Second rep did it with no questions asked. :D
They moved mine up for me. I just emailed them and said that I wanted to upgrade to the X on launch day. They even moved my wife's upgrade date forward a couple days without me asking.
Been denied like 5 times, finially got one that said they would move it up to Aug if we called back then, im sayin screw that and going to keep calling over and over again till im able to get what i need, eventually it has got to work.
After asking in the store and via email, I called and had our NE2 moved up 7 days to the 15th. I mentioned that we were going to be upgrading and adding another data plan so that may have helped.
That's odd, I called in a few weeks ago with billing questions and they told me I was eligible for an early upgrade (2 months early) and starting selling me on the Droid X right away.
That's odd, I called in a few weeks ago with billing questions and they told me I was eligible for an early upgrade (2 months early) and starting selling me on the Droid X right away.

Maybe they were pushing the droid x early upgrade promo?
I called a week ago to see what kind of pricing I could get for a DX, my NE2 is up 3/12/2011. She asked why I was looking to replace my BB Tour, and I complained about its problems and how it was the only choice for new smart phones when I bought it last year, and that I wasn't happy with it. She said I could get a DX for the NE2 price, just like that. I was nice about it, and I have been a VZW customer for a long time, and have always paid my bills on time, not sure how much of a factor that was. But, she told me I couldn't pre-order it, so I need to call back tomorrow morning. I hope that she made a note in my file, and I don't have to try to convince someone again to give me the NE2.
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