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How many were able to get their NE2 date moved up?

what does NE2 mean ? Thanks!

NE2 is new every 2 (years). In addition to the upgrade price, you also get an additional discount on the phone. Some that are on the older plan will get an extra $100 off the price of the phone, most (me included) will receive an additional $50 off the phone. So I would pay $150 instead of $200 for the X. At this point, I'm eligible for an upgrade, but my NE2 isn't until Aug. 18.
I returned my Evo due to hardware and software issues :(. Then Sprint made me so mad I switched to Verizon on my girlfriends plan and got a Droid on the 1st. I mailed it back on the 10th and talked to a CSR but my ability to buy a new phone at new customer pricing wasn't showing on the site. I called in yesterday and talked to a great CSR.
I explained I was a new customer on an individual plan added on to an existing account with 2 other phones on it. I explained I returned the Droid and wanted to get the Droid X on Thursday but my account was not showing I could. She says i will restore your upgrade credit and I said that it is not really for an upgrade it is just new customer pricing. She says don't worry and puts me on hold. In a minute she is back and says it is done so I proceed to thank her and tell her how great she is. Then I say "Is there any way to order it today,if I beg?" She laughs and politely says no. Long story short, I log into the account and not only do I get my new customer pricing but I also get the extra $50 off. Not bad considering when I started on my girlfriend's account I also got a $75 on time credit which will be on my first bill! So basically I am paying $75 for the Droid X!
Just a quick side note, I just tried calling VZW to see if I could convince them to let me pre order it, which I was told I can't do. I also asked them to verify that I can get the NE2 price. The woman I talked to said that the last customer service rep that I talked to was wrong, but because she told me that, they will honor it, they just need the approval of a supervisor. So I guess the last person screwed up, but its to my advantage!
NE2 is new every 2 (years). In addition to the upgrade price, you also get an additional discount on the phone. Some that are on the older plan will get an extra $100 off the price of the phone, most (me included) will receive an additional $50 off the phone. So I would pay $150 instead of $200 for the X. At this point, I'm eligible for an upgrade, but my NE2 isn't until Aug. 18.

Thanks so much! My NE2 date was about one year ago. So I'm available now. I haven't checked to see my cheapest price. My wife is the primary account on our family plan. Her NE2 dats is in Aug. She gets an additional $100 credit. So, I'm going to use her credit to upgrade. I can get the phone at $99 that way. Are you saying I might an additional $50 from that? Wow
My NE2, $100 credit, was up on July 21st. After being unsuccessful at a corporate store to move up the date, I tried calling a CSR this morning and they were able to move my date today (July 14th) for me to get the X on tomorrow's launch date. :D
Verizon CSR came through in the clutch! My NE2 was Sep 2 and contract end date 1/04/11. After a failed email and two failed calls, My third call was a win!
i tried emailing the other day but got denied. i didn't really go into specifics just saying that i wanted to get the x on release day with my ne2.

perhaps i should have pushed the issue that i've been living with a storm 1 for the past 1.5 years and it feels like it's about ready to break down on me!

my ne2 date is august 12.
i tried emailing the other day but got denied. i didn't really go into specifics just saying that i wanted to get the x on release day with my ne2.

perhaps i should have pushed the issue that i've been living with a storm 1 for the past 1.5 years and it feels like it's about ready to break down on me!

my ne2 date is august 12.

Mentioning the Incredible backorder would definitely help.
I finally got a CSR to move my date up!!! :D She stressed that it wasn't because I had read about others getting it done, but that it was due to the fact that we had been a customer since 2002 and had never been late on any payments and that we have never asked for any credits before. She said we were perfect customers! :cool: I don't care why, I'm just thrilled she changed it!!! Now...do I order online tonight or try my luck at a store in the morning.
I just tried. Mine's on the 26th. She said she could move it to tomorrow but I wouldn't get the $50 credit. Kinda sucks anyway, as a corporate account I have to do everything either online or over the phone. I can't walk into the store and get one, it's gotta be shipped.

Oh well, here's to a very long week.

Thanks! But now that I got it, the store I planned to buy it from said all of the ones they got in have been accounted for. :( The second closest store said they have 40 and are opening at 8:00, first come first serve. He said they didn't have any idea when I would need to get there to get one, but his best guess was to be there by 8:00 at the latest. He also said that they have plenty in the warehouse and that if I don't get one tomorrow I will have it by Friday because they will overnight it to me.
I finally got a CSR to move my date up!!! :D She stressed that it wasn't because I had read about others getting it done, but that it was due to the fact that we had been a customer since 2002 and had never been late on any payments and that we have never asked for any credits before. She said we were perfect customers! :cool: I don't care why, I'm just thrilled she changed it!!! Now...do I order online tonight or try my luck at a store in the morning.

Ive been with them since 2002 too also with same payment history and never asked for anything to be moved up before. I have spoken with (via email, phone, and in-person) them four times over the past few months about how unhappy I am with the Eris and I would just like to pay the difference or have my annual upgrade date moved up from Nov until now (dont even care about the NE2) so I can get into another phone. They thank me for being a great customer but the only thing they will do is let me get a replacement Eris. The problem isnt *my* Eris its the Eris in general from reading over the internet. First the 2.1 update took much longer than what was said it would to come to the phone and it didnt fix my problems. It's phone function is laggy and I need a phone that will ring when someone calls and doesnt take forever to call or hang up. Thankfully a relative is going to upgrade (he's been eligible for his NE2 for a while now) and then give me the phone and go back to his old phone as he doesnt even text...
Thanks! But now that I got it, the store I planned to buy it from said all of the ones they got in have been accounted for. :( The second closest store said they have 40 and are opening at 8:00, first come first serve. He said they didn't have any idea when I would need to get there to get one, but his best guess was to be there by 8:00 at the latest. He also said that they have plenty in the warehouse and that if I don't get one tomorrow I will have it by Friday because they will overnight it to me.

That sounds like my story too. But I found a third corp store that is opening early early and is supposed to have a lot of inventory so i am crossing my fingers...
My NE2 date is Nov 11th and they won't push me up any closer than Aug 11th. I just tried my first try. 50 minute call and they still wouldn't. Even told them if they make me wait 3 months then maybe I'll take those 3 months to eveluate the service I am recieving with them. Even told them I know other people getting their dates pushed. Nothing. I EVEN tried the incredible line and they said they wouldn't do it. Apparently their "policy" is saying with the early upgrade promo you can't use your NE2 or some crap. They kept saying due to the popularity of the phone they can't give out any exceptions. I told them fine, push me up and I'll order the Incredible instead because its just not that popular anymore, they didn't bite, but I had a chuckle.
I had mine moved from July 21, to July 6th. I emailed Verizon and asked if they could move it to the 15th, so I could upgrade to the DX on release day.
I'm starting to ask myself is it worth $100 to get this mad and not get the phone? I may just lay down and buy the phone for $200.. I could wait till Aug 11th and get my NE2 but who knows..
Got mine moved up 2 weeks.. All you have to do is call back a few times until you get someone that will do it. It took me three tries. The first two just flat out told no it wasnt possible to do. The third one didnt even ask questions, just put me on hold, asked her supervisor and i was done within the hour.
i think i'm finally ok with waiting till my ne2 date (aug 12). about a month for the phone to come out... people to give reviews.... bugs to start popping up.... and give me time to read up on it before i have it in my hands :)

just praying that there isn't a huge backorder issue or i may pull my hair out. that's the only thing i'm worried about.
Only after I had issues with my current phone. I have a Sumsung Omnia and it never got the apps and stuff they promised. They wanted to send me a refurbished one and I said no. They said my 2 choices were get a refurbished phone or buy the Droid outright. I told them I had one more choice and that was to pay my early termination fee and move to ATT and get an IPhone. They got back on the line and said sure we can do that.:D
Are the folks that are getting theirs moved up all on family and/or pricey plans?

Anyone had it moved up while just on a basic $40voice+$30data individual plan?
They moved your new every 2 up a year? Or are you talking about your upgrade?

When I bought the Incredible they moved my wives NE2 from July 2011 to April 2010. So I would say it is possible, but the manager that I talked to must of had the best day ever or something. Maybe he was getting fired and he decided to help, IDK.

All I asked for was a early upgrade or a annual upgrade and he hooked me up.
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