Extreme Android User
I have gone through that link, and don't see anything saying RUU, so I am not sure what that means or what to do in order to use it
EDIT: Got my phone back to stock with working mobile data using the image I found here- [RUU] HTC Incredible Official GB RUU Leaked 4.06.605.2 - xda-developers
RUU is Rom Updater Utility.
technically RUU referes to HTCs .exe programs that are un on the PC to flash new firmware,but the term has come to generically mean "a stock image" that can be flashed via the .exe file,or un in hboot as a PB31IMG
basically,we were telling you to flash a stock image to get data working again

hopefully you got thru the guide and were able to s-off before flashing the stock image.