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HTC Incredible VS. Droid X

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Yeah no thanks. I like being a man, and having a normal baby batter count. My meat and two veg like to have room.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

As helpful as that comment was.... I'm not sure why this discussion had to result in personal insults based on the type of pants we wear?
Yeah no thanks. I like being a man, and having a normal baby batter count. My meat and two veg like to have room.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

As helpful as that comment was.... I'm not sure why this discussion had to result in personal insults based on the type of pants we wear?

How was that a personal attack? It was merely stating personal preference in a semi-comical fashion =D

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.
How was that a personal attack? It was merely stating personal preference in a semi-comical fashion =D

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

well...you won't have to worry about your male prowess being in question carrying around that huge brick in your pocket. :D
Yeah no thanks. I like being a man, and having a normal baby batter count. My meat and two veg like to have room.

Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.

Me too i gotta let everything breath down there cant roll with the tight jeans. But hey if thats what he likes then good for him. He can stick with the small phone and his skinny's
There was a youtube clip from the Engadget review where he showed the X in his pocket....now its mysteriously gone....
I agree, I was not All that impressed with the phone but that screen was pretty amazing

I don't meant to be rude but if you are sweating over exchanges, $50 here and there, round trips to return phones, etc, you probably can't afford the $30 a month for the data package and need to get a flip phone. Just a thought, though I hope it's not the case.
I don't meant to be rude but if you are sweating over exchanges, $50 here and there, round trips to return phones, etc, you probably can't afford the $30 a month for the data package and need to get a flip phone. Just a thought, though I hope it's not the case.

Or I look at it this way, someone doesn't want to waste their money. I would feel the same way, I could afford it but I intend to spend my money on other things.
Personal attacks reported. Check out the zero tolerance policy.

Just fyi, I didn't use 6 point, I used 4. :p
Freedom of speech its covered. Look it up

Listen up, as it's in your best interests.... the only freedom of speech you have here is courtesy of The Man Who Pays The Bills a.k.a. Rob the owner of Android Forums. You agreed to the Rules when you registered here at AF, and your continued membership is conditional on following them.

I trust I make myself clear.
Listen up, as it's in your best interests.... the only freedom of speech you have here is courtesy of The Man Who Pays The Bills a.k.a. Rob the owner of Android Forums. You agreed to the Rules when you registered here at AF, and your continued membership is conditional on following them.

I trust I make myself clear.

Just wondering but what makes you any better then anyone else on this forum? Who decides who becomes moderators and that? Just curious
Just wondering but what makes you any better then anyone else on this forum? Who decides who becomes moderators and that? Just curious

Oh god dude...you did not seriously go there. It's like an ant trying to beat up a giant scary grizzly bear with wolverine claws. You won't win. I know you were probably asking it seriously, but reading your post in my head made me cringe. Oh coarse, i read it in Steve Urkl's voice. But that's beside the point

He infracted me. Did he infract you? I lost part of my soul
Oh god dude...you did not seriously go there. It's like an ant trying to beat up a giant scary grizzly bear with wolverine claws. You won't win. I know you were probably asking it seriously, but reading your post in my head made me cringe. Oh coarse, i read it in Steve Urkl's voice. But that's beside the point

He infracted me. Did he infract you? I lost part of my soul

Yeah he infracted me I was being serious though i was just curious as to what qualifications you must have to be a mod since its not really stated anywhere. It was by no means meant to be a smart ass comment although it may have come across that way
As i've learned from Howardforums you can become a mod many different ways:

1) By sucking up like someone here ;-) in hopes of being deemed "useful" and given the power to artbitrarily kill posts at will

2) Knowing a mod supervisor or site owner

3) Owners of popular websites and tech columns can be offered the position of mod

4) After 10,000 posts, some top guy feels like if you haven't been banned yet, hey. You're mod material

5) Sometimes it's a cop thing. The douchier you are, and the more you report people for petty crap like "personal attacks", the more likely you'll be seen as teacher's pet and offered the position

I've been a mod in the past on danger forums, mda/smartphones forums at multiple sites and have been a site administrator for several years. Killing posts is fun. They can always report to the mod supervisor and get me closely looked at. I was more laid back and liberal about all this. But not everyone's the same
As i've learned from Howardforums (and a couple of the total dick mods there) you can become a mod many different ways:

1) By sucking up like someone here ;-) in hopes of being deemed "useful" and given the power to artbitrarily kill posts at will

2) Knowing a mod supervisor or site owner

3) Owners of popular websites and tech columns can be offered the position of mod

4) After 10,000 posts, some top guy feels like if you haven't been banned yet, hey. You're mod material

5) Sometimes it's a cop thing. The douchier you are, and the more you report people for petty crap like "personal attacks", the more likely you'll be seen as teacher's pet and offered the position

I've been a mod in the past on danger forums, mda/smartphones forums at multiple sites and have been a site administrator for several years. Killing posts is fun. They can always report to the mod supervisor and get me closely looked at

Oh yeah i always hated those kind of people who rat people out all the time but i guess its alot easier sitting behind a computer oh well looks like ill never be a mod lol. I like to let people go at it such as you and i and most of the time they resolve it just like we both did but the way things are now and days someone always gotta step in the middle but thank you for the info greatly appreciated
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