This ROM is awesome! Can't really complain on anything lol. Things that I found wrong are That when I get a call, it works just fine, but when I call once, It calls but if I call again, Phone freezes and sometimes does a reboot.
3G (obviously) works when it wants but, when I get a SMS (as explained above) it turns back on. Bluetooth doesn't work and camera doesn't work. (obviously)
Not sure If I should tell you guys this but when you "mass storage" your device (since it doesn't work) you have a slight chance of corrupting your sdcard. I've had it happen twice. I just shut the phone off, hooked the SD card up with what I wanted on there, put it back in and turned it on
Also when I installed gapps it made the phone come to life. It was still fast and everything worked awesome. (tdm You are a BEAST!)
I also did some ROM tweaking with "Pimp My ROM" as stated above/ I did a LOT of tweaking lol. Resulting in making my phone go faster. I did turn off logs and a lot of other stuff and increased the zRAM to 128MB. Cant remember the other stuff I did though.
Camera obviously doesn't work, but hey tdm I know you can do it! This is my default ROM and I will be using it on a daily basis! THANK YOU tdm!
(PS Here's some screenshots)
(Ignore the crappy previews lol)