Sheeple are everywhere. At the rate Android is growing I'd say far more people are buying up Android devices simply because they think they are 'cool', not because they've tried all the options out there and deciced it's the best one to fit their needs. For the vast majority of people out there, a Blackberry will more than serve all of their needs just fine. So will an iPhone. Or a WinMobile device. Or an Android.
So it's pointless calling iPhone users sheeple when 95% of all smartphone users are sheeple period. Even before I ever played with an Android device I remember thinking those Motorola Droid commercials were kick ass. Gave me an over all 'cool' image of those phones. But I had been with BB for years and had no plans on switching over. Finally curiosity got the best of me and I found it irresistable once I got my paws on one. The same could have happened had I gotten my mits on an iPhone before I played with a Droid. I might have the i4 in my hand right now instead of my DX.
And if that were the case, I'm quite confident in saying that I'd probably be more than happy with it, and wondering why everyone else on my website was laughing at all the Android users and their silly 'Droid Does' commercials. Who cares if they like their Droids, if it works for them, let em have fun with em. Doesn't mean they're all robots who bought their phone after seeing that Motorola commercial.
Which is exactly how I feel about iPhone/WinMobile/Blackberry users. Don't hate, congratulate.