I wonder if they'll ever come out with 'infinite drive' technology? Is anyone trying to tackle that one? It would require smarter memory than we currently have, or smarter storage I guess... or possibly both. But seriously, if our brains are for all intents and purposes an 'infinite drive', where you can never fill it up completely. You create more memory as you go, and just keep increasing and increasing, building new memory everytime you learn something new, see something new, feel something new, smell something new, taste something new... it just gets created on the spot.
I wonder if they'll ever crack that mystery. I mean our brains are only so big, you'd think there would be a limit to what we can store up there, but evidently we just keep cramming things up there second after second, minute after minute, and our brains never suddenly crash with a message saying, "low memory, please delete unwanted memories to free up space".
I mean sure I know we forget things, I know we don't retain every shred of information we have ever taken in. But still, wouldnt' it be remarkable if we could come up with a memory drive that works similar to our brains. That could just keep taking in more and more infromation no matter what. That was smart enough to pick out things that were unnecessary and pitched them and grouped like things together... for instance when you save the exact same picture 5 times on it, it would just keep the one since the others were all duplicates.
Obviously we're no where even close to coming out with that sort of technology. But computers are still relatively VERY young. Hell as far as they've come in the past 50 years, can you imagine what they'll be capable of 100 years from now???
Answer : No! None of us can imagine that. Because in 100 years they will be capable of unimaginable things!