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im ready to root sprint hero


Dec 12, 2010
so i think im ready to root my phone, iv been reading the fourms for a couple days i get how it works just need a little help getting started. im running firmware version 2.1 update 1 and running software number 2.32.651.2

so what is the best way to root me phone.
Z4root is a good way to start which will not be too overwhelming, the only issue is I am not sure if it will work with your present firmware, but you can give it a try, if not you will have to revert back to an older Ruu version, but lets start there first and see ;)

[APP] z4root - xda-developers


so i think im ready to root my phone, iv been reading the fourms for a couple days i get how it works just need a little help getting started. im running firmware version 2.1 update 1 and running software number 2.32.651.2

so what is the best way to root me phone.
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so i think im ready to root my phone, iv been reading the fourms for a couple days i get how it works just need a little help getting started. im running firmware version 2.1 update 1 and running software number 2.32.651.2

so what is the best way to root me phone.

And if you need to run a ruu look here Hero CDMA - XDA-Developers Look under Official RUU
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Put the APK file on the root of your SD card, meaning right in the SD Card first in line and not in any folders, then download a App called App Installer from the market, then use that app to install the Z4Root once done let us know ;)

well when i search for it in market place its not found. so i d/l it where do i put the file on my sd card.
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so that means that i will lose the 7 screens that are stock and ill only get one, is that right?

That depends on which rom you flash;) If you decide to flash a rom like LiquidSense, this rom has Sense UI so this will be exactly like your stock rom without all the bloatware, with 7 screens.

If you decide to flash an AOSP rom like CM6 or aospMod, CM6 has ADW as a launcher which has 5 screens. If you flash aospMod, I would recommend downloading LauncherPro from the market and then you can set up 7 screens
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Make sure you flash the CWM recovery, now that you have your Nandroid backup, pick the Rom you want make sure it is on your SD card with Gapps, then shut your phone off and reboot into recovery, then wipe, data, cache and Davlik, then install from zip from SD card and find the Rom you want to flash, once done then do the same flashfor Gapps, then back out and reboot and wait for it to start back up.

i have got both of them and i have ran a nandroid and saved a copy to my comp. what is the next thing i need to do.
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Once you flash the recovery file, then turn your phone off, then hold the volume button down and the end button at the same time for a couple of seconds, then once prompted hit the home button to get into recovery, some have to do it a different way, let me know if that way works first.

how do i reboot in recovery.
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