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IMPORTANT: HUGE update to AndroidForums.com

Yup, fixed. Still not sure what to do with it, but it doesn't FC. ;)
Now that the "channels" can open, there's still the too-small font issue when reading the threads.
Getting there, I guess-
Nice, Steve. No more FCs.

Next on the punch list - populating My Stuff and forums with everything that we know is there but invisible.

Thanks for what is probably a sleepless few days.
I'm curious if there are any plans to have the rest of the forum show up in this new app. If you're imagining that this app was someone's primary means to access this forum, then as things stand, the majority of the forum is invisible to them.

Perhaps invinisble was the wrong world. ;)

If you're browsing on the website, the app will offer to open up threads. It will work, but will only load the first page, and there's no way to navigate to the next. It won't work at all if the URL points to a post that isn't on the first page.


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I go this one but the last five alerts I got did not show up in unread watched threads. This is one of them http://androidforums.com/posts/7480791/

EDIT: @Phases started this thread, I replied, and I got an alert that @Phases replied to my post, but it didn't show up in the unread watched threads link when I clicked it. It does indicate in the thread that I am watching it.

To be clear... you are seeing alerts for unwatched threads VIA desktop but on the app, you are not getting notifications? I want to make sure I know exactly what is happened. Thanks.
It's all desktop. I don't get alerts on my phone at all. As a matter of fact, this thread doesn't even show in my timeline. :confused:
It's all desktop. I don't get alerts on my phone at all. As a matter of fact, this thread doesn't even show in my timeline. :confused:

If you get an alert for a watched thread but you never view that thread... it should not send you a new alert for that same thread. Once the thread is marked viewed ...then it would send any new alerts. This prevents a user (either web or app) to get spammed with notifications for the same thread.

The Timeline in the app would not show any thread that is not currently in a Channel. It will, however, show the thread if you open from a notification. This is still a disconnect between the app and site that we plan to fix.
No, that's not it.

I have a bookmarked link http://androidforums.com/watched/threads

Any thread that I am watching and has been posted to since the last time I viewed it would show up in that list. This was working until around noonish today. Now when I click that link, even if there are threads that i am watching and have had replies or new posts, it does not show up with the exception of THIS thread. I do, however see an alert that the thread has had posts.


As for the forums/channels app ... I can't even find this thread there because I haven't posted to it from there, it's not in my timeline and there is no way to search for it. I tried posting a direct link to this thread in a thread i started from the channels app http://androidforums.com/threads/blogging-schmlogging.1044601/#post-7480846 which i do see in the app, but when i click the link it does nothing.
.. I bet what isn't showing on desktop's watched, are threads in "channels" forums.. ?

No, it's all threads in any forum. Some threads that have been around for years like the Random Thought Thread don't show. Like I said, the list is empty, regardless of forum EXCEPT this thread. This one I am seeing in my unread watched list.

EDIT: Here's another example.
This renovation of AF is not... Good. Yet.
I use Tapatalk.apk
I can't find crap, especially devices. Everything is in General Android discussion. I post a ROM and try to look in the general device section for other ROMs of same device and all I get are black screens. Really not happy at this point.

Nor does any thread I reply to get moved to the "Participated" section
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I can't find anything any more. I use Tapatalk on my phone (for this & a couple other forums, because it's super handy having all my forums in one app) & I use my laptop when I'm at home.

I used to watch a few threads - Nexus 5x & Pixel (my current phone is the Nexus, but I also want to read up on what's happening in the Pixel world). As of last week on my phone when I went to either thread, it said they were empty - so I unwatched them. Now I'm trying the new app & it seems like the Nexus posts are there, but all mashed in with posts from other threads I'm watching?

I also can't find any way to add the Pixel top level back to my watchlist. I admit it could be operator error, but it's really frustrating.
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