Lordvincent 90
Yes I use TB.....so that will free up some space?
Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2
It should. Any system app that has updated has the updated apk in the user data, integrating it to the rom will move that apk to the system side.
Edit- on second thought... it my not since the apk is installed to /data/app/ which is the sdext...
Installing a rom will flash a new kernel, but ctmod comes with koumakernel.Haha well therein lies my problem, apparently. I just returned my phone to factory settings so it's currently rooted and has CWM on it, is all. How can I go about getting kouma kernel to work?
Just install CTMod and then kouma kernel?
EDIT: Nvm, I think I understand now. Just installed CTMod and then phone booted past the kouma kernel hang. =]