Android Expert
I have some good news. Thank to Monster for pointing me to the tekahuna milestone overclock source code. I was able to tweak the P970 (LG Optimus Black) profile just a bit and compile it against the ZVC kernel we're using (I had to disable module versioning in the kernel to allow the module to load). Anyways, I'm now able to load the overclock module successfully and access the /proc/overclock fields
What this means:
With the overclock module, after I load it, I can change the frequency table dynamically, like adding a new frequency scale and the corresponding voltage. This allows me to experiment with different frequencies and different corresponding voltages dynamically. With the OC kernel I did originally, I had to keep trying new values and constantly recompiling and trying it out; the 1.2GHz you're using in the OP was a result of a lot of trial and error before I got it working. Hopefully with the overclock module, we can try to overclock (as well as underclock) other values. Also, we can attempt to "undervolt" in an attempt to prolong our battery life.
Let me do some testing first before I post the software for you to try out. I will create another thread and hopefully some of you can experiment and post your findings. Monster already pointed out the volt table values and corresponding frequencies so we can start from there.
Here's some reading about the overclock module if you're interested:
KernelModule - milestone-overclock - How to use the kernel module - Overclocking your rooted Motorola Milestone, Droid, Droid X/2 and others! - Google Project Hosting
dope!! glad you got it to work.