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Root [KERNEL] ZVC Overclocked to 1.2GHz/1.3GHz *FINAL* [UPDATE 5/10]

I have some good news. Thank to Monster for pointing me to the tekahuna milestone overclock source code. I was able to tweak the P970 (LG Optimus Black) profile just a bit and compile it against the ZVC kernel we're using (I had to disable module versioning in the kernel to allow the module to load). Anyways, I'm now able to load the overclock module successfully and access the /proc/overclock fields :)

What this means:
With the overclock module, after I load it, I can change the frequency table dynamically, like adding a new frequency scale and the corresponding voltage. This allows me to experiment with different frequencies and different corresponding voltages dynamically. With the OC kernel I did originally, I had to keep trying new values and constantly recompiling and trying it out; the 1.2GHz you're using in the OP was a result of a lot of trial and error before I got it working. Hopefully with the overclock module, we can try to overclock (as well as underclock) other values. Also, we can attempt to "undervolt" in an attempt to prolong our battery life.

Let me do some testing first before I post the software for you to try out. I will create another thread and hopefully some of you can experiment and post your findings. Monster already pointed out the volt table values and corresponding frequencies so we can start from there.

Here's some reading about the overclock module if you're interested:

KernelModule - milestone-overclock - How to use the kernel module - Overclocking your rooted Motorola Milestone, Droid, Droid X/2 and others! - Google Project Hosting

dope!! glad you got it to work.
dope!! glad you got it to work.

Monster, I was excited, I jumped the gun. I can read the frequency / voltage tables and such but cannot write to it; I did try to write to it (like bumping up the max frequency or lowering it) but the phone crashed and rebooted :(

Needs more work :( I saw this thread and it seems like the LG Optimus Black is probably having the same issue: Issue 4 - opptimizer - Milestone Overclock on P970/OMAP3 devices running kernel 2.6.35-7_yokohama - The OPPtimizer Projekt by FreeWELL/tekahuna - Google Project Hosting. The tester was waiting for the author for a response. I will give you the software to try out but I think writing (changing) to the table is not working yet. Darn.
Monster, I was excited, I jumped the gun. I can read the frequency / voltage tables and such but cannot write to it; I did try to write to it (like bumping up the max frequency or lowering it) but the phone crashed and rebooted :(

Needs more work :( I saw this thread and it seems like the LG Optimus Black is probably having the same issue: Issue 4 - opptimizer - Milestone Overclock on P970/OMAP3 devices running kernel 2.6.35-7_yokohama - The OPPtimizer Projekt by FreeWELL/tekahuna - Google Project Hosting. The tester was waiting for the author for a response. I will give you the software to try out but I think writing (changing) to the table is not working yet. Darn.

Sounds good, I can take a look
Sounds good, I can take a look

Monster, I've stopped working on the overclock module; will have to wait until they get a working version for the LG Optimus Black (P970).

In the meantime, some other GOOD NEWS: I made some more tweaks to the kernel and got 1.3GHz overclocking to work :) I haven't fully tested it yet but it seems to be working fine. Please see first post, the version is v1.2.

Here are the new operating frequencies for the 1.3GHz:

  • 300MHz
  • 600MHz
  • 1000MHz
  • 1300MHz

# cat /proc/overclock/freq_table
freq_table[0] index=0 frequency=300000
freq_table[1] index=1 frequency=600000
freq_table[2] index=2 frequency=1000000
freq_table[3] index=3 frequency=1300000

# cat /proc/overclock/mpu_opps

mpu_opps[3] rate=1300000000 opp_id=3 vsel=68 u_volt=1450000
mpu_opps[2] rate=1000000000 opp_id=2 vsel=60 u_volt=1350000
mpu_opps[1] rate=600000000 opp_id=1 vsel=45 u_volt=1162500
mpu_opps[0] rate=300000000 opp_id=0 vsel=32 u_volt=1000000

So for those who don't want to waste battery, just use SetCpu to set it the max to 1000MHz and if you need the OC, set it to 1300MHz.

Enjoy! :)

Next on my list: I will try to dissect the kernel and see where the GPU frequencies are; my goal is to get it running at the highest frequency all the time (this is the USB to PC trick).

Also, I would like to try to undervolt the device while still maintaining the higher frequency to possibly increase battery performance.

Anyone interested in a 1.5GHz overclock??? I dont' want to burn up my phone ;)
Thanks for your work ndno, but for some reason I can't get v1.2 to boot. I will try downloading and flashing again to see if that helps.

edit: second try, same result. Wipe cache doesn't help.
Thanks for your work ndno, but for some reason I can't get v1.2 to boot. I will try downloading and flashing again to see if that helps.

edit: second try, same result. Wipe cache doesn't help.

Hmm... not sure why. It works on mine fine. I'm guessing not all phones are the same especially when it comes to overclocking. If the OMAP processor in your phone is on the boundary, it may not work. I can try to lower the voltage value to see it if helps.

1.3GHz is just sick; it's just butta.
Hmm... not sure why. It works on mine fine. I'm guessing not all phones are the same especially when it comes to overclocking. If the OMAP processor in your phone is on the boundary, it may not work. I can try to lower the voltage value to see it if helps.

EDIT: Can you try this: https://www.box.com/s/35c3e9b00bc49a6fbe6e?
I changed the 1300MHz voltage down to 1.40V from 1.45V. This also works on my phone.

1.3GHz is just sick; it's just butta.
Thanks, but no go for me. I think I liked 1.2 GHz pretty well anyhow ;)
The new kernel broke my wifi

Edit: I can confirm the new kernel breaks wifi, I flashed back to the 1200 mhz kernel and got wifi back
Flashed v1.2 on ZV4 ROM. AnTuTu benchmark was 2551 and 2998 with USB. No wifi for me too so flashed back to v1.1 and looking forward to future updates. Great work!
the wifi doesnt work nore does the 3g how do i fix this or go back to 1.2?

Did you make a backup? I always create a cwm backup before flashing a rom/kernel or anything for that matter.

Edit: Be careful trying to flash v1.1 over v1.2. For some reason when I did that it reverted all the way back to when I had just flashed v1.1. Meaning everything I had done between flashing v1.1 and v1.2 was gone. Good thing I had made a backup just before flashing v1.2. Could be isolated to just my phone, just saying.
Sorry guys I'll look into fixing this. I guess speed kills.

Please flash back to version 1.1.

EDIT: I uploaded a new v1.2; seems to fix the wifi issue. Need people to test for stability. This may be a battery killer (since I had to increase the 1.3GHz voltage to 1.475V) so operate at 1.0MHz when possible. I will try to do another build in which I can try to undervolt it and still be able to operate at a high frequency, hopefully preventing us from draining the battery too quickly.
Sorry guys I'll look into fixing this. I guess speed kills.
Don't apologize for trying to make our phones better, we like it! Bring on some more for us to try!

EDIT: I uploaded a new v1.2; seems to fix the wifi issue. Need people to test for stability. This may be a battery killer (since I had to increase the 1.3GHz voltage to 1.475V) so operate at 1.0MHz when possible. I will try to do another build in which I can try to undervolt it and still be able to operate at a high frequency, hopefully preventing us from draining the battery too quickly.
As with the other v1.2 and v1.3, this one will not boot for me. It did however, go past the LG screen this time.
It did however, go past the LG screen this time.

So did it boot fine or you're still having problems with it booting? I may just release a new one with just 1.2GHz but have the 1GHz option as the next lower step (instead of 800MHz); this way it will allow people to set max to 1GHz, more like stock to save battery.
So did it boot fine or you're still having problems with it booting? I may just release a new one with just 1.2GHz but have the 1GHz option as the next lower step (instead of 800MHz); this way it will allow people to set max to 1GHz, more like stock to save battery.
Will not boot for me. The previous versions stopped on the LG screen, but this version went past the LG screen to a black screen but nothing else.
Will not boot for me. The previous versions stopped on the LG screen, but this version went past the LG screen to a black screen but nothing else.

OK, I guess the OMAP in certain phones is more picky than others; I think we're at the high frequency/voltage threshold now. I'm not sure if I have the right frequency/voltage combination so it's just a guessing game now; I used the ultra low voltage values in the excel sheet provided by Monster for setting the 1.3GHz values; I think I need to use a higher voltage setting.

At this point, just stick with 1.2GHz; I will have to play with this some more. I'll PM you if I have something for you to try out.

EDIT: UPDATE - I tweaked the 1.3GHz voltage to be more "stock" based on the excel sheet. I tested it out on my phone it works fine. It's updated in the first post. Gotta run. Good luck.
You are the man! 1300mhz OCK working great for me. I wiped cache, wiped dalvik, and fixed permissions just to be safe.

Update : my phone was freezing up too. Went back to 1200.

Update 2: Trying 1300 again. It makes performance so much better, hopefully we can find a voltage which work with this speed.

Sent from my LG-LG855 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
EDIT: UPDATE - I tweaked the 1.3GHz voltage to be more "stock" based on the excel sheet. I tested it out on my phone it works fine. It's updated in the first post. Gotta run. Good luck.
Thanks ndno, this version will boot on my phone and works, but my phone keeps freezing up so I can't really use it. As long as I am plugged into USB it is fine, but on battery doesn't take long before it freezes. I will be switching back to v1.1 for now but thanks for all your effort on this.
OK, thanks guys. I guess it's a no go for 1.3GHz. It's still running on mine but then again I don't do much, other than make phone calls, text, watch some youtube and surf the web. I'll try to do a stress test under SetCpu for 15 minutes and see what happens. UPDATE: OK, did a stress test for 40 mins and no errors.

1.2GHz is plenty enough. I'll figure out how to undervolt it so that we can save a little battery life.
Using the latest version of the 1300mhz overclock kernel and it is working like a charm. I'm playing some graphics intensive games and no more crashing. I think you may have found the right voltage :). Once again, great work ndno!

Now if we we can just figure out this USB graphics performance bump. >:(
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