Extreme Android User
Lookin good, How do you like adw? Been wanting to try it, Just being lazy with launcher pro and everything lul.
Im also kinda wanting to go back to multi homescreens hahah. Been a while. Rocking a silver n green ginger style layout like urs u had a while back right now and getting ready to make something new up.
Thx! Yeah I bought LP+ so I have it on hand when I return. I ran it for 6 months so thought I'd give ADW a chance and try something new and fresh. I'm really impressed with ADW-EX it's a totally different beast imo than ADW free. It's got some great tweaks that LP does not have and LP has some that ADW-EX does not have.
I'm using 3 screens now mainly because I use my Inc for music now which I never did before. Really digging Gingerbread (CM7 at present).
It's been easy to play with different layouts this past week as we were snowed in for 3 days

Look forward to your next iteration!