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Lets us peek at your Screens!

I cant figure how to take screenshots of the lock screen so if anyone has any idea please let me know. This is my current desktop using mikg v2.61 rom. Amazing by the way!

Or since you are on mikg you can use the native screen capture feature. No need for any of the apps anyone else has mentioned.

Hold the power button and then press home. You will hear a click and a message comes up saying the picture is being saved. Do it fast or the power options will come up.

The image should be saved in the dcim folder. For mikg 3.0 and newer it will be in the screenshot folder.
I just got this phone, looking at a lot of these I see I'm behind xD.
How do you guys create these awesome backgrounds? And what launcher do you use.
Ive true go launcher... I like some features but can't find good widgets or how to set up anything ..:/
Explanations? I don't get how to set up these cool feature
Left, middle, and right screens:




In the left screen, each panel with an artist's name leads to a specific playlist by that artist when you press the picture. The "dubstep" panel leads to a dubstep playlist.
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