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Root [MetroPCS] [ROM][4.4.4]CARBON ROM Kitkat 4.4.4 for LG Optimus F6 [LOTS OF FIXES]

Okay, So I am having an issue. I am a newb at this btw.
So I was in the TWRP and went to wipe, however I guessed I wiped everything and lost the Zip files to flash it. I tried sideloading but it gave the "could not mount \data" and the sideload never started. I have installed everything I can on my pc, all the sdk and adb files.
Now however, after trying to restart the phone into recovery, I get nothing but a black screen, and the home button light keeps glowing and changing colors, however nothing is coming on the screen. I tried holding power+vol- amd Power+vol+
Nothing changes.
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You need to format internal data. In settings menu DON'T WIPE ANYTHING just yet go to the right next to whipe it says format, type yes when line appears then hit go as in ya. Then go to mount button and make sure all checkmark X's are checked, that is why you're not mounting data because its unchecked had same issues myself but figured it all out. And in future when you need to whipe or even just whiping cache & delvic make sure you first hit install just to make sure if your on EXT SD or Internal data sd. You wiped ext SD and not internal data by mistake. always make sure what youre gonna wipe before whiping, and if boxes won't check undermount button then format internal data by pressing format button next to whipe button and type yes when asked through menu inside TWRP, then u can check boxes so u will mount data from sd to internal data. Just make sure u knw what youre whiping by first hitting internal or external and back and forth etc. etc. If u still don't get it hit me up on here & I will explain better srry I'm in a hurry. Hope you catch on to this lil ordeal after u figure out what I mean this can always be prevented in future for u when u get what im sayin.
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P.S. follow my info or Google about TWRP And u don't need to sideload. Besides sideload aint gonna work either if you're data, system etc etc check boxes aren't pressed inside TWRP anyway. You'll get er I have faith in it just Google is ur buddy if U didn't catch my directions. Been through what you are goin through is how I know. Now I flash Rams, Zips, etc. While asleep to save time in ny day to come. Lol jk you want be awake lol
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Lol, wow all that talk and now lte2 recovery wants to uncheck the system and or data boxes on me loooooooong after I flash ROM on this F6. Funny every once in a while before flashing Carbon or xperion not that the ROMs themselves matter but ya after formatting data inside Hroark13s lte2 TWRP every other reboot the boxes randomly uncheck themselves now preventing data/system mounting..Sooooo irritating! Ughhhh. So I'm back up and running flashed Carbon ROM for 3rd time get halfway through setup and I say......reboot to mount exposed mod or somthin then my phone gets stuck on boot logo so I'm gonna try only rebooting to recovery first then reboot system as I have to check system and or data boxes to make sure she mounts. Funny never did this before. Wish that genius Hroark would update lte2 juuuuuuus a tad for us a?
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Lol, wow all that talk and now lte2 recovery wants to uncheck the system and or data boxes on me loooooooong after I flash ROM on this F6. Funny every once in a while before flashing Carbon or xperion not that the ROMs themselves matter but ya after formatting data inside Hroark13s lte2 TWRP every other reboot the boxes randomly uncheck themselves preventing data/system mounting..Sooooo irritating! Ughhhh. So I'm back up and running flashed Carbon ROM for 3rd time get halfway through setup and I say......reboot to mount exposed mod or somthin then my phone gets stuck on boot logo so I'm gonna try only rebooting to recovery first then reboot system as I have to check system and or data boxes to make sure she mounts. Funny never did this before. Wish that genius Hroark would update lte2 juuuuuuus a tad for us a?
Hroark13 built twrp. The lte2 recovery you are talking about is CWM based recovery so either you are using twrp and confusing it with CWM or maybe the other way around. Either way you are mistaken and need to do some fact checking. Also, if you are using twrp try twrp because it is more stable.
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Ya Hroark I'm on lte2 recovery TWRP. Trevor Phillips root and recovery guide is where I found you're nice work really nice Loki job, however if I don't boot into recovery first to make sure boxes are checked she's more than likely only gonna give up a boot logo screen. Just double checked by booting into recovery system and data were not checked again so I checked em and rebooted. Owell if that's the workaround for me from now on so be it. I meant you no disrespect Hroark you're awesome bro. Shit happens I guess and this is what's happening. But no its nor CWM its touch based TWRP been using it for bout a year just started this last night idk man
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Ya Hroark I'm on lte2 recovery TWRP. Trevor Phillips root and recovery guide is where I found you're nice work really nice Loki job, however if I don't boot into recovery first to make sure boxes are checked she's more than likely only gonna give up a boot logo screen. Just double checked by booting into recovery system and data were not checked again so I checked em and rebooted. Owell if that's the workaround for me from now on so be it. I meant you no disrespect Hroark you're awesome bro. Shit happens I guess and this is what's happening. But no its nor CWM its touch based TWRP been using it for bout a year just started this last night idk man
Lol where is hroark13 at I sure don't see him. He stopped working on the f6 nearly a year ago yet it looks like you are trying to speak to him directly. How exactly are you booting into recovery? If you turn the phone off and then boot into recovery by button combo it will zero out the data partition before you get into twrp. Then you have to select wipe then format data and type yes to confirm then after you format data you have to select the reboot option then select recovery and when you reboot back into twrp you will then be able to mount data. If you want to avoid all this hassle then always boot into recovery with an app or by advanced reboot in the power menu.
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Lol look man I'm back and forth cause I'm resetting my phone up I just reread you're post. And ya your not Hroark I can see that now. At first I thought it was Hroark lol wow ya I gotta slow er down. And you're assuming too much because I am using a booting app. Still doesn't change the fact that I boot into recovery and have to check the boxes all over again, but if I don't she won't mount period. I know what I'm doing I assure you. Obviously I can't button combo into recovery without resetting. Everytime I boot into recovery, using Quickboot from playstore not that the app itself matters any Rebooter app that allows booting into recovery will work. I'm simply stating the issue here
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Last word on the lte2 situation as far as she goes for me I keep rebooting into recovery only to have to recheck system and data "mount" boxes each and everytime and its never done this except for like usual when having to reformat data so no I totally get you bro as and I'm not trying to make this a competition and I understand why you think I'm key pressing into recovery and what not but no I'm simply booting into recovery by way of an app for the obvious reasons. So I just have to boot into recovery check data and system boxes then reboot into system. Hey whatever works but thats the real deal, not somthin I'm getting wrong which I would happilly admit, is what it is case closed. Thanks for getting back with me on this issue though man. But I'm spot on about this ordeal of mine here I assure you that much. I was using root toolbox and accidentiy hit ro system and not rw and I was using lucky patcher but not on any system apps before all this. But I've reset and wiped system so I don't think anything I may have done would stick and cause thus recovery issue? But ok man I don't wanna wear you out. Thanks again man.
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So is there a way or app to get rw to work again that seams to maybe be my issue. Not sure his it survives a total while though. Ever since I accidentily hit ro only and entropy apk keeps showing me as no rw but I'm using links2sd and that's reading and writing wow! Idk this is a tuffy I just don't understand what could be causing my system not to mount after rebooting. Is there s proper thread for an issue like this so I'm not cluttering this thread with my RW issues at when rebooting please?
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So I have a crazy issue I've been testing by flashing/setting up my system, and I use to get 2 shots then 3rd boot would hand at the ROMs boot logo now I get one boot, one go around then if I try to say set up Xposed mod installer and my apps, Links2SD pretty much anything that needs a reboot to mount I can't because when I reboot it hangs at boot logo not LG screen but CarbonROM or either Xperion logo. So does that sound pretty much like a bootloading issue? Any takers out there I would really appreciate any feedback I've been testing and flashing and booting to narrow this glitch out for days. I'm set at the momdnt can't run xposed or Links2sd because if I reboot I'm hung up on ROMs boot logo.
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Could/should I maybe download and run lte2 recovery again? Idk I noticed that I have to keep checking to make sure the system,data and Ect SD hardly ever will let me check it with the blue X. I also been noticing the apps that require reboots sometimes during my tests serving everything up to try and narrow down my issue that sometimes su apps will go black screen on me and force close with no notificatolion toasts just kicks me out after blacking out. Im running everything really carefully only a few apps managed 6-7 su granted apps non that require a remount because of the obvious, I would appreciate type of info from anybody who may know if this is a mounting of the system issue? And could it be due to my bootloader having issues maybe idk I've been running these tests for days all day.
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Cam fix works perfect damn! First time I been able to use my camera with Carbon ROM sweet! Now if I could only figure out why any "thing/Apps that need mounting like Xposed installer and Links2SD throw my system for a loop. Running everything with limited SD capabilitys because mounting issues, and when I reboot I get hung on boot logo so idk. But ya thanks Maxgrit Cam fix works perfect!!!
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like when you set it to 30 seconds till the screen goes off well when it dus that I press the power button to wake up the phone to the lock screen but it stays all black nd the bottom navigation keys stay light up and then it reboots on its own I Juss wanted to know if it happened to others or did I not do sumthing right?

No, I mean 15-30 min. just sits at boot animation
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^ I understand your frustration, but that's a little harsh...

HK's main goal was to setup the AOSP source for other devs to work with, and he did. DM took over with carbon and did his best. This stuff is difficult and sometimes can be impossible to figure out especially if you don't have a team helping you. Also this phone is not exactly dev friendly like the flagships. Not to mention playing with phones is not exactly a priority especially since it's free without pay. Sometimes life just gets in the way and leaves no time for hobbies like this.

One very important note to make... The source code is available to anyone so if you feel a dev has abandoned an aosp project, you can simply grab the source code and do your own fixes and build the rom.

With that said this phone had a good run and overall was improved by both finished/unfinished projects by all devs/modders involved. ;)
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