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Root Miui update!!

For the jelly bean one, have they got voice mail working yet? I am thinking about switching my rom.

No voicemail isn't working right now. Also, the latest build has Aroma being buggy and it won't install your choice of kernel also I notice even if I select virgin mobile carrier files, it won't install the VM stuff. I would wait until a fixed upload is ready. I'll have it here when I receive news of a fix.
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guess I should have read about the bugs first lol. I still can't achieve root and no mms on this latest build. Will try the next I guess

You have to enable root access through settings for apps.

As I've stated before, IMO the most stable build of MIUI to date is still the ICS final version. That one works like a charm. The only one main thing that isn't working is wimax but many people don't have wimax so if you don't care about having 4G then it's a great MIUI build for a daily.
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New build up. Fixed camera issues from previous build and added more features from latest 3.5.17 update.


i have been testing this build since early Saturday with the stock "vanilla" kernel and is running beautiful.
everything is running very smooth, battery is good as well.
However, i have a Few little things and bugs to point out:
1)at least in my case ,using kernels other than the stock one will either not install or run sluggish
2) camera works but it freezes from time to time. you have to kill the task for it to open again.
3) i experienced that when i received a call, the screen went off and the phone stayed on. i had to do a battery pull to force shutdown lol. came back ok after it booted.

i will keep testing and if a find more bugs i will post. other than that is running good and for some reason i feel 3g is faster. no luck with 4g yet but i think is because of my area and not the rom.
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I tried that build, no matter what kernel you select in Aroma, it would install the Vanilla and I do agree it's running pretty smooth. Also doesn't seem to flash the MMS/Voicemail for Virgin Mobile option either. I'm just curious does it have S2W? I was on it only briefly before I went back to the ICS final build again. :p It was a script error that I don't think DH has time to fix yet but I'm sure he will soon.
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I tried that build, no matter what kernel you select in Aroma, it would install the Vanilla and I do agree it's running pretty smooth. Also doesn't seem to flash the MMS/Voicemail for Virgin Mobile option either. I'm just curious does it have S2W? I was on it only briefly before I went back to the ICS final build again. :p It was a script error that I don't think DH has time to fix yet but I'm sure he will soon.

i was reading over on XDA and he acknowledged the mistake and he will fix it (not sure if he meant right away or in the next build). According to him,he changed the kernel screen from a "select" to check boxes and he didn't adjusted the logic under it. so no matter what kernel u choose it would install the stock one.
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Just curious if it just my phone and screen calibration, but I can't seem to move apps from one screen to another. They go to the edge and then snap back to where they were originally? Also, how exactly do I turn on root access? Thanks

To move app from one screen to the other just long hold the app and swipe left or right to move it to the screen to the left or right.

Turn on root permission in the Permission manager app inside the Security folder.
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not sure how that got in there, my bad. Let me know if it works for you, started working for me after that.

Finally! Been waiting to get my hands on MIUI for a LONG time, thanks for the post :)

What's the best kernel to use with the latest version? I choose the ButterToast kernel the first time and it wasn't very smooth. Using Vanilla for now.

i tested them all and the only one that works beautiful in my case is the Vanilla Kernel. i have been using this build since the latest update and is working very nice and smooth with that kernel. all the others gave me problems.
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i tested them all and the only one that works beautiful in my case is the Vanilla Kernel. i have been using this build since the latest update and is working very nice and smooth with that kernel. all the others gave me problems.

I may be wrong but I thought I saw something where the dev made a mistake and the only kernel that installs is the vanilla no matter which is selected in aroma. Try flashing one of the kernels after installing the ROM if I'm right.
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