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Root Miui update!!

About to start installing now. Did you do Mirage.?

I chose butteredtoast in aroma cause I like to have the s2w feature.

Happy to report that this latest build does not have the reboot/shutdown hang issue.

I've shutdown and reboot phone about 5 times after 1st boot.

No hanging so far. :) Rom is running smooth.

I'm gonna test stuff and report if any bugs to be found.
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I chose butteredtoast in aroma cause I like to have the s2w feature.

Happy to report that this latest build does not have the reboot/shutdown hang issue.

I've shutdown and reboot phone about 5 times after 1st boot.

No hanging so far. :) Rom is running smooth.

I'm gonna test stuff and report if any bugs to be found.

Awesome, thank you.

Just got it on and sent a mms, happy in that part. We can't split sms text on this can we? What are others using for sms, if any?

Thanks again.
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Cool. Mine's working good as well. I'm just curious, did you encounter some reboots after flashing rom before it would boot up for the first time?

No, sure didn't. I'll keep this for now. Definitely happy with it.
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I installed with Mirage kernel and i im super impressed with how smooth everything operates ! wow ! :):) !! . even the cpus are not overclocked and running mega mega smooth ! ;)
one thing to notice though:
First time i tried to do a full install, Aroma said "reading error... " and installed was aborted. i tried again choosing custom and everything went on smooth.
Other than that, using it since this morning and everything is just WOW smooth ! lol. will keep testing and reply back if anything.
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