"the other is specifically to inflict pain on survivors."
That's a strong statement. Any objective proof to back it up?
Relatively simple logic.
They either knew or should have known the effect it would have.
They know now the effect it WILL have.
They have other choices to build their mosque.
They are choosing to build their mosque there knowing the effect it WILL have.
avacomputers said:
Yes muslims did carry out the attacks on 9/11. But that was a small group, it doesn't mean that all muslims are bad.
Muslim extremists aren't exactly a "small group". Yes, only 19 of them were murderers that day, but that doesn't mean it's only a small group.
I'm not going to paint the entire group with a terrorist brush, but it is a REAL problem within the Islamic religion.
avacomputers said:
I think it's small minded, racist people that think it's a bad idea.
I can assure you that I am neither, but I think it is a bad idea.
vistauser said:
If you say that the mosque should not be built, what you are saying is Muslim = terrorist.
That's a false argument meant to paint those who disagree with you in a bad light.
You have prominent religious leaders in the Muslim world advocating for Jihad against the US. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but enough are that those who aren't should have compassion on the victims of those who are.
zlanu said:
What I don't understand are the people saying that it is "morally wrong" to build that Mosque.
I don't necessarily believe it's morally wrong. I think it's intentionally inflicting emotional harm on survivors of 9/11. I don't think that's right either.
613 said:
So if the biker was a Christian, it would be bad for a group of Christians completely unrelated to said Christian biker to build a Church down the road?
If he were of a sect that had many prominent advocates for them raping and killing... and the group down the street was a member of that sect, but didn't agree... I think they should have compassion on the victims.
A.nonymous said:
Again, will someone please tell me how this is a bad or tasteless idea. I don't get it.
Let me present you with an analogy. A unit in the US military has gone rogue. It's commander is telling his subordinates publicly that it is their duty to rape women.
Do you think that building a military base at the site of their atrocities is a good idea?
No. The same is true here. It doesn't matter that they weren't involved, and aren't terrorists.
Hey slug....1224.