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My hybrid HTC Incredible review


Android Enthusiast
My Hybrid HTC Incredible Review on Vimeo

1-One thing I would like to see is the video quality of the camera.
2-How the screen looks like in sunlight.

Thats all I can think of.


Here you go. Possibly crap-ified by YouTube.

YouTube - Driving with the Incredible

YouTube - Testing the HTC Incredible video camera




I'd really like to know as well about the fingernail, glove and stylus working on the screen.

No, no and no.

Articles say otherwise, which I have linked, but none of them worked for me.

Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Honestly, you should have no problem. There are plenty of websites with tricks and tips. Plus, you got a Pre which was the first WebOS phone and I
LMAO, I was not expecting the beer. lol

Dots, grid on screen. Oh man. Hope thats not the case with the EVO.

anyway, either you are one tall guy or the Incredible is small, cause seeing you holding it, its looks small in your hands. But its good placing a face with the username.

1-One thing I would like to see is the video quality of the camera.
2-How the screen looks like in sunlight.

Thats all I can think of.

I appreciate you having to get drunk to comment on the device :D

Can you show text messaging besides the widget you can have? I've only ever seen the widget (which looks kind of crappy to me) but could you maybe show it more in depth (but I understand there probably isn't much there).

Question: If you have a text over 150 characters will it automatically divide the text into however many messages are required or is there a hard 150 character cap on it? This is probably a general Android question, but I'm just curious.

How is the FM transmitter and how does that work?

Have you noticed intermittent 3G coverage? Some people have been complaining that it feels like its weak on the phone.

Any further feelings about the battery once you've used it some more.

Some sample pics from the camera (although I don't know if the Evo will have the exact same one since it can record in 720p...may be more "advanced).

In the future just use the 1.3MP front facing camera to conduct the review. Oh wait....:D

BTW, Go Pens!
Ha you guys are funny.

FYI, that was sip 1 of beer 1.

I'm 5'11 and have pretty normal sized hands, the phone isn't big at all contrary to what most people say. Thats my opinion however.

Good questions so far, I'll be testing/photographing/videoing these questions so far in the next day or two.

And here is a picture I found of the dots via BGR, now, both the Incredible and the EVO are using the same screen tech, however, I'm not sure if this is because of the OLED display, or the touch tech that the EVO will use as well.

The consensus I saw among Incredible fanbois was that BGR had a defective device, because nobody else reported seeing pronounced dots like that. I didn't see anybody complaining about it on the Incredible forums today, either. Maybe its just a bad one?
The consensus I saw among Incredible fanbois was that BGR had a defective device, because nobody else reported seeing pronounced dots like that. I didn't see anybody complaining about it on the Incredible forums today, either. Maybe its just a bad one?

Just found this in a thread in the Incredible forum.

Its the touch sensitive layer of the screen. Theres 2 parts to the screen, the actual oled and then the touch sensitive layer on top of it. All android phones have this.

Actually depending on the screen there might be 3 parts, the backlight screen on the bottom, then the lcd screen or oled screen and then the touch sensitive screen which is usually clear, but may have some dots aligned in a grid like pattern.

So who knows, if it IS the capacitive part of the screen, the EVO might have this as well.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.
The consensus I saw among Incredible fanbois was that BGR had a defective device, because nobody else reported seeing pronounced dots like that. I didn't see anybody complaining about it on the Incredible forums today, either. Maybe its just a bad one?

I could see that on my Pre, and from what I was told, those are just the touch sensors on the screen. Normally you have to be at a precise angle to notice, so that just might be the case with that picture.
Yeah, I mean its not overwhelming or anything. I didn't notice it all day, until I was at the grocery store in a different lighting environment than my apartment.
Every capacitive screen has those dots, it is part of the digitizer. Some devices have it more pronounced than others though.
I have the Incredible and I have only been able to see them when i am in sunlight, and even then it has to be at an angle. It isn't bad, but yeah you can see them. If I was you guys I wouldn't worry, 99.9 percent of the time you wouldn't even recognize them, I bet I wouldn't have seen them if I was looking.

You guys will be too worried about how awesome your new phone is to even notice. Since the Evo is pretty much just a roided Incredible with a few more key features, you guys will love the phone.
First off, thank you for taking the time out to do this. I've never owned, or even USED an android device, so everything will be foreign to me. If you aren't able to answer this, maybe another forum friend can: Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Thanks so much again for doing the reviews and TIA to anyone who can answer my other question!
First off, thank you for taking the time out to do this. I've never owned, or even USED an android device, so everything will be foreign to me. If you aren't able to answer this, maybe another forum friend can: Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Thanks so much again for doing the reviews and TIA to anyone who can answer my other question!

Go to a VZW store and play with a Droid or Incredible. It really is the best way to lean Android besides buying an Android phone. I spent a couple hours on a Droid with 2.1 and I feel pretty comfortable coming from webOS. I did try and use the back gesture to go back though :D.
Woo! Congrats on the Incredible! One big question, does input for more than 2 fingers work on anything? Is it apparent that the tech is implemented in the software to have more than 2 touch inputs?
I have an incredible and as far as the screen is concerned:

Fingernail = no response
Gloves = no response
Stylus = no response

Hope that helps.

This is what I was talking about in the other thread. The company that makes the hybrid stylus/touch screen does make these touch screens as well but nobody ever said that was the model or type they are using.

Either way it is superior to the touch panel in the Nexus One so I'm cool with that.
Those dots you see have been on every capacitive touchscreen since the beginning of time. The fact that you can see them isn't good, not in respect that you phone will break or anything but it does mean poor build quality. Shame on HTC for that hopefully the EVO won't have this problem, I've held an HTC HD2 and didn't see anything, then again I wasn't looking for it.
Actually you see the dots very well the newer the phone is. All capacitive touchscreens have those dots. The newer the phone the more prominent the dots. It is not reflective of build quality at all. Most people don't notice because you can only see them at a certain angle and then after time you don't see them at all.

@Autosuggestion Glad to see a face put with the name. Thanks for the review.
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