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My thoughts on this device


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Before beginning, just note that I've owned pretty much every major smart phone that's been released within the past year and a half, and have used BlackBerry, Android, iOS, WP7, WebOS and Beta devices.. That being said, please know that I'm a fan of multiple platforms and have had the chance to use them to compare them against eachother, and I'm not just an Android fan boy writing these pros about the phone...;)

PROS.....Or Reasons to buy this device....OR reasons to switch from your current device to this device...

1. Before purchasing the SG2 I was an iPhone 4 user, and I must say the display on the SG2 is much nicer than on the iPhone 4. The colors look much better, and the larger screen is a beautiful thing. When I brought my SG2 home I put it side by side to my brothers iPhone 4 and wow.. huge difference.. it's also important to include here that by the end of me comparing the device to the iphone 4, my brother wanted to drop his iphone and get this phone lol. The screen is amazing for watching multimedia, web browsing, and playing games. Personally, I feel the bigger screen allows you to get more stuff done. I bought the HTC Sensation the day it came out (about 2 weeks prior here in Canada) and I returned it the first day.. the HTC Sensation is probably the only dual core device on the market right now that can compete with the SG2 (sorry Atrix), and the screen on the SG2 is really worth the bit more money you pay.. absolutely gorgeous.

2. This phone is FAST.. and I mean fast. I've owned the Desire Z (G2), Atrix and the Sensation for a day, and this phone just blows those phones out of the water. From managing apps, running apps and web browsing, it's just unbelievably fast. Compared side by side to my brothers iPhone 4 again, this phone was loading web pages in no time while his was suffering from checkerboard loading times (tested over same WiFi network). A lot of people, generally who are fan boys of companies that still use 600MHz processors, ahem RIM, say there's no point to owning a dual core device. Trust me, there is, and there's a huge difference when loading the device and launching applications and getting things done a lot faster.

3. Camera. AMAZING. Again, since the iPhone 4 is one of the best devices known for their camera I put this up against my brothers... the photos I managed to take looked as if I was using my dads expensive Canon camera. The picture quality compared to Apple's current 5MP camera is amazing and exceeds the quality produced by the iPhone 4. I was very impressed by the camera and the options it has to offer, and the 1080p videorecoder is a very nice plus.

4. Keyboard. The only keyboard I ever liked using was on the iPhone 4 and the ones found on WP7 devices. When I had the Atrix I downloaded over 5 keyboards and never found one I liked... that was one of the reasons I sold the phone. The stock keyboard on this device works flawlessly and I'm very impressed with the one Samsung provided. I only have one complaint though- extend the space bar because I too frequently hit the "." when trying to put a space.. not a big problem though.

5. TouchWizz. A lot of people don't like TouchWizz, and I've always preferred Sense.. that being said, Samsung really stepped up their game with TW 4.0. I actually like it a lot and wouldn't remove it from the phone. All icons have a sleek and professional look to them, and I actually like the integration of Social Hubs and Readers Hub into the phone. Like Sense, you can sync your social media accounts to your contacts and when you call them or they call you, it shows their profile pictures and latest status updates.. very cool... infact, a lot more cooler than the iPhone call screen and WP7... and Blackberry.

6. Customization. When I first got the phone one thing I hated was the lock screen. When I would slide it, it sometimes wouldn't unlock and overall was a pain. Since this is an Android device, you can customize it however you want. This have been something Android phones have had as a plus over their competitors, and this phone continues with that plus. A lot of people are excited with iOS 5 because you can jump into the camera from the lock screen... big deal. Android has been doing this stuff for a long time, and with the dual core 1.2GHz processor in this beast, everything flies. If you're a person that gets bored easily then the ability to change pretty much anything you want on this phone should be a major plus to you. The home screens you can add and customize look amazing on this phone, and the menu I really like how you can slide your screens side to side, add folders, and re-arrange stuff. You no longer have to root your phone to get rid of your carriers on board apps.. make a folder and put them all in there and you never have to see them again.

7. Call quality. One thing that made me return the Sensation was the call quality... TERRIBLE. I was worried that the SG2 would be too good to be true for the actual basic functions of a phone, but Samsung pulled through. Excellent, crisp sounding call quality. Decent leveled speaker phone. Headphones also sound good. +1 Samsung.

8. Design. By far, the sexiest looking phone on the market. This phone is that hot girl from your gym- thin, light, overall sexy... me like.

9. Apps. I don't understand how people can own a Blackberry knowing they have little to no access to good applications. Applications give your phone more functionality, and there's a lot of apps to choose from in the android app market. Sure, maybe not as much as on iPhones, but more on WP7 devices and WebOS.. also, quality apps on Android market.

10. There's probably a lot more things that I can say about this phone, but for the sake of the length of this post let me just sum it up... If you're looking to buy a new phone or even just want a more powerful phone, get this phone. If you're looking for a device that does basic functions of a phone properly, get this phone. If you want a phone for web browsing that has flash, is excellent at handling multimedia, and is great for bringing together all your social networks, get this phone. If you want a phone that will not be a dinosaur in a year, GET THIS PHONE.


I've found very little I don't like about this phone and I only have 1 con believe it or not. Surprisingly, with previous Android devices I've experienced times when the phone would restart by itself and over heart... just to note, this phone has NONE of those issues... just forget to mention that above.

The only thing I would change about the phone is the in call display. It's not that nice looking, and the green and then orangey/red background when you hang up isn't that nice looking.. Nothing that would make me ever think twice about buying this phone, but that's the only complaint I have.

Samsung built a power house here, and it makes my LG Optimus Pad no longer needed. This phone can handle anything I throw it's way, and personally, Samsung made Android LOOK that much better with TouchWizz... Also, with TouchWizz 4.0, it RUNS that much better.. Very smooth, very fast, very light, very sleek, very AWESOME. Worth every penny. And I bought it off contract. Get. This. Phone. If you're debating on leaving your phone, trust me do it... I can't say anymore good things about this device.

I have made the same switch - but have slightly different experiences.

I would say the screen on my iPhone4 is far superior. This is obviously down to personal preference as I hear both sides of this story in equal amounts.
I am also struggling a little with keyboards. I have tried quite a few (the swype-style KB, Swiftkey, smartkb etc) and yet I still can't find one as accurate and responsive as the iphone's. This is annoying, as the extra size of the screen and therefore the keys themselves should make this an easier job.

I am REALLY missing the audio quality through headphones of the iPhone4. Again, I have played around with lots of apps and settings to no avail.

That said - I am still enjoying my SGS2. I am impressed (yes, impressed) with the battery life, I love having more potential in my hands than with the iPhone (I can log into the back end of my supplies site to make changes on the go).

I am also a massive fan of google+, and it's a great handset to have for this alone.

Interested in your comments on the sensation. I was thinking that maybe I should have gone for that model, I'm also interested if HTC bring out an updated HD without the 3d.
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Couldn't agree with you more unity04.

I too have owned a fair selection of "smartphones in the last 7 years and the Galaxy SII is by far and away the best so far.

Before purchasing the Galaxy SII I considered the HTC Sensation as I have had sterling service with my HTC Google Nexus One.

However, like you, after using the HTC Sensation I was disillusioned. My biggest complaint is that it is too low on RAM (768MB) which only gives it about 190MB of free RAM after bootup, bearing in mind the RAM heavy Sense 3.0 UI. This meant that it was constantly swopping RAM around and closing prog's in the background. This was most noticeable when playing video's and games.

On the other hand, the Galaxy SII sports around 430+MB at bootup and doesn't seem to falter.

I also prefer the camera and speakers on the Galaxy SII not to mention the beautiful Super Amoled screen which is viewable even in sunshine (yes, we do get in England).

My thought with the Sensation was that, with Ice Cream Sandwich looming, would it find itself in the position of the HTC Desire which, allegedly does not possess enough RAM to run both full Gingerbread and Sense 3.0 and is therefore receiving, after much uproar from owners, a cut-down version.

I admit to being a life long hater of Samsung mobile phones to-date but the Galaxy SII has changed my mind. However, if Samsung follow in the footsteps of other mobile manufacturers, they may decide to cash in on the Galaxy SII's name and issue a real clunker off a handset next. This happened after Nokia had such a success with the N95 and then went downhill.

Like you, I too found the stock keyboard lacking, personal choice, and longed for the HTC one.

Luckily I was able to download the .apk's for it from here and it is now my main keyboard:-

HTC_IME for gingerbread anyone? :( - xda-developers
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