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Not to be sexist, but...

My girlfriend works with people that are smarter than just about all of us combined. Each of them has multiple doctorates and several of them have taught at schools like Harvard or Cambridge, but not a single one of them could set up a router or even defrag a computer. I was talking to one of the guys she works with one time about this. He has 5 doctorates (2 in medicine) and worked for NASA at one point, he literally is or was a rocket scientist and his feeling on the subject was that when people don't care to learn something they just aren't going to. The only thing that will force them into it is if there is nobody around to provide the help they need. This man had absolutely no idea how to change the ringtone on his phone. We laughed about that and he said that it made noise when he needed it to and that was good enough for him.

Sound's like my brother. He's got his Ph.D. from Brown in physics and worked for NASA for several years before going into genetic sequencing. He's got about 20 patents in the Biomed research field and lectures about his discoveries all over the world. He's got an iPhone, and an iMac at home, but doesn't get into the information technology side of it. I really don't think he cares one way or the other.
I was talking to one of the guys she works with one time about this. He has 5 doctorates (2 in medicine) and worked for NASA at one point, he literally is or was a rocket scientist and his feeling on the subject was that when people don't care to learn something they just aren't going to.

Heck yeah. Gender and race, etc be darned.. it's all about desire and opportunity. Gotta have both, not just opportunity. ;)
Haha that made me laugh but mean phones are more common sense I don't understand how people don't get it

If phones are so common sense, then why do forums exist with huge numbers of support threads and why do so many strongly believe that Androids work best rooted, and iPhones jailbroken?

I have worked on solid rocket motor design and guidance systems and I have worked with NASA on joint projects.

Break it down for me, I am very interested in this common sense of which you speak. :)
Sound's like my brother. He's got his Ph.D. from Brown in physics and worked for NASA for several years before going into genetic sequencing. He's got about 20 patents in the Biomed research field and lectures about his discoveries all over the world. He's got an iPhone, and an iMac at home, but doesn't get into the information technology side of it. I really don't think he cares one way or the other.

Sounds like my boss.
He is a freaking genius, and also was one of those guys that was programming and making computers 40 years ago.
He is a rockstar when it comes to building systems and stuff for major banks around the world, and yet he can't set up wifi on his iphone, let alone update a website using adobe software.

And, yeah, he uses an iphone because everyone else has one.
Sometimes even both ain't enough

Well, you got me to thinking (dangerous thing to do! :D). If desire and opportunity are there, what could be missing that prevents moving on toward whatever the endeavor is?

Wouldn't it have to be something that removes either the desire or the opportunity?

"Opportunity" is a huge basket of stuff, of course, including resources and access and the right doors opening, etc.

But I digress. lol.. just having fun with what you said there. ;)
So, back on topic...

Speaking of sexist, why are men so ugly? I mean, they're all bumpy in the wrong spots, stinky and hairy... Raw deal!

But girls are nice and smooth, and soft in the right places....

Girls FTW! Yay!
Previously had a Motorola Droid on a family plan. My fiance always used prepaid phones and her last phone was the Samsung Precdent on Straight talk.

Well a month or two ago we finally decided to get our own plan together and each bought Samsung Galaxy SII's. She spends more time then me customizing her phone, different launchers/layouts etc... She is scared to root it though... One day haha.

Plus she was never a fan of iphones/new macs (though she always wanted a macbook due to battery life and build quality). She's always had hand me down Apple computers from her mom (who does a lot of graphic design) and both her and her mom don't like the direction the desktops/OS went in.
I hate people like that if they only knew the power of what was in there hands

I do hate him, but not because of that. I'm pretty sure he only uses his phone to call/text the other women he's cheating with and to look at pron.

@Melim, did you just walk away after he didn't know what android was? :P ;)

Nope, I just turned my back and continued talking to my neighbor, which is why I was there in the first place. :)
I do hate him, but not because of that. I'm pretty sure he only uses his phone to call/text the other women he's cheating with and to look at pron.

Nope, I just turned my back and continued talking to my neighbor, which is why I was there in the first place. :)

Oh wow ill stay out of that drama
My daughter loves them.

WHOA hold the phone here!

You have a daughter!?? :)

How old is she??


Does she dig them rrrroaches and their coaches?

I just KNEW you were hiding something from me! :mad:

How could you after all we have been through!

You hurt my feelings!

I'll get you for this!


Am I just awesome or what?


I look in the mirror at least ten times a day and say:

"God I am just awesome" :)

Any who

I really don't think some one can say "iPhones are for females only"...

What about us roaches?

We need phones too ya know.

All jokes aside I really don't believe you can say "because iPhones are easier to use only girls use them"

People are people... you can't just "pigeon hole" or "box" people into a catagory.

I think it is not that wise to say "only females use iPhones because they are easy to use"

But to end of this awesome thread very fairly... I do believe women are FREAKING bad drivers!!!


Talk about DUMB

That is spelt:




Bababababababhahahahahahahha stinky that's why we love you

And I love you too bbk17!!


This calls for a group hug guys! :}

Come on Frisco join the group hug!

Everybody come on and hug each other!

Don't be afriad now everyone's doing it!

As for ICS dropping the search button - Samsung has been big on 3 button phones before - and that fourth button shows up contextually now on ICS apps. And capacitive buttons are far from dead, and are supported in ICS.

A lot of people don't realize this, but Samsung phones with 3 buttons still get that 4-button functionality. These phones, like my Galaxy s II, have menu, home, and back. If you long-press the menu button, it acts as the search button.

As to this thread about iPhone vs. Android in terms of gender usage, I think that we all see what we want/expect to see. It's a mental thing. There are two women that I work with who have iPhone, have played with my SGS2, and have stated that they want THAT phone. One of them previously had a Moto Droid and she says that she can't wait until she can upgrade because of just how limited the iPhone is.

The iPhone has the appearance of simplicity because of just one button. When you add more functionality there is often a steeper learning curve. However, the learning curve for an Android phone (out of box) usually isn't any different from an iPhone. It's just that when you've used one device exclusively and you touch something different, you'll claim that there is a learning curve. People hate change. There is no doubt that the iPhone was easier to use than its early competitors (Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian), but that landscape has completely changed. One might argue that Windows Phone 7 is now the easiest to use, Android the most powerful to customize, and iPhone as the lone dinosaur.
Now that it is mentioned, I have to admit that many of my girlfriends are iPhone junkies. My boyfriend, however, is all about wanting an iPhone. I had the iPhone 4s for 9 days and could not for the life of me see what the hype is. The first thing I missed was the photo integration (text/phone calls, etc.) The second thing was the inability to select a non-mobile browser. Then I realized that same lack of customization runs through the whole phone.


So back on Android, and loving my new Rezound.

Oh yeah...and I'm female. :)
My Wife Wanted the LG Optimus S over and iPHone. Me and my oldest daughter both have the EVO 4G Myne is Rooted theirs are not. I'm the geek head the girls just wan text, web, facebook, email. and games. Me I don't care for games but I do have Solitaire and Word Search for when I do want to play a game.
Now that it is mentioned, I have to admit that many of my girlfriends are iPhone junkies. My boyfriend, however, is all about wanting an iPhone. I had the iPhone 4s for 9 days and could not for the life of me see what the hype is. The first thing I missed was the photo integration (text/phone calls, etc.) The second thing was the inability to select a non-mobile browser. Then I realized that same lack of customization runs through the whole phone.


So back on Android, and loving my new Rezound.

Oh yeah...and I'm female. :)

The rare one lol I only know one of my guy friends who has an iphone and he is a mangner at my vzw store lol
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