My girlfriend works with people that are smarter than just about all of us combined. Each of them has multiple doctorates and several of them have taught at schools like Harvard or Cambridge, but not a single one of them could set up a router or even defrag a computer. I was talking to one of the guys she works with one time about this. He has 5 doctorates (2 in medicine) and worked for NASA at one point, he literally is or was a rocket scientist and his feeling on the subject was that when people don't care to learn something they just aren't going to. The only thing that will force them into it is if there is nobody around to provide the help they need. This man had absolutely no idea how to change the ringtone on his phone. We laughed about that and he said that it made noise when he needed it to and that was good enough for him.
Sound's like my brother. He's got his Ph.D. from Brown in physics and worked for NASA for several years before going into genetic sequencing. He's got about 20 patents in the Biomed research field and lectures about his discoveries all over the world. He's got an iPhone, and an iMac at home, but doesn't get into the information technology side of it. I really don't think he cares one way or the other.