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Not to be sexist, but...

OTD- maybe that's why I can't wrap my head around it... I need stimuli, and ios gives me none.
OTD- maybe that's why I can't wrap my head around it... I need stimuli, and ios gives me none.

I can't really argue with that. I used to love BlackBerry when I used it, but that was before I really understood what a phone was capable of. I look at my girlfriend's Bold now and love the build quality, but I just don't get the OS anymore. I can understand people looking for something that is simple and straight forward as I know plenty of people who aren't interested in anything but straight forward use of the phone, text, email and the occasion use of maps or the browser. If that is what someone is after then I get why people want BlackBerry, IOS or WP7 on their phone. Other than build quality (let's face it, many Android devices are lacking in this department) I don't get why anyone interested in actually using ever aspect of the phone would choose anything other than Android, it just offers more of everything.
Yup. And battery life. BB will always take the cake in that department. And iPhone ain't too bad either.
Well, you're right, otherwise I'd still at least have it in my archives. ;)

I keep giving away my old phones. :o
Nokia N900 will run Palm. I have a couple of apps that I want back. One is on the Iphone - I want the SD card and not internal storage, so that's out.

I've got close with customizing the Galaxy to behave like the PDA, not there yet.

What is with Android - too many flavors?

There is a software company that makes emulators for Palm and possible CE.
Symbian S60v5 will run it, IOS will run it - I think even some Windows phones. No Android devices.
I mean, yeah, obviously many vegans would not be OK with that, but just because all Vulcans are vegan doesn't mean that all vegans are Vulcan.

I can't follow that Early, can you rephrase in terms of Greeks and mortals? :p

No need. Simply connect with the fuller quote -

Vulcans are strictly vegan, so I don't think he'd be offended being called a salad.

I mean, yeah, obviously many vegans would not be OK with that, but just because all Vulcans are vegan doesn't mean that all vegans are Vulcan.

The set of vegetable eating hominids are known to include human vegetarians, pinnacled as vegans, and Vulcans, who lack the need for such distinctions because they are all strictly herbivorous.

Many Earthers are not familiar with that detail about Vulcans, and upon encountering them would likely identify them as vegan, which ought properly be considered term overloading rather than a mis-classification.


Vulcans ∈ Herbivores
Vegans ∈ Herbivores

However, due to overloading, this is re-expressed as:

Vegans'' = { Vulcans, Vegans', { unspecified other hominid herbivores } }

Vulcans -> ok with being called a salad, they're vegan''

Vegan' -> not ok with being called a salad, they're not Vulcan

Which I thought was casually obvious given the context. My mistake was in thinking that showing the term overloading would have confused things, but I can see now how it clarifies the matter entirely.

However, getting back on topic, both male and female Vulcans would prefer Android because it offers non-sliding call-answer choices that the iPhone does not, as per my maxim, Android is all about choice. Only one example is necessary to provide proof that this does not not exist and is current within a planetary context:


From Android Jet Sharp Aquos Hybrid 007SH: 3D Android Flip Phone with a 16MP Camera

And naturally, it ought come as no surprise that as is likely for all highly logical beings, the glasses-free 3D choice in Android is evidently very popular for the Vulcan market as well.

Which so far leads us to two features preferred by both male and female Vulcans that the iPhone simply cannot offer.

If you have further questions on this matter, I'd be glad to help. And before you ask, no, sorry, I'm not vegan.

I'm here every day.

Remember to tip your waitress or waiter.

And try the salad.
So I should try a Vulcan? :confused: Never had green blood before.

As it's copper- rather than iron-based, I would suggest that it's probably naturally best in the autumn, as I'm told that both have been known to accompany well a summer squash.

For reasons all too obvious, I should think that they're at their best during 7 years cycles, so as with any fine aperitif, vintage is everything.

Along with presentation. Wait. And flavor.

So, vintage, presentation and flavor are really everything.

Ok - get back to me on this one.
The set of vegetable eating hominids are known to include human vegetarians, pinnacled as vegans, and Vulcans, who lack the need for such distinctions because they are all strictly herbivorous.

Vulcans aren't hominids, but other than that there's no amount of coffee that would allow me to keep up with your analysis. :eek:

However, getting back on topic, both male and female Vulcans would prefer Android because it offers non-sliding call-answer choices that the iPhone does not, as per my maxim, Android is all about choice.

Brilliant and advanced though they may be, your average Vulcan is more comfortable with a flip phone:

My Vulcan is. When the 6085 dies - he'll get a Blackberry Pearl. It's stored with the battery out. Good thing he doesn't text, but trying to dial a phone number that uses words instead of letters will get him. You can't dial 1-800-eat-**** on that keypad!
Vulcans aren't hominids, but other than that there's no amount of coffee that would allow me to keep up with your analysis. :eek:

The Only Sci-Fi Explanation of Hominid Aliens that Makes Scientific Sense | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine

But I'll settle for pseudo-hominids and we'll call it squarsies.

Brilliant and advanced though they may be, your average Vulcan is more comfortable with a flip phone:

Ah - the early, industrial non-3D model. Note the similarity to the model shown in my post above.

And I think it goes back to the fact that in smartphones, there are so many undying memes, to whit, Sense is a resource hog, iPhones are easier to use, etc etc.

And I checked, and that's what seems to be at play for Vulcans.

You see, many, many years ago they had a tech blog called Logical Boy Report. Virtually nothing in it was logical, other than the writers logically wanted to create as much sensation as possible, and by not performing any fact-checking, they were free to publish all sorts of things that Vulcans held true until they caught on to what they were doing.

The rumor goes that one was too stiff-fingered from too much pawn fahr the previous night and just winged a report on the new touch screens interfering with Vulcan nerve pinch functions, carefully shrouded in double talk.

So, while Vulcans have learned to the contrary, being highly conservative, they still harken to the use of the flip Androids to this day.

In an unrelated note, it has been suggested that the staff of Logical Boy Report managed to escape incarceration and eventually their own planet altogether and that they took up residence on some friendly planet, and are now producing the same grotesquely inaccurate blog just under a similar name, translated to the language of wherever they landed. I've been unable to confirm such an outlandish concept myself though.
You have to like Sci Fi. C'Mell was cat derived, not a hominid. Nor a Vulcan.

My Vulcan doesn't read, either. He had an IT dept where he worked.

4 years of Latin, he still can't tell a latin root in a word. Easier to ask me than look it up.

We have a Roku box sitting upstairs. It's been sitting there since Xmas 2010.

I bought him a new DVD/VHS recorder and it sat unused for 2 years.

To be fair, he can fix almost everything electrical. We both do mechanical.
I got lost when people were called Vulcans...something to do with vegetarians...not good for Vampires unless they have 'matured' enough. *sigh*

I come out from this: girls are better than boys :p

I like vampires they leave dead bodies around which attract bugs and well ;)

I don't know if girls are better than boys I just know girls are sexier than boys. Frogs like girls cause they kiss us. Boys just stick us in their pockets
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