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Root Official CyanogenMod 13.0 for LG L70 D320 D320n D325 MS323

Please,help me.
Stuck on process.
My LG L70 D325


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Apparently formatting the SD as internal storage does not work on 06 and 07 versions. Did not try it on 08.
I managed to do a workaround by flashing the last version of the unofficial cm 13 and then updating it to 07. Did not update to 08 yet.
I have one more issue with the now on tap which crashes my Google app when I activate it. I have noticed that now on tap worked if I used the nano version of gapps
Apparently formatting the SD as internal storage does not work on 06 and 07 versions. Did not try it on 08.
I managed to do a workaround by flashing the last version of the unofficial cm 13 and then updating it to 07. Did not update to 08 yet.
I have one more issue with the now on tap which crashes my Google app when I activate it. I have noticed that now on tap worked if I used the nano version of gapps
I use "pico" gapps and works now on tap, but first install Google Now launcher and then the application google, After enabling now on tap no longer gave me error, then uninstall google now launcher, and i continue using nova launcher and so far has not failed, just hold down the menu button
I use "pico" gapps and works now on tap, but first install Google Now launcher and then the application google, After enabling now on tap no longer gave me error, then uninstall google now launcher, and i continue using nova launcher and so far has not failed, just hold down the menu button
I use google now launcher, still not working. I will try uninstalling Google app and reinstalling it.
Anyone also experiencing problem with Formatting SD as internal on latest build (20160108)? After the format process it says that the SD card was corrupted.
Anyone also experiencing problem with Formatting SD as internal on latest build (20160108)? After the format process it says that the SD card was corrupted.
I had the same problem on 06 and 07. I managed to do a workaround by flashing the last version of the unofficial cm13 format the sd and then updated to the 08 version.
how to use the zip? Install via TWRP?
Try to install via TWRP. if you get error, use adb:
mount -o rw,remount /system
cp /sdcard/fsck.f2fs /system/bin/fsck.f2fs
cp /sdcard/mkfs.f2fs /system/bin/mkfs.f2fs
cp /sdcard/libf2fs.so /system/lib/libf2fs.so
mount -o ro,remount /system
Using LGMS323, tried flashes 1/8 first and 1/4 to see if it was more stable

1 both give my win7 bsod when connected to pc via MTP
2 on 1/8 I get an err_file_exists message when trying to websurf
3 error when using TWRP to install adoptable storage fix

which one of these last 5 builds is the most stable or reliable?
How to change status bar to transparent in cm-13.0-20160108-NIGHTLY-w5 build? its annoying :\ Also where do i submit bugs to this rom? Ear speaker (one you hold on ear when speaking on the phone) is so damn quiet, even when i bump it on max :\ please fix. Other one ( for music) is ok.
After upgrading my phote to cm13 from cm12.1 I can't update su binaries(super su). How to do it?
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