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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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And that's it for me for the evening.

Have a good night all -- see you tomorrow fingers crossed for a press release!
Not to take away, probably don't need to mention at this point....

While we were waiting for Steven to post, I called Verizon, was on the phone for 18 min 36 secs, about 3 minutes was on hold before rep answered.

Long story short, couldn't tell me the date (did hear some background chatter with someone else ("no, you can't say that" I made out), the one thing he confirmed was that it will be out before the end of the month. Said it was not showing in their system yet for pre-order.

Thank you Han Solo and Steven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I can sit in silence any longer. I've been lurking for about the past 200 pages. How many people have read page 1 - 649 now?

Thanks for all the info and laughs the past week or two.
Haha, funny story. I was behind on this forum and when I got back, I saw this post and started dancing at my desk. Right then my GF walks in the door, sees me dancing and has this puzzled look on her face. Then a second later she smiles and says, "It's your phone, isn't it?"

Haha...she gets me. :D

She is a keeper!!!!
does costco usually have it the same day as verizon? i know vzw has extended the return period, but at costco, if something's wrong with it for 90 days they replace with a brand spanking new one.

I'd like to know this too. Never bought a phone from them but would buy there for Costco's return policy. Just not sure exactly when they will get it.
Originally Posted by brightside
Haha, funny story. I was behind on this forum and when I got back, I saw this post and started dancing at my desk. Right then my GF walks in the door, sees me dancing and has this puzzled look on her face. Then a second later she smiles and says, "It's your phone, isn't it?"

Haha...she gets me.

She is a keeper!!!!

Anyone else feel like we should start up a Google+ circle for the people on this thread? I know we already have this forum and twitter, but why not G+ too (I don't use twitter, and we could reserve the G+ circle for important updates and keep it on topic).

I noticed this post has 7 thanks', none from mods. :confused:

I actually would like to try to get this Google+ idea up and running.

I started a Google+ page called Android Forums Galaxy Nexus.
The end goal? I'll get a list of everyone here that uses Google+ and in turn share that list with all the same people, so we can all know who the others are. Live chat, video hangouts, whatever we want.

So I'm getting lots of people adding the new page I made on google+

Point of order... AndroidForums.com makes its $$$ by advertising, and you're inviting people to take their page views to conduct more or less redundant conversations elsewhere. I guess if the mods/owners don't care then neither do I, but it's something to consider.

I can't help but feel like I am in a room with two beautiful brunette virgins. There is promise of a even more beautiful blonde virgin about to show up any minute.

Eh, virginity's overrated. :p
I don't think I can sit in silence any longer. I've been lurking for about the past 200 pages. How many people have read page 1 - 649 now?

Thanks for all the info and laughs the past week or two.

Welcome out of hiding.

baby come back

I'm not going anywhere. Lol.

Trying to decide if I should stay up till midnight, just in case. Verizon wouldn't spring a preorder on us would they?

Ha! Are you putting anything past them? Really?
OMG....I finally caught back up. It sucks when my job gets in the way of things that are more important ;)

My GNex summary for 11/16/11
1) So I witnessed 31k this morning and missed 32k this evening.
2) Han Solo became a Verizon Fan Boy
3) Black Friday release date rumors
4) Sister of Solo says week of 21st
5) Steven58 has a good source but types slow (hopefully Early improves this in the next version)
6) BB's avatar is my favorite yet
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