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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Irrelevant. Verizon has never announced a release date. The only delay is created by people on this forum latching on to every rumor coming down the pipe. Now we have people leaving Verizon and writing rant letters to execs based on second hand information from someone that got mad and took his ball home.

It Is all pretty entertaining to watch unfold though. The emotional attachment some assign to a phone release is an interesting study in 1st world human behavior.

And of course, you are here entirely to be amused by everyone else and don't have the slightest interest in finding a rumored release date. Right...
I understand that there are literally hundreds of different android phones out there but we're talking about the nexus, which is supposed to be THE "google phone" so I think it'd make perfect sense if google and whichever manufacturer (htc, samsung, etc.) that makes the nexus that year took control of it like apple does with its one phone. All the other android phones they can still leave it up to the carriers when it releases and which bloatware is put on it.

They tried that with the first Nexus and gave up
Long time lurker, first time poster. I switched to VZW from US Cellular and jumped on the rent-a-rezound offer in fear of the double-data deal expiring before the Nexus. Now I'm crossing my fingers that they release this thing before the exchange date expires. Ugg.

BTW, for what it's worth (not much generally) @VZWSupport is still telling people it will be released this year
This morning I was working as a sub-contractor at a local Verizon Wireless store. I did not see any Galaxy Nexus stuff in the inventory room, but didn't look around much either.

When I had my work order signed I had the manager and some guy from corporate was there,so I figured it would be a good time to ask about the Galaxy Nexus, and since the manager kind of knew me from before, I figured its worth a shot at getting new information.

This is what I found out. The latest word for a release date is December 8th, but that could change. Nothing is official for a release date at this time. She mentioned something about a software issue that they had resolved, almost as if a software issue pushed the release date back. I didn't get details, but it could have been that volume problem that we already knew about. The corporate guy did not comment. Take that for what its worth, he either knew as much as the manager, or knew more but wasn't going to tell.

So yeah, December 8th is the day, unless Verizon says anything different.
I had such a good feeling last night with my whole my mom seeing an ad for the Galaxy Nexus in a VZW Corporate store and all...ugh...now I don't know what to think...

YOU don't know what to think?! I had a dream about it, woke up because of it, ran to my computer and died. Like a child waking up on christmas morning just to find out that your parent's decided to tell you santa isn't real that morning.
Is it allowable (by forum rules) for one of us to write a tweet, and the rest of us to retweet it?

If we politely ask if the announcement that says release by end of year is still correct that the GNex will come out this year, and we get enough tweet/retweets, maybe we can get an answer.

and with no mention of phandroid or AF
Irrelevant. Verizon has never announced a release date. The only delay is created by people on this forum latching on to every rumor coming down the pipe. Now we have people leaving Verizon and writing rant letters to execs based on second hand information from someone that got mad and took his ball home.

It Is all pretty entertaining to watch unfold though. The emotional attachment some assign to a phone release is an interesting study in 1st world human behavior.

How can you say its irrelevant? Verizon forgot to pull an ad for the Nexus that was supposed to be released before or on Black Friday, clear evidence of a delay.

And it's not really about the phone, its about how Verizon handles their launches and customer service. Its the ridiculous fact that they say nothing. All they needed to come out and say "We know that many customers are patiently waiting for the Galaxy Nexus, we have encountered some issues and had to delay release", or something along those lines and I would shut up.

Saying nothing is just plain ignorant.
I can't remember, how successful was the nexus one's launch? Maybe google should have started selling the gnex online as they did with the first one...
Be careful what your "gut" tells you. :)

Seriously though, what makes everyone here so sure that Verizon actually reads this forum? Did I miss something that let's us know they do? Again, not to beat a dead horse...but are we just trying to make ourselves feel better by believing they do? (Not that there's anything wrong with false hope if that's what gets us through the days).

I actually don't think for a second that they read this thread, I hope they don't. I was just trying to think positively, that sometimes in life, things have to get worse, before they get better.

On another note, not to defend Verizon, but the way we are reacting to this is the reason they don't communicate with us. Imagine the frustration we all would have if they had actually said it was supposed to come out on Nov. 3, or 10, or 17....people act like they wouldn't be, but it would be a pr nightmare for them. 2 weeks ago we would all have been really pissed about the Dec 8th date, now all of a sudden, we'll all be doing jumping jacks and organizing a ticker-tape parade if it comes out then, where as if they had announced an earlier date, people would still be pissed. Basically, their in the no win situation of Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

It actually makes perfect sense that their discussing a Q1 release if the thing is still in testing. If this testing doesn't go well, then they won't be able to get it out before Christmas, so why would you release it in December after Christmas. I think if the testing goes well, we'll get it by the 15th, if it doesn't, my money is on mid January.
Long time lurker, first time poster. I switched to VZW from US Cellular and jumped on the rent-a-rezound offer in fear of the double-data deal expiring before the Nexus. Now I'm crossing my fingers that they release this thing before the exchange date expires. Ugg.

BTW, for what it's worth (not much generally) @VZWSupport is still telling people it will be released this year

Welcome to the party.
And of course, you are here entirely to be amused by everyone else and don't have the slightest interest in finding a rumored release date. Right...

Of course I want a release date, I never said I didn't. As it says on the left, my next phone is the GN. But I don't get worked up over false delays and announce my leaving or say "your move Verizon" or write rants to execs. And no, I don't buy into any of the rumors. Nice try though. :rolleyes:
How can you say its irrelevant? Verizon forgot to pull an ad for the Nexus that was supposed to be released before or on Black Friday, clear evidence of a delay.

And it's not really about the phone, its about how Verizon handles their launches and customer service. Its the ridiculous fact that they say nothing. All they needed to come out and say "We know that many customers are patiently waiting for the Galaxy Nexus, we have encountered some issues and had to delay release", or something along those lines and I would shut up.

Saying nothing is just plain ignorant.

Not trying to be argumentative...(and on a side note I really enjoy your posts Drexel)...but really this online community that just wants a specific date is relatively small compared to VZW's overall customer base. So they probably don't care what we think/say. Also, think if they said...we're going to release it 11/30. Then all of a sudden their testing found something and they don't release it. Then we'd all be mad about that. And finally...if they said, yep, we're going to announce it 11/30 (but they announce that 30 days ahead of time) then they are tipping their hand to their competition. Not a smart business strategy unless you know you can crush your competition (Apple).
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