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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I don't understand why google doesn't take control of its baby like apple does with the iphone. No matter what carrier the iphone's on, apple seems to have every say of how it's going to be handled/released as well as no bloatware of any kind being put on the phone itself. Also, when apple announces a product it's available for purchase within the week! What was the point of even having that press conference back in october?

Apple makes and sells their one phone. They brand that one phone. Google isn't in the business to sell phones. They provide an open source product to Samsung. It's the Google way. They are an ad company. They want you using their products so they have better data for targeting ads. Samsung has made their sales already - Verizon bought the phones - one of many Samsung products. It is up to Verizon when they want to start collecting on that investment.
To put a positive spin on Han's sisters news....

If you will remember, right before Verizon announced that they were getting the nexus, there was a big rumor that it wasn't even coming to Verizon at all. This thread was a mad house....then, low and behold, Verizon made their announcement, and all was right in the world for a while. With that being said, this place is a MAD HOUSE today????? Sometimes things get REALLY, REALLY BAD before they get REALLY, REALLY GOOD.

P.S. - I don't have any info to back this feeling up, but this is just my gut feeling. :o

Be careful what your "gut" tells you. :)

Seriously though, what makes everyone here so sure that Verizon actually reads this forum? Did I miss something that let's us know they do? Again, not to beat a dead horse...but are we just trying to make ourselves feel better by believing they do? (Not that there's anything wrong with false hope if that's what gets us through the days).
Last time I checked we're all speculating and hanging on rumors because that's the "thrill" we want. Verizon has said nothing other than by the end of the year and what it boils down to is that none of us are patient enough to accept that. In the meantime, 200-300 people (I'm guessing at that number) are angry as you know what because of a sense of tension and fear and disappointment that we've created ourselves...all for what? To feel important? Just thinking...

Well, the latest piece of information points to a possible delay into 2012. So at that point, VZW *will* have broken their own release time frame. I agree they only ever committed to "by the end of the year", but if they were so sure it was going to be the last few weeks of the year, it would have been nice to get a month window. If they'd said "December 2011", we wouldn't have been speculating and letting the blog/rumor mongers get us worked up.

You're right, though, that we're kind of causing our own frustrations. But I can't stop...reading...thread...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek:
I am man enough to admit when I am wrong, and I am/was wrong. My "gut" was wrong and an announcement did not come at 10AM as I thought. It would have been nice to have been right and have a self-inflated sense of importance, but alas, that did not happen.

Funny thing though, as I read through all of the posts, rumors, etc...and the anger builds and the Verizon bashing escalates I realize that I have fallen into the trap that is this thread. We all feel like we need to have a self-inflated sense of importance. Now I use the term "we all" recoginizing that it includes many who don't actually feel this way...but here's my thinking. We're a thread of what, about 200-300 unique posters? Even if we all got so fed up we left VZW, that's NOTHING to them. But let's really ask ourselves whey we're so upset in the first place...because "Verizon is botching another launch"? Really??? Last time I checked we're all speculating and hanging on rumors because that's the "thrill" we want. Verizon has said nothing other than by the end of the year and what it boils down to is that none of us are patient enough to accept that. In the meantime, 200-300 people (I'm guessing at that number) are angry as you know what because of a sense of tension and fear and disappointment that we've created ourselves...all for what? To feel important? Just thinking...

Anyway, I don't want to take away from the fact that I am sorry if I got anyone's hopes up...I really do believe an announcement is coming soon. All logic points to that.

You got everyone's hopes up based on nothing. Just trying to stir the pot and make it out to be that your "gut" was insider info. You, 16 y.o. Scott, and anyone else needs to just stop. If you have legitimate truthful info than share it (even if it ends up being wrong), otherwise please keep guesses disguised as credible facts to yourself. Or just say that it is your GUESS not your gut.
To be fair, Hanette did not say next year. She said it was being discussed as an option.

Also to be fair, I did not say I don't believe her either. I'm just going to ride this train waiting for something official.
Well, the latest piece of information points to a possible delay into 2012. So at that point, VZW *will* have broken their own release time frame. I agree they only ever committed to "by the end of the year", but if they were so sure it was going to be the last few weeks of the year, it would have been nice to get a month window. If they'd said "December 2011", we wouldn't have been speculating and letting the blog/rumor mongers get us worked up.

You're right, though, that we're kind of causing our own frustrations. But I can't stop...reading...thread...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek:

Couldn't releasing it at 11:59pm on 12/31/11 allow them to be truthful in the PR and give them the Q1 earnings? I could completely see this happening, too :(
To put a positive spin on Han's sisters news....

If you will remember, right before Verizon announced that they were getting the nexus, there was a big rumor that it wasn't even coming to Verizon at all. This thread was a mad house....then, low and behold, Verizon made their announcement, and all was right in the world for a while. With that being said, this place is a MAD HOUSE today????? Sometimes things get REALLY, REALLY BAD before they get REALLY, REALLY GOOD.

P.S. - I don't have any info to back this feeling up, but this is just my gut feeling. :o

Someone tip computer world to get this rumor rolling then Verizon will have to put out the fire with an announcement. I like it. I feel like it's sort of counter torrorism since we are all being held hostage.

Settle down, I know they aren't really holding us hostage, I'm just having Fu
I had such a good feeling last night with my whole my mom seeing an ad for the Galaxy Nexus in a VZW Corporate store and all...ugh...now I don't know what to think...
Verizon can still keep their word by releasing the phone on 12/31 (still later this year) and push Q1 earnings. It sucks Verizon has horrible phone offerings.
Well, the latest piece of information points to a possible delay into 2012. So at that point, VZW *will* have broken their own release time frame. I agree they only ever committed to "by the end of the year", but if they were so sure it was going to be the last few weeks of the year, it would have been nice to get a month window. If they'd said "December 2011", we wouldn't have been speculating and letting the blog/rumor mongers get us worked up.

You're right, though, that we're kind of causing our own frustrations. But I can't stop...reading...thread...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :eek:

Blog mongers...I like that...and unfortunately have become one. But again, the latest piece of info is just speculation - FLAT OUT. (No disrespect to Han's sister).

Until December 31st, Verizon has not broken any announcements and we're just wasting time until we can fill our next gadget addiction (in a somewhat good way...until it turns all pathetic occasionally)
Apple makes and sells their one phone. They brand that one phone. Google isn't in the business to sell phones. They provide an open source product to Samsung. It's the Google way. They are an ad company. They want you using their products so they have better data for targeting ads. Samsung has made their sales already - Verizon bought the phones - one of many Samsung products. It is up to Verizon when they want to start collecting on that investment.

I understand that there are literally hundreds of different android phones out there but we're talking about the nexus, which is supposed to be THE "google phone" so I think it'd make perfect sense if google and whichever manufacturer (htc, samsung, etc.) that makes the nexus that year took control of it like apple does with its one phone. All the other android phones they can still leave it up to the carriers when it releases and which bloatware is put on it.
You got everyone's hopes up based on nothing. Just trying to stir the pot and make it out to be that your "gut" was insider info. You, 16 y.o. Scott, and anyone else needs to just stop. If you have legitimate truthful info than share it (even if it ends up being wrong), otherwise please keep guesses disguised as credible facts to yourself. Or just say that it is your GUESS not your gut.

Agreed, I'm tired of the "gut feel" and other completely unfounded comments pointing at a pre-release or announcement or release date. Please stop fueling the fire with unsubstantiated "information".
You got everyone's hopes up based on nothing. Just trying to stir the pot and make it out to be that your "gut" was insider info. You, 16 y.o. Scott, and anyone else needs to just stop. If you have legitimate truthful info than share it (even if it ends up being wrong), otherwise please keep guesses disguised as credible facts to yourself. Or just say that it is your GUESS not your gut.

I agree with you and promise I will not be doing that again...but I guess I'm trying to make a point (I'll be it in a bad way)...that ALL of THIS is speculation (unless is OFFICIALLY comes from Verizon). This insider info crap just doesn't cut it...BECAUSE no one wants to lose their job to leak info. And even if it was a SUPER reliable source, things can change at a level well above their heads.

My point is...unless it's coming from Verizon via a press release...it's all just speculation.
I understand that there are literally hundreds of different android phones out there but we're talking about the nexus, which is supposed to be THE "google phone" so I think it'd make perfect sense if google and whichever manufacturer (htc, samsung, etc.) that makes the nexus that year took control of it like apple does with its one phone. All the other android phones they can still leave it up to the carriers when it releases and which bloatware is put on it.

Part of the leverage that Apple has is that it only has to sell the newest and a few of last years models.. AND they have their own store.. So lets say iPhone was a red headed step child of phones and VZW would only sell it online.. It wouldnt matter because people would flock to the Apple Store to get it..
Agreed, I'm tired of the "gut feel" and other completely unfounded comments pointing at a pre-release or announcement or release date. Please stop fueling the fire with unsubstantiated "information".

You know what I am tired of? The fact that VZW cares so little about customer happiness that they can't even come out and say " it was supposed to release --/--/-- but it will be delayed until --/--/--.

At least give us that much!
Motion to change title to "Official Galaxy Nexus Delayed Release Thread"

Well it's not officially delayed, but I'm all for renaming it just "Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release (release date TBD) thread". Rumors/etc maybe ok in the OP, but the title should reflect the uncertainty of the release time frame.
Yes it has been delayed? Do you not remember the black friday ad from Verizon advertising the Gnex?

Irrelevant. Verizon has never announced a release date. The only delay is created by people on this forum latching on to every rumor coming down the pipe. Now we have people leaving Verizon and writing rant letters to execs based on second hand information from someone that got mad and took his ball home.

It Is all pretty entertaining to watch unfold though. The emotional attachment some assign to a phone release is an interesting study in 1st world human behavior.
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