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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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So yeah this is definitely whiny, but I needed to vent, so I vented to the VP of Customer Service at Verizon Wireless. My e-mail to them:

Mr. Bianchini,

Let me first apologize if this e-mail sounds harsh, as I'm assuming you do not determine release time frame of phones or which phones are going to be carried by Verizon.

I'm a big Android fan. I have been for some time. I've also been a customer of yours for a VERY long time, originally as a line on my family's plan, and now as the primary line of my own family plan. I've been upgrade eligible since April and want to give Verizon my money for a new device, but there is nothing of interest to buy. I'm seriously considering leaving Verizon for another carrier. Despite Verizon's excellent network, your selection of Android phones is second rate. All 3 other major carriers consistently (read: always) have a better product selection.

The straw that broke the camel's back, though, has been the handling of the Galaxy Nexus release. I finally had something to be excited about. A Google supported Android phone on Verizon, without all of the useless apps Verizon loads onto all of their Android smart phones.

I was also excited because my poor girlfriend, who is on my family plan, was going to get my Droid Incredible when I upgraded my phone. She currently has a Droid Eris which is the worst smart phone I've ever used. And that was before it started dying. Now it's on its last leg, and essentially unusable. At least my Incredible, though it was already old technology when released, is a usable device.

So back to why I say I "was" excited.

I suffered through the Nexus One disappointment. I suffered through the announcement that Verizon would NOT be carrying the Nexus S and then suffered the same with the Galaxy SII. And now I finally get my reward for being a patient, loyal customer. Right? Wrong. There are rumors circling that this device, for which I've been patiently waiting until recently, is going to be delayed until next year. I can guarantee you 1 thing if this happens. I will be taking my family plan elsewhere, to a network that is not only less expensive, but actually cares about giving their customers access to state of the art devices.

I'll leave you with this. There are many others who feel the same way I do. Thank you for your time.

Edit: For the record, I realize this won't accomplish anything. Venting in an email is a hell of a lot cheaper than paying a shrink, though.
The Apple vs Google complaints are really annoying. They are two completely different companies with two completely differently business models and corporate goals.

If you like the way Apple handles their products, go buy the iPhone. If you like the way Google handles it, stick it out with Android. Google isn't about to pull an Apple and take control of the Android phones out there just because a few of us in here are getting a little impatient and frustrated with increasingly unreliable release dates, etc.

Wait (as difficult as it seems for some of you) until it comes straight from the horse's mouth.

So this is why verizon never gets any good phones....

If Verizon doesn't get any good phones what about the other carriers in the state? We do typically get better phones then them just T mobile and AT&T can get phones from across the pond since they are GSM. Granted they all have the Galaxy S2 and Verizon doesn't.

Motion to change title to "Official Galaxy Nexus Delayed Release Thread"

How about "How to botch a phone release for dummies: Galaxy Nexus edition by Verizon"
Irrelevant. Verizon has never announced a release date. The only delay is created by people on this forum latching on to every rumor coming down the pipe.

Well... rumors and statements from Eric Schmidt, Mathias Duarte and Samsung. I guess that we all don't share the same interpretation of "official".

I've decided I want one of these phones this year. And, if I have to leave Verizon to get it, then so be it. Perhaps Verizon hasn't done anything wrong and maybe they don't truly owe us anything, but they haven't exactly done anything right either and I don't think that some level of response to customer inquiries is too much to ask.
The Apple vs Google complaints are really annoying. They are two completely different companies with two completely differently business models and corporate goals.

If you like the way Apple handles their products, go buy the iPhone. If you like the way Google handles it, stick it out with Android.

I like the way Apple releases their products, but I don't like Apple products, so that's kind of silly. When they're obviously successful at something, but the OEMs and OS developer of an Apple competitor can't achieve that same kind of success, then yes, criticism is fair and warranted.
Not trying to be argumentative...(and on a side note I really enjoy your posts Drexel)...but really this online community that just wants a specific date is relatively small compared to VZW's overall customer base. So they probably don't care what we think/say. Also, think if they said...we're going to release it 11/30. Then all of a sudden their testing found something and they don't release it. Then we'd all be mad about that. And finally...if they said, yep, we're going to announce it 11/30 (but they announce that 30 days ahead of time) then they are tipping their hand to their competition. Not a smart business strategy unless you know you can crush your competition (Apple).

True, I just wish they would say something on the matter! LOL Like I've said before, its just crazy how some employees from Verizon act like the phone doesn't even exist! Oh well, my ranting is over with...back to waiting :rolleyes:
I've done no major workarounds and I'm losing less than 2% per hour in sleep mode. I beat the hell out of the phone yesterday on my stock battery and when I put it on the charger at 11 PM I still had 40% left.

Interesting... today is the second day that I have went to power my phone on from sleep mode and the battery is dead.... I have yet to get a full days use out of the phone and typically when I wake the phone from over an hour in sleep mode there is at least 1/4 of the battery gone. Guess I need to take a trip back to the VZW store...
The Apple vs Google complaints are really annoying. They are two completely different companies with two completely differently business models and corporate goals.

If you like the way Apple handles their products, go buy the iPhone. If you like the way Google handles it, stick it out with Android. Google isn't about to pull an Apple and take control of the Android phones out there just because a few of us in here are getting a little impatient and frustrated with increasingly unreliable release dates, etc.

Wait (as difficult as it seems for some of you) until it comes straight from the horse's mouth.


It's so frustrating because although I prefer android over ios, apple's releases are handled a thousand times better than google's...
The 8th is my drop dead date, If no word by the 8th then I'm getting my Rezound (and if my car accidently pulls into the verizon parking lot before the 8th, then I'll walk out with a Rezound a bit earlier than expected).
I'm lol-ing at the reaction Han's post-by-proxy has created. He's still an awesome contributor! :)

No kidding... especially considering if you rewrite the post... it basically says that "the phone will be release on 12/8 or later". Which of course tells us nothing more than we already knew... and we STILL get worked up about it... and yeah, I'm talking about me.
With all the drama and the botched release of this phone has made me reconsider how much I need this phone. My DX is still going strong and maybe its time I looked into something such as the Asus Tablet. My understanding of VZW is they dont want my money, so why get all upset about this phone in the first place. Just a thought...
I like the way Apple releases their products, but I don't like Apple products, so that's kind of silly. When they're obviously successful at something, but the OEMs and OS developer of an Apple competitor can't achieve that same kind of success, then yes, criticism is fair and warranted.

Google will NEVER acheive the same success as anything Apple produces. Period. I love Android, but I love innovation more. What Apple does with products and their company as a business is simply remarkable, and quite frankly is not what Google wants. So perhaps the criticism is just in your opinion, but wanting a company to be something they are not is not warranted.

I want this phone very much. But the insanity of this forum clinging to every last rumor is absurd. VZW is a corporation (just like the rest) that operates based on its shareholders - NOT on a select few (yes we are select) that are upset about a phone.
Alright, self-imposed one hour cool down period complete.

It is all still rumor, with the exception of Verizon press release stating before the end of the year. Will Verizon lie to us, and feed us a line about technical issues preventing them from keeping their promise? That is the route they will HAVE to take to delay it to first quarter. I just can't see it. The GSM version will have been released for a month and a half by that point, and probably running great. Furthermore it will have been announced by Verizon for almost 2 1/2 months. And finally, Google and Samsung own 2/3rds of Verizon's phone line-up (Samsung and Motorola). They do have liasons in VZW HQ. They have their own testers, and will know if VZW is full of it or not. Too much working against Verizon here for them to even consider pulling this off, even if their financial folks (who notoriously don't know anything else about the business based on my experience) want them to.
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