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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Want to talk about something else? I worked on the TI audio codec of the Galaxy Nexus that normally gets paired with OMAP4..

Behind the glass: a detailed tour inside the Samsung Galaxy Nexus -- Engadget

Yeah, it's my baby. Maybe that's why I want the phone so badly. Or when the whole "volume control" issue veered it's ugly head, I was expecting a call. Happy they solved it with software.

I'll bite. Any insider ideas on the quality of the audio/music player on the GNex?
Has anyone else started to upload their music library to Google Music while we wait for this phone to drop? I've never used a cloud-based music service before, so I have a lot of ripping/iploading to do. It makes me feel like I am doing something productive to prepare for the day VZW releases the Galaxy Unicorn.

I already use it with my D2. I started with Amazon, but I like Google Music better. More storage, much better UI, easier to pin songs/albums, and I *love* being able to use voice commands with it when I'm driving. :) Also if you use a custom lock screen you can add a widget there, even better.

I've been saying my drop dead date is Dec. 31. I'm sticking to it. My realy drop-dead date is March 31 when my contract expires, but if this phone isn't out by Dec 31 I'll have some decisions to make. I'm not a huge ran of eitehr of the R phones, but I'm not going to wait forever for the Nexus, either.
I wonder what Google thinks about this GNex fiasco. If Google has made a commitment that the GNex will be the 1st device with ICS, that means any delay in the release of the GNex pushes out the release of any and all other devices that are slaterd to run ICS. That can't make the Google execs very happy, let alone the manufacturers of the other devices. Seems like VZW has a lot of other parties by the short hairs, and they can't be making any friends at this point.


actually, since Google has released the source code for ICS, OEM's can start pushing out ICS to devices whenever they are ready. nothing is preventing them from putting ICS out until the GNex releases.

now, no one thought that ICS would be on any devices before the GNex because of all the testing it has to undergo, and because we were told by VZW that GNex would be here before the end of the year - that left too little time for others to push ICS onto their devices first. however, if it pushed into Jan, then that may not be the case anymore. It would be awfully tough, but in theory another OEM could get ICS out before then.
I already use it with my D2. I started with Amazon, but I like Google Music better. More storage, much better UI, easier to pin songs/albums, and I *love* being able to use voice commands with it when I'm driving. :) Also if you use a custom lock screen you can add a widget there, even better.

I've been saying my drop dead date is Dec. 31. I'm sticking to it. My realy drop-dead date is March 31 when my contract expires, but if this phone isn't out by Dec 31 I'll have some decisions to make. I'm not a huge ran of eitehr of the R phones, but I'm not going to wait forever for the Nexus, either.

How are you using the voice commands?
For those looking to jump ship and buy the Rezound..... I did it and I wouldn't recommend it. Even with the huge extended battery (which as of last Weds. was $20 off) I can't get through 8 hours of usage. Of course I do a lot of WIFI streaming (google music, netflix and crackle) but even with the phone in sleep stage there is a lot of battery drain. Yes there are workarounds, but I can't always turn off this and that, sometimes I have to quickly put the phone down and switch tasks. The Beats headphones are cheap and the VZW rep advised that the HTC vendor didn't believe the headphones could withstand sweat (for those who workout). Also the Beats equalizer only works with the stock music player. The camera produces pics with a slightly bluish tint. Furthermore, I have had several incidents where a process got stuck. I am more than willing to take some blame for that as I had multiple things downloading HOWEVER I had to restart the device more than once to get the errors to clear. Additionally, I have had web pages freeze. Check the benchmark tests online and you will find that this phone is certainly NOT the fastest of the existing phones.
Most importantly for those of us who only buy new phones when its time for our upgrade, with the new upgrade policy this is at minimum a 20 month commitment. While VZW is being VZW is regards to releasing the Galaxy Nexus, that does not change the fact that its a great device and most of us are on this forum because after reading review after review..... after review we chose the Galaxy Nexus over the Bionic, Razr and Rezound. So why get something sub par that you'll be stuck with?
Food for thought.....

I'm sorry to hear of the issues you've been having with your Rezound, but I've got to say that your experiences definitely don't mirror mine after two weeks using the device. I've had no freezes, stuttering, or force closes of any kind. Nor have I seen any blue tint in my photos. I've ignored the Beats earbuds completely, leaving them in the box. It's been well-documented that the bassy equalized audio only kicks in under the conditions you described and that was never a selling point for me. (besides, I can't stand earbuds anyway). The sole issue I've run into is that Google Talk doesn't always sign you out when you try to log off of it. Other than that, I've got no complaints. Battery life has been decent for a 4G device (especially considering its 1620mAh stock battery), though not stellar, and obviously people's usage will vary. I rarely have the need for my screen brightness to be too high and make sure various stuff I don't need constantly syncing is disabled. Have you tried a factory reset? Some people online who've had issues initially with the phone out-of-the-box have claimed that a reset has solved their problems and made the phone snappier. Every phone has its issues, and the Galaxy Nexus will be no different. Best of luck to you. You might find some useful tips in the Rezound forum as well. If I determine (should it release prior to my Jan 15 return window) that the Nexus is indeed the better device, then I'll switch. But, truth be told, the Rezound does everything I need, has a lovely screen, and it was out now when I wanted a new phone. I wouldn't call it subpar since every phone suits a different user base or need. You really can't go wrong with any of those depending on what one's needs are.
Interesting... today is the second day that I have went to power my phone on from sleep mode and the battery is dead.... I have yet to get a full days use out of the phone and typically when I wake the phone from over an hour in sleep mode there is at least 1/4 of the battery gone. Guess I need to take a trip back to the VZW store...

what is your signal strength like? Most people don't realize how HUGE of a difference signal strength can make.

But even that, would be a stretch for a 1/4 in a hour. sounds like you got a lemon :(
This phone will be released before Christmas for $199. My predictions is only backed up by a conversation from someone much more then a CSR but w/ nothing official.

Adding more to this only perpetuates the cycle. I am sure of the release coming soon (soon is relative to your desire of this phone) but anything more then an official announcement from VZN for me will mean nothing. I will wait patiently for my $199 Gnex released on or before 12/15/2011.

If I am wrong based on my conversation yesterday I will be placed in great company with so many other sources that we can have one hell of a kegger.
Irrelevant. Verizon has never announced a release date. The only delay is created by people on this forum latching on to every rumor coming down the pipe. Now we have people leaving Verizon and writing rant letters to execs based on second hand information from someone that got mad and took his ball home.

It Is all pretty entertaining to watch unfold though. The emotional attachment some assign to a phone release is an interesting study in 1st world human behavior.

The people on this forum created the delay? Oh boy...

I don't think anybody is upset with Verizon for the inaccuracy of the rumors. I gather most people are upset with the way Verizon has handled the release. The Razr was announced, given a specific date, and then put on sale. The Rezound was announced, given a specific date, and then released. AT&T announced and immediately released the Skyrocket and the Vivid. Don't even get me started on the iPhone. Verizon announced that they would carry the phone back in October, and they even dragged their feet doing that. There is absolutely no transparency. If you don't care how they treat you as a customer, so be it. But personally, I hold any company I'm considering entering a two year contract with to a certain standard. As I've said before, if there is a problem with the phone, they should say so.

I can't understand this "I'll take what they give us when they give it to us and be thankful for the opportunity" mentality. Is this some strange, twisted version of Stockholm syndrome?
my opinion about the phone is that there is nothing wrong with it, and verizon is waiting for the right date to release it to maximize their profit. volume bug has nothing to do with the LTE version (according to articles i have read).

I understand that verizon is a business, but it should also have some pride. Europe got the phone, Canada is getting the phone, so im just wondering and hoping that the time to release the phone for maximum profit for verizon comes before the middle east gets the phone.
It is said that doing the same thing time and time again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

I propose a new strategy. Instead of bombarding Verizon CSR's with useless calls, useless chats, in store managers and sales people with useless discussions over a phone that they are clearly not in the mood to talk about, lets focus on Google execs and Samsung execs.

I will do the leg work and post here the appropriate email/contact information.

Lets try something new.

Finding Eric Schmidt's email on Google is impossible. Imagine that. I'm still digging though.

I did come across Samsung's PR email addresses:

Telecommunications - Mobile Phones and Wireless Products

Still digging.

seriously starting to feel like one of those south park town meetings in here.


Steven, any news from your source this week? I wasn't expecting anything through the holiday weekend, but it seems like we need a glimmer of hope, now, more than ever.

lol... there was a small communication that there was some dissent on the upper levels as to how this release was being handled. I posted it this morning, actually.


Han's sister said they were discussing the possibility and it wasn't set in cement. With that in mind, don't overreact. Perhaps you can twitter or email your feelings to Verizon respectfully. Additionally, understand that this is only a rumor. There have been tons of rumor, many, if not most of which, were false.

So, don't get worked up. At this point, the only thing we know for sure is that Verizon said "before the end of the year." I think they mean it. The upper levels can "discuss" the 1st quarter all they want, and they have to, as to consider all possibilities. It's their job to do that. It's just talk, however. The fact is that they committed themselves to a pre 2012 release, so everyone calm down, chill out and love one another! :D
Instead of being all depressed over the delayed Nexus, let's talk about things that will probably happen before the Nexus. That should lift our spirits. ;) Feel free to add to the list.

1. Half Life 2, Episode 3
2. Duke Nukem Forever 2
3. Warp Drive
4. Nano Bots that can clean my blood vessels
5. A successful Kardashian marriage
6. The cure for cancer
7. World War 3
8. Contact with aliens
9. The Droid 4
10. The RAZR 2
11. The iPhone 5

Anyone care to add to the list?
I wonder how many customers VZW is losing over this phone?

IMHO not very many, probably less than .0001% of total customers, which would not hurt end of calender year profits, this phone will come out when it comes, more than likely when we hear more information on the iP5.

But again just my opinion, that and .79 cents will get you a cup of coffee at you local fill'm'up station.
I've been using the Google Music beta for quite a while and really like it. I currently have just over 4000 songs uploaded.

I tried - it. Is it me or is it missing the most basic of all functions - upload music from your phone to the cloud.

What's the point of a phone app if i have to put my music on my computer before i can use it?

If this feature exists and i just missed it please enlighten me.
Instead of being all depressed over the delayed Nexus, let's talk about things that will probably happen before the Nexus. That should lift our spirits. ;) Feel free to add to the list.

1. Half Life 2, Episode 3
2. Duke Nukem Forever 2
3. Warp Drive
4. Nano Bots that can clean my blood vessels
5. A successful Kardashian marriage
6. The cure for cancer
7. World War 3
8. Contact with aliens
9. The Droid 4
10. The RAZR 2
11. The iPhone 5

Anyone care to add to the list?

Financial stability in Greece.
Finding Eric Schmidt's email on Google is impossible. Imagine that. I'm still digging though.

I did come across Samsung's PR email addresses:

Telecommunications - Mobile Phones and Wireless Products

Still digging.


I found Google Offices in many parts of the country. This page will give you their address (physical) and phone numbers if you are so inclined to call. Pick the office closest to you and voice your, ehm, concerns over this product launch.
The people on this forum created the delay? Oh boy...

I don't think anybody is upset with Verizon for the inaccuracy of the rumors. I gather most people are upset with the way Verizon has handled the release. The Razr was announced, given a specific date, and then put on sale. The Rezound was announced, given a specific date, and then released. AT&T announced and immediately released the Skyrocket and the Vivid. Don't even get me started on the iPhone. Verizon announced that they would carry the phone back in October, and they even dragged their feet doing that. There is absolutely no transparency. If you don't care how they treat you as a customer, so be it. But personally, I hold any company I'm considering entering a two year contract with to a certain standard. As I've said before, if there is a problem with the phone, they should say so.

I can't understand this "I'll take what they give us when they give it to us and be thankful for the opportunity" mentality. Is this some strange, twisted version of Stockholm syndrome?

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, huh? You can't understand my mentality and I can't understand yours, so we're at an impasse. Like I said a few times now, I don't feel they've treated me badly in any way, whatsoever. If you feel they did, that is your feelings and I get that. The fact of the matter is, we don't have to understand each other's mentalities..., it really is our own personal business. With that, I'll continue quietly waiting (although, like I said, if it DOES go beyond this year, I will get on the hate train) and you can continue doing whatever it is you do.

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