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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Sorry for a noob question, but who is this P3Droid? Is this person related in anyway to VZW?

maybe someone can help me out more here but to my knowledge, he is a teacher, of some sort, but most notedly the founder of Team BlackHat and popular dev in the android world mainly for Moto Devices but has taken a liking to the GNex...for some reason he has the engineering device of the LTE Galaxy Nexus and apparently has some good sources...he can seem arrogant at times but delivers good info on our latest addiction.
I should send him some tobasco sauce. Wonder if he likes the green or the red. Should make that phone taste decent. :D

Now, I do wanna temper my enthusiasm but when both P3 and BT are saying its gonna be out in less 15 days...I take notice. If BMX chimes in, I think the 8th just may be finally set in stone!
Except we have no confirmation that this in fact happened :) My mother couldn't tell you the difference between an android phone and an iPhone if she had them both in front of her face to reference. Let alone the difference between the Samsung Charge and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Not saying you or her are lying- just saying misunderstandings happen... And having a little fun while saying it ;) Of course it could all be true as well and that would just be fantastic. Just like these latest tweets being quoted and shared. These all sound great and make us feel a touch more at ease, but when next week rolls around and we haven't heard anything from VZW this place will explode again. Everyone keep there heads- because ya know, the sky is falling.

Lol trust me it was the Gnex, she specifically told me "It said Galaxy Nexus" on the screen :)
Checking in,

Been gone for almost 24hrs. In that time frame my DInc 2's speaker blew out. I got a temporary DROID X2 replacement overnighted to me. This is because the CSR accidentally shipped my replacement DInc 2 on USPS 5 day shipping...not fun.

Now I have this dual core, 4.3 inch qHD screen, no FFC, locked bootloader, beauty of a phone in my hands that I will be keeping. Sending back broken DInc 2 and replacement DInc 2. CSR pointed out that I had that option. Never thought I would be happy with a locked Motorola device...

...but I rooted in 5 minutes, ROMd there after through Bootstrap Recovery and am running Eclipse v1.3.


Do I want a Nexus? Do I want custom kernels and OC? Do I want the freedom that I have given up by moving from HTC to Moto?

All yes!

But I can wait...

Love you all. Can't wait to turn this HD mirroring phone into a BOSS MEDIA DEVICE. For now, I will let it also handle my phone calls.

Long live the Nexus Prime!

Ok, that is just cool. I wonder if it will work with latitude too. Then your friends or family could all find each other in a large mall or something.

We'd have to do some serious digging- but I remember the following from a very good article from an interview with a google engineer.

The introduction of 3D maps in google maps was not just cosmetic. It was the first baby step in a SERIOUS revamp of google maps (and location/navigation in general). I don't remember the time-frame well enough to state as fact, but I believe they were hoping to complete this project in a few short years. They were talking about including floor maps (blueprints of sorts, with security limitations of course) for metropolitan areas. So that when you made your two fingered swipe down gesture and zoomed in you could easily navigate the interior of structures. It appears they are well on their way to developing this killer app. Of course, 3rd parties have been doing this for a while, but they were very limited in the buildings they mapped (major airports, large malls etc).

edit: just to clarify; they were going to begin with large metro areas and then of course expand that out over smaller communities in due time.
Just to state again in case anyone missed it -

Last night my mom saw an AD in a Verizon Corporate Store for the GNex on the TV monitors.

I really don't think they would advertise the device IN a corporate store if they weren't planning on a release soon...

Yes, and nj02vette was supposed to go to that same store and see if it was true. I haven't seen anything from him, so I wonder if it happened.

Even if it is there, wouldn't really mean much after the Black Friday ad fiasco.
Frustrated in the morning, but it's a good feeling ending the day with some good news, including that Samsung got the injunction overturned in Australia.
VZWSupport VZW Support
If you have faith in yourself, you will accept changes easily. You won’t be afraid of who you might become. See you at 7am CST. Good night!
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

From Twitter^^^^Retweeted from Droid-life.

Might be a hint at a 7 am announcement. Or not. I wish I didn't care.

I think it just means when support will be back online:

Manage your account online and get information on How To's, downloads, troubleshooting and more! Hours of Operation: M-F 7am - 10pm CST & Saturday 7am - 4pm CST

Edit: Ninja'd
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