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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Nah, what that is, and what everyone is complaining about (I've gotten these too, so annoying!), is that Apple formats MMS messages like group chats. Think of those chat rooms on AOL back in the day. One person sends a message, picture, etc, and "mass-texts" them to everyone. People with the iPhone who reply see it as a group conversation, but in reality it's like a "reply-all", and it sends it to everyone who was sent the first message.

Us Android people (and everyone else who has a mobile phone that ISN'T an iPhone) just sees message after message of people we don't know with messages that start off as "Re:Re:Re:Re:" or something.

Just another reason to hate Apple: they are insistent on breaking traditional SMS and MMS standards to suit their own desires

Re re is right.

I don't know what it says about me, but I can't ever just read a forum. One page in and I need to register.

Me too.

Hey guys, had to take another night off, just checking In. Anything new?

Waiting for Han's wife to register and post. We don't know what yet.

Someone PM me when Mrs. Han makes her epic post I want to see it but have to log off for a bit!

Added to the PM I have set for Halon
how did these 2 random people i dont know get my phone number, then? and text at the same time?

Because the first person who sent the first message (the originator, let's call them) included your phone number in the list of people who it got sent to. Everyone who had that first message sent to them gets to see everyone else who it was sent to.

Think of it like an e-mail message. In to "To:" field, if you listed multiple e-mail addresses, everyone who you e-mailed will be able to see everyone else's e-mail address, because it is listed for everyone to see. Same concept with the iPhone and MMS messages.
Went out to buy ingredients for cookie baking tonight, and stopped into two Verizon places. One store, and one at BJ's. The first place, the store, the guys kind of looked at me when I asked and then he got all shifty and was like... we don't have those in stock... I don't know when they will be out. Like he couldn't even look it me. It was funny.

At BJ's, the guys were really nice. They talked to me for a few minutes about the phone - they didn't know when it came out, but they heard the same rumors that we all have heard. They took out the demo (which came in an ice cream sandwich shaped box) and let me hold it. It wasn't on though :(. But it was still really pretty and light, and I really really really want one. :)

How thoughtful of you, your making the entire GN thread cookies?? :D
So, I have finals on Thursday, next Monday and next Tuesday, meaning that I won't get hands on my baby until Tuesday afternoon. Sounds bad right? Well to top it off, until then, I have to use a Samsung Rogue whose "p", "b", and "e" keys do not work along with an unresponsive top-left quadrant of the touch screen. You think you have it bad?? Almost there...stay strong...

At least you have a phone I think ny hast none :p
Clearly someone is upset. There's a dude on twitter that keeps tweeting this:

@Verizonwireless #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus #whereisnexus 42

At the moment he's on 42 haha. This is similar to the razr contest they did
OT Sci Fi

And slighty phone related - the characters in Andromeda wore this little communicator thing - earpiece with boom mic, tiny antenna.

They were Plantronics headsets with the cable cut down to about and an inch and then curled to play the antenna.

Great headset, I had one - and yes, I am that bored, waiting to hear what Ms. Han will be saying...


I absolutely LOVED Romy. I could follow Lexa Doig all the days of her life.. :)
I highly doubt the servers in charge of the LTE version's updates are online yet.

FWIW, he had to order his through Verizon and said they will not give out phones to reps that haven't launched or are about to in the very near future.

If the release is Thursday and the nexus is to receive an OTA within a couple hours of activation then I expected to hear from those lucky ones who purchased the nexus early saying they received the update maybe tomorrow. That would lock it as being a sure thing for me.
Don't underestimate, however, how advanced that OG Droid is. Sometimes, mine gets bored and decides to pretend like I'm busily using it. The screen flashes as buttons get pushed by themselves, the keyboard appears, random letters get pushed and it just goes crazy. I'll hold it up and show my wife (which helps her understand why I want a new phone so badly!) At first, I questioned what was going on...but I finally realized what Verizon meant by "DROID DOES!"

haha i'm just glad i can actually unlock the phone. my bonkers screen stopped freaking out bout a couple weeks ago. i was able to root and use teddtools to use my camera button to answer phone calls. there was a good month where i was telling everyone that if you call, i will call you right back cuz i couldn't slide the unlock far enough.

my coworker had the "DROOOOID" sound for incoming texts... it now sounds like a sad puppy who just swallowed a ball. i've got him on the GNex train too.

couple more days folks. hang tough.
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