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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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ugh.. i was scared this was going to happen. i tried doing a search on this forum for any information but i couldn't find anything so my fears were quelled. how foolish.

man..this really rips my heart out. i'm going to bed :mad:

I feel bad. As soon as I read your message I knew you were in the dark about it. I almost didn't want to say anything because I know if you're in the forum at 4 AM that you're invested. I'm sure you'll still be able to get a good phone. Maybe the White Razr won't be on the list. Or the ReZound...both great options. Sorry again and good luck in what you end up doing!!!
ugh.. i was scared this was going to happen. i tried doing a search on this forum for any information but i couldn't find anything so my fears were quelled. how foolish.

man..this really rips my heart out. i'm going to bed :mad:

I feel bad. As soon as I read your message I knew you were in the dark about it. I almost didn't want to say anything because I know if you're in the forum at 4 AM that you're invested. I'm sure you'll still be able to get a good phone. Maybe the White Razr won't be on the list. Or the ReZound...both great options. Sorry again and good luck in what you end up doing!!!

The Rezound is NOT an iconic device. I got my cousin's upgrade pushed up a year and three months early and the only stipulation was it couldn't be an iconic device. He's listening to pandora on his phone as we speak :) Hope this helps a little kalbi!
Yeah... but if you have an upgrade in January, most times they'll let you do it now... just not for an iconic device tho.

Gotcha, thanks. I've got an upgrade a week from tomorrow and one Jan 3rd. I should be good to go.

I want a tv hat to! I laughed really loud at that and woke up the dog lol.

On another note, who's gonna take the night shift for the other galaxynexus and thank every single post? Lol.
Long time lurker, first time poster. Finally coming out of the shadows to officially be a part of this uber-thread and clear something up.

I am on a family plan. My girlfriend's line is the main one. I'm an administrator on the account. My Dinc is available to upgrade in February. Her son's line has an upgrade available now. I won't have any issue walking into a corporate store and transferring that upgrade to my line for the Nexus on Thursday right, iconic device or not? I'll also be transferring my Dinc over to her other son's line at the same time...

Thanks for the help. This thread has been the cause of, and solution to all of my obsessive compulsion over the last few months. It's amazing what a community has been built in such a short time!
Long time lurker, first time poster. Finally coming out of the shadows to officially be a part of this uber-thread and clear something up.

I am on a family plan. My girlfriend's line is the main one. I'm an administrator on the account. My Dinc is available to upgrade in February. Her son's line has an upgrade available now. I won't have any issue walking into a corporate store and transferring that upgrade to my line for the Nexus on Thursday right, iconic device or not? I'll also be transferring my Dinc over to her other son's line at the same time...

Thanks for the help. This thread has been the cause of, and solution to all of my obsessive compulsion over the last few months. It's amazing what a community has been built in such a short time!

Hi there. Glad to have you come out from the shadows. You will be fine to upgrade to the Nexus immediately upon launch by using the son's upgrade. In turn, he will have to wait until February to upgrade unless going to a non-iconic device. If he wants to upgrade to the Rezound or another non-iconic, he could probably do so the same time you get the Nexus. That's up to you. But, just to ease any worry.... you're good to go!

I hope you keep posting. And I really hope we can close this thread out very soon =)

***EDIT*** - Just saw you said you're transferring the incredible... that's fine as well. Just missed it the first time I read your post.
Gotcha, thanks. I've got an upgrade a week from tomorrow and one Jan 3rd. I should be good to go.

I want a tv hat to! I laughed really loud at that and woke up the dog lol.

On another note, who's gonna take the night shift for the other galaxynexus and thank every single post? Lol.

Lol... yeah I saw that. It's not gonna be me, that's for sure. Ya gotta respect the Thank! lol.

And I already asked my mom (she's known for getting me very odd presents now that I'm an adult, lol) for the TV Hat. I gave her the web address. So I'll be very interested to see if I truly become an owner of such an innovative device, or if I'm stuck wondering what it would be like to own one for the rest of my life, lol.
I just don't understand these leaked doc pictures. No proof of authenticity at all.

We're up to the day before now. No announcement, no next day release. I'm not very hopeful.
I just don't understand these leaked doc pictures. No proof of authenticity at all.

We're up to the day before now. No announcement, no next day release. I'm not very hopeful.

it's coming. for reals this time. when i went to radioshack last friday, when they said it was coming for sure the last time, the guy looked in the computer, and told me, 15th. So it's official. Then a few days later, "the source" or someone said the same thing. even though i already knew. and then the documents started leaking. but really, it was leaked by radioshack guy, on the 9th. and i posted it here. so its official now. for reals.
I just don't understand these leaked doc pictures. No proof of authenticity at all.

We're up to the day before now. No announcement, no next day release. I'm not very hopeful.

As someone else mentioned, there was a phone that was released just a month or two ago that wasn't announced until the morning of. I don't remember which one it was, as I'm not usually one to follow the launch this closely, but I don't think it means anything. I think they just want people to buy as many Razrs and Bionics as possible before this takes over as the "it" phone.

Plus, too many people are saying it. I'm not saying it's 100% by any means, but there's just too many people from too many different walks of life saying the same date. While I don't fully trust the leaked docs, I do trust what some of the resellers, CSR's and sales associates have said. And everything points to tomorrrow. You're entitled to you your own opinion, but unless there is another delay I'm fully expecting to get the phone tomorrow.
Plus, too many people are saying it. I'm not saying it's 100% by any means, but there's just too many people from too many different walks of life saying the same date. While I don't fully trust the leaked docs, I do trust what some of the resellers, CSR's and sales associates have said. And everything points to tomorrrow. You're entitled to you your own opinion, but unless there is another delay I'm fully expecting to get the phone tomorrow.
I agree. One or two leaks is one thing, but there is way too much "smoke" for there not to be "fire."

That said, I do believe the 9th was official too and something could still pop up and mess with the planned launch on the 15th.

Thursday has a good beat and I can dance to it so I'm going to give it an 8. (If everyone else can use the "arrow to the knee" expression I'm going to pull one out of my distant past)
Morning Nexus Nation! We're one day away!
After getting to handle a dummy model last night, I'm super pysched. Plus, I get to see Beirut tonight! Cool to see some other DC folks picking a phone up tomorrow. Anyone else want to meet at the CH RadioShack at open? I'd rather not have to trek down to the corp stores if I don't have to (since I know RS already has them).
Good Morning GNexers! So by all accounts today is the day for the official announcement, we don't have any hint of a delay yet right? I am still catching up from another night off, I have made it past PrincessLeia's post (LOL on banning Han). Gonna have to start brushing up on my farewall post, its gonna be EPIC ;)

Oh right before I posted this I came upon the Thursday missing issue. I just checked and mine is still showing regular opening time... Anyone getting early hours on thursday to pick up their Nexus? Lucky if you are.
Hey, I've been lurking for quite awhile. This thread alone convinced me to join, so here I am.

I have a rent-a-rezound right now until the nexus drops.

I was wondering if any of the people who actually HAVE the nexus now could let me know how the included headphones compared to the ones that come with the Rezound. Honestly I like the ones the rezound came with quite a bit.
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